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1、新目标英语八年级(上)重点短语、词组和句型Unitlon weekends 在周末go to the movies 去看电影watch T V 看电视surf the Internet 上网冲浪twice a week 一周两次once a month 一月一次three times a day 一 天三次be good fo r对.有好处junk food垃圾食品how often多久一次look after 照看eating habit饮食习惯as fo r就而言stay/keep healthy 保持健康make a big difference有很大不同、对很重要l.What does

2、 she do on weekends?她在周末常干什么?2.She often goes to the movies.她经常去看电影。3.1 watch TV every day.我每天都看电视。4.We often surf the Internet.我们经常上网。5.1 read English books about twice a week.我大约一周两次看英语书。6.1 shop once a month.我每月购物一次。7.She says ifs good fbr my health.她说这对我的健康有利。8.How often do you eat junk food?你多久

3、一次吃垃圾食品?9.1 look after my health.我照看我的健康。10.My eating habits are pretty good.我的饮食习惯相当好。Unit 2have a sore throat 喉咙痛see a dentist 看牙医yang foods阳性食物be stressed out 压力大a balanced died 平衡饮食healthy food健康食品go to bed上床睡觉listen to music 听音乐conversation practice 对话练习a lot o f 很 多、很厉害1.1 have a sore throat.我

4、喉咙痛。2.Maybe you should see a dentist.也许你应该看看牙医。3.You should eat hot yang foods,like beef.你应该吃热的阳性食品,像牛肉。4.T m stressed out.我压力太大。5.Ifs important to eat a balanced diet.平衡饮食很重要。6.You should eat fruit and other healthy food.你一个吃水果和其它的健康食品。7.You should lie down and rest.你应该躺下来休息。8.1 like to listen to m

5、usic.我喜欢听音乐。9.1 really need some conversation practice.我真的需要一些对话练习。10.1 have a lot of headaches.我头痛得很厉害。11.Whats the matter(with you)?(你)怎么啦?I m not feeling well.我感觉不舒服。12.That s a good idea.好主意。13.1 hope you feel better soon.我希望你尽快好起来。Unit 3for vacation 度假babysit s b.照顾(婴儿)how long 多久go sightseeing

6、 去观光go fishing去钓鱼rent videos租赁录像带go camping去野营on Monday 在周一go hiking去远足go bike riding 去骑车take walks 散步an exciting vacation-4、令人激动的彳 战 期a no-stress vacation 一个没有压力的假期1.What are you doing for vacation?你假期要干什么?2.He*s going camping with his parents.他要和父母去野营。3.Shes babysitting her sister.她要照看她妹妹。4.Fm goi

7、ng on Monday.周一我要去。5.How long are you staying?你要呆多长时间?6.Im going hiking in the mountains.我要到山中远足。7.Fm going sightseeing.我要去观光。8.Fm taking walks,going fishing,and going bike riding.我要散步,钓鱼,骑自行车。9.Im renting videos and sleeping a lot.我要租赁录像带并且要大睡一觉。10.1 want an exciting vacation!A no-stress vacation!我

8、要过一个令人激动的假期!一个没有压力的假期!Unit 4get to school到达学校how far多远fromto从.至 lj.ride one*bike骑自行车the subway station 地铁站take the bus坐公共汽车the most popular 最流行的think of看待,认为North America 北美be different from 与.不同depend on依靠,依赖1.How does Emilio get to school?爱米丽欧怎么去学校?2.How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多

9、远?3.How long does it take you to get from home to school?从家到学校你花费多长时间?4ride my bike to the subway station.我骑车去地铁车站。5.In North America,not all students take the bus to schOO 1.在北美,并非所有学生坐公共汽车去学校。6.1n China,bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation.在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的交通方式。7.What do yo

10、u think of the transportation in your town?你认为你们镇上的交通情况如何?8.Other parts of the world are different from the United States.世界上其他地方与美国不同。9.It depends on where you are.它取决于你在哪里。Unit5come to 来到have/take a piano lesson 上一节钢琴课would love to愿意-,too much 太多play soccer 踢足球go to the doctor去看医生,去看病study for a t

11、est 准备考试have to不得不;必须the day after tomorrow 后天the science report 科学报告1.Can you come to my party on Wednesday?你星期三能来参加我的晚会吗?2.Sorry o I cant.I have a piano lesson.对不起,我不能。我要上钢琴课。3.Sure.Td love t o.当然,我愿意。4.Im playing soccer.我在踢足球。5.1 have too much homework(to do)this weekend.这个周末我有太多家庭作业(要做)。6.I have

12、 to go to the doctor.我得去看医生。7.On Thursday,Fm studying for a te st.周四,我要备考。8.I cant join you because I have to help my mom*我不能参加,因为我要帮我妈妈干活。9.Fm having a piano lesson the day after tomorrow后天我要上钢琴课。10.Can you come over to my house to discuss the science report1:你能来我家讨论这份科学报告吗?Unit 6be outgoing爱抛头露面sh

13、ort hair 短发more athletic 更健美asas同.一样 the same as 同.样lots of许多look the same看起来一样be good at/do well in 擅长make sb.1 augh 使.发笑3 centimeters taller 高了 三厘米1.Tm more outgoing than my sister.我比我妹妹更爱出风头。2.He has shorter hair than Sam.他的头发比山姆的短。3.Tom is more athletic than S am.汤姆比山姆更健美。4.Liu Ying is not as go

14、od at sports as her sister.刘莹不如她姐姐擅长体育。5.Both girls go to lots of parties.两个女孩都参加了许多晚会。6.In some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different在某些方面,我们看起来一样,在某些方面,我们看起来不同。7.My good friend is good at school w ork.我的好朋友爱好干学校事务。8.I think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友会使我发笑。9.Im about 3 c

15、entimeters taller now.我现在(比以前)高了 3 厘米。Unit 7turn on打开pourinto把.倒人put-into.把.放入.内2 teaspoons of relish两茶匙调味品cut up切碎puton.把.放到.上a d d-to-把.力 口 入.中mix u p 混合在一起make a banana smoothie 做香蕉思木西1.Turn on the blender.打开果汁搅拌机。2.Cut up the bananas.切开香蕉。3.Pour the milk into the blender.将牛奶倒入果汁机里。4.Put some rel

16、ish on a slice of bread.将调味品涂到一片面包上。5.Put the bananas and yogurt into the blender.将香蕉和酸奶倒人果汁机。6.How do you make a banana smoothie?你如何做香蕉思木西饮料?7.First,put 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise on the sandwich.首先,在三明治上放一茶匙蛋黄酱。Unit 8go to the aquarium 去水族馆take photos 照相hang out with ones friends 与朋友闲逛buy a souvenir买 名 己 念 品a famous actor 一个著名演员go to the zoo去动物园eat some ice cream吃些冰淇淋go for a drive开车兜风win a/(the first)prize 赢得奖品(第一名)have a yard sale进行庭院旧货出售school trip学校组织的旅行1.I went to the 叫uarium,I didnt go to



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