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1、大学英语(2018期末)一、单选题1This kind of plant _ a lot of waterat all times.A、assumesB、limitsC、producesD、Requires正确答案:D2The doctor was _ an operation tosave the patients life.A、actingB、limitingC、performingD、assuming正确答案:D3He said he had _ the performanceof the new model and was surprised at what he had seen t

2、hen.A、endeavoredB、demonstratedC、witnessedD、judged正确答案:D4Would you mind keeping a(n) _ onthe house for us while we are away?A、eyeB、lookC、handD、view正确答案:A5He had been completely exhausted butfelt considerably _ after a meal and a rest.A、renewedB、recreatedC、reshapedD、refreshed正确答案:D6Rod is determined t

3、o get a seat for theconcert _ it means standing in a queue all night.A、as ifB、even ifC、providedD、whatever正确答案:B7Lastly, what are the specialresponsibilities, _, of the scientists toward the community?A、if is there anyB、is there anyC、if anyD、if any is正确答案:B8The good weather could be an important_ in

4、tomorrows game.A、factB、factorC、forceD、activity正确答案:B9You dont know about the difficulty Ihad _ the work then at all.A、doneB、to doC、for doingD、in doing正确答案:D10In Britain today women _ 44% ofthe workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A、make upB、build upC、stand forD、confo

5、rm to正确答案:B11Only under special circumstances_ to take make-up tests.A、are freshmenpermittedB、freshmen arepermittedC、permitted arefreshmenD、are permittedfreshmen正确答案:C12New medicines are _ remarkableresults in the treatment of cancer.A、findingB、requiringC、solvingD、producing正确答案:D13_ asleep when a te

6、rrible noiseawakened me.A、Scarcely had IfallenB、Scarcely I hadfallenC、I had fallenscarcelyD、I scarcely hadfallen正确答案:C14The two girls are getting on very welland share _ with each other.A、littleB、muchC、someD、none正确答案:B15Americans eat _vegetables perperson today as they did in 1910.A、more than twiceB

7、、as twice as manyC、twice as manyD、more than twiceas many正确答案:C16Three people were killed in a head-on_ between a bus and a car.A、collapseB、collisionC、conflictD、crush正确答案:B17The discovery of these tombs is _for scholars studying Chinese history.A、of veryimportantB、greatsignificantC、of greatsignifican

8、ceD、greatlyimportance正确答案:C18This old school is still having _of students _ it had a hundred years ago when it was first founded.A、the sameamount.asB、the sameamount.thatC、the samenumber.asD、the samenumber.that正确答案:C19_ is known to us all is that the2012 Olympic Games will be held in London.A、ItB、Wha

9、tC、AsD、Which正确答案:B20The children will not be allowed to comewith us if they dont _ themselves better.A、directB、accustomC、adjustD、behave正确答案:D二、完型填空1Throughout history man has had to acceptthe fact that all living things must die, but people now live longer than theyused to. Yet, all1thingsstill show

10、 the effect of aging, which will eventually2death.The body and the3, they do notfunction as well as they4inchildhood and adolescence. The body provides less5againstdisease and is more prone6accident.A number of related causes may7toaging. Some cells of the body have a8longlife, but they are not9when

11、they die. As a person ages,10ofbrain cells and muscle cells decreases. Other body cells die and are replacedby new cells.(1)A、livingB、aliveC、livelyD、lovely(2)A、result inB、result fromC、end inD、conclude(3)A、handsB、brainsC、organsD、legs(4)A、madeB、didC、grewD、had(5)A、preventionB、protectionC、strengthD、vitamin(6)A、ofB、toC、withD、at(7)A、contributeB、compareC、strengthD、be drown(8)A、fairlyB、muc



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