(36339) 中英文朗读

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1、 9.1.3地锚的要求同三角形支护一样。9.1.3 the same as the triangle supporting anchor requirements. 9.1.4地面施作的压顶梁砼同三角形支护相同;9.1.4 ground modifies the capping beam of concrete is the same with the triangle supporting; 9.1.5加筋水泥土的桩墙水泥含量参数及成桩要求同三角形支护要求相同;9.1.5 reinforced cement-soil pile wall cement content parameters a

2、nd pile with triangle support requirements; 9.2设计9.2 design 9.2.1首先在地面测量放线,确定分离式的门架式加筋水泥土地连墙位置,按测量准确的位置首先施作垂直间隔分离式两排加筋水泥土墙,水泥土中插筋时(最好是在未凝固之前插入,插筋或型钢可采取震动挤压法或锤击法),接着在地表面施作大直径水泥土地锚,锚筋同三角形支护的材料相同。9.2.1 measuring unreeling the ground first, determine the separated type conveyor reinforced cement soil wa

3、ll position, according to measure accurately the position of the first vertical interval separate two rows of reinforced cement wall, steel dowel in soil (preferably in insert before solidification, steel dowel or steel can take vibration extrusion method or hammering method), and then applied to th

4、e ground surface for large diameter cement soil anchor, the anchor reinforcement with triangle supporting materials are the same. 9.2.2在水泥土地锚的顶部及门架式桩墙的顶部设置钢筋混凝土压板,设置厚度为0.20.3m,宽度与门架式及地锚的宽度总合一致宽,典型的门架式加筋水泥土支护结构布置示于图9.1。9.2.2 at the top of the cement soil anchor and pile wall at the top of the set of

5、reinforced concrete plate conveyor, set the thickness of 0.2 0.3 m, width is consistent with the portal and the width of the anchor combined wide, typical portal reinforced cement-soil retaining structure arrangement is shown in figure 9.1. 9.2.3加筋水泥土桩墙+水泥土地锚的结构设计同8. reinforced cement-soil p

6、ile wall with 8.2.1 + cement soil anchor structure design 9.2.3垂直的加筋水泥土桩置换率砂层为15%,淤泥层为20%,两桩咬合1015公分,桩垂直率0.5%。9.2.3 vertical reinforced cement-soil pile sand replacement rate was 15%, the silt layer was 20%, the two bite 10 15 cm, pile vertical rate was 0.5%. 9.2.4水泥土地锚平面分布一般为1.01.5米,长度是基坑深度的一倍,即1/2

7、。9.2.4 cement soil anchor plane distribution generally is 1.0 1.5 m, length is a times the depth of foundation pit, namely, 1/2. 9.2.5大直径水泥土地锚直径不小于0.350.5m,在砂类土、淤泥层中不应小于0.51.0米。9.2.5 large diameter cement soil anchor diameter not less than 0.35 0.5 m, in sand soil, silt layer should not be less than

8、 0.5 1.0 m. 9.2.6加筋水泥土桩墙+水泥土地锚的结构设计同8. reinforced cement-soil pile wall with 8.2.1 + cement soil anchor structure design 9.2.7计算式9.2.7 calculation formula 采用北方交通大学地下隧道岩土研究所的LXK工法计算理论。By the northern jiaotong university institute of underground tunnel geotechnical LXK method calculation theor

9、y. 9.3施工9.3 the construction 9.3.1三角型水泥土加筋挡土结构的施工场地应事先平整,测量,放线,定位,搅拌水泥土桩墙的施工放线必需经过业主、监理、施工三方严格验收后确认无错,开工时如地下有障碍物,延施工线应先挖导向沟宽度为1.5米、深度为2.0米并清除地上地下障碍物,场地低洼时应回填粘性土,地表过软时,应采取防止施工机械失稳的措施。9.3.1 triangular cement-soil reinforced soil retaining structure of the construction site should level off, the measur

10、ement, pay-off, positioning, mixing cement-soil pile wall construction steel required by the owner, supervision, construction strictly confirm error free after acceptance, the construction such as underground there are obstacles, to delay the construction line should be dug guide groove width of 1.5

11、 meters, the depth of 2.0 meters underground obstacles and clear the ground, ground should be backfilled clay, low-lying surface is too soft, should take measures to prevent the unstability of the construction machinery. 9.3.2,施工测放的轴线经复核后应妥善保护,垂直水泥土桩位误差不应大于500毫米。9.3.2, construction measurement of ax

12、is after review should be properly protected, vertical cement-soil pile location error should not be greater than 500 mm. 9.3.3施工前应做好施工机具的安装和调试工作。9.3.3 should be ready before the construction of construction machinery installation and commissioning work. 9.3.4灰浆泵的输浆量、灰浆经输浆管到达喷浆口的时间等均应在施工前标定。水泥土施工工艺应

13、根据设计要求和实测的各项施工参数综合确定。施工时必须严格控制浆液水灰比,水灰比不应大于0.50。9.3.4 mortar volume of slurry pump, slurry by the slurry pipe such as time of arrival in spray mouth shall be calibrated before construction. Soil-cement construction technology should be based on the design requirements and the comprehensive construct

14、ion parameters measured. Must be strictly controlled during the construction of slurry water cement ratio, water cement ratio should not be greater than 0.50. 9.3.5深层搅拌桩的垂直度应通过调整设备的平整度和导向架对地面的垂直度进行控制,桩身垂直度偏差不应大于1.5%。对设计要求搭接成壁的桩应连续施工,相邻桩施工间隔时间不应超过24小时。9.3.5 deep mixing pile verticality by adjusting d

15、evice should be smoothness and guide frame to control the ground vertical degree, pile verticality deviation should not be greater than 1.5%. Design requirements for lap into wall pile shall be continuous construction, the time interval between adjacent pile construction should not be more than 24 h

16、ours. 9.3.6锚杆施工应符合下列要求:9.3.6 shall anchor construction shall meet the following requirements: 锚杆钻孔误差不宜大于100mm,偏斜度不应大于3%。(1) the bolt hole error should not be greater than 100 mm, skewness should not be greater than 3%. 锚固段强度大于15Mpa并达到设计强度等级的75%后方可进行张拉;(2) the anchoring strength is greater than 15 mpa and rear design strength grade of 75% can be tensioned; 锚杆张拉顺序应考虑对邻近锚杆的影响



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