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1、杨村五中九年级月考英语试卷(2 0 1 2.3)一、单项选择()1.Sally is 8-year-old girl.She goes to school by bike.A.an;/;/B.a;/;a C.an;the;/D.a;a;/()2.day it is!-Lefs go out and enjoy the sunshine!A.What a lovely B.How windy C.What a rainy D.How wet()3.一 Your MP3 is so nice.How much is it?It me 500.A.bought B.paid C.spent D.co

2、st()4.-Are your parents doctors,too?No,they are t e a c h e r s.o f them love teaching very much.A.All B.Both C.None D.Neither()5.Tm new here.Could you tell me,please?A.when does the first bus arrive B.when the first bus anivesC.when did the first bus anive D.when will the first bus arrive()6.Our sc

3、hool is the second one in the city.A.large B.largest C.the largest D.larger()7.The story happened years ago.A.two hundreds B.hundreds ofC.two hundreds of D.hundred of()8.一Excuse me,Mr King.Youd better not smoke here.Look at the sign!一Sorry,I _it.A.dont see B.didnt see C.hadn*t seen D.wont see()9.一Mr

4、 Scott be in the office.The light is still on.No,he be.I saw him drive out with his wife just now.A.may;mustnt B.must;mustnt C.can;cant D.must;cant()10.1 dont know if Tony.If he_here,Ill tell you.A.come,comes B.comes,will comeC.will come,comes D.came,comes()11.The passage is quite hard to understand

5、,isnt it?一Yes,ifs very short and there are no new words in it.A.so B.and C.though D.because()12.We each_strong points.On the other hand,each of us_ weak points.A have,have B has,have C has,has D have,has()13.He doesnt like classical music and I.A so do B neither do C or do D nor am()14.He didnt go t

6、o the party not the time but he was ill.A because of,because B because,becauseC because,because of D because of;because of)15.This work is difficult for us.We need people.A much too;another three B too much;other threeC much too;more three D too much;three more)16.The third Sunday of June is Fathers

7、 Day.Itrs special dayforchildren to show their love for their fathers.A.a;the B.the;a C./;a D./;the)17.-How long do you think the terrible weather wi l l?-Why not listen to the weather report?A.appear B.last C.change D.discover)18.Teenagers love teachers are energetic and friendly.A.whom B.who C.whi

8、ch D./)19.“late for class again,said the teacher.A.Not to be B.Not be C.Dont be D.Wont be)20.Mary,together with her s is te r s,C h in e s e in China.A.are studying B.have studied C.studies D.study)21.We cant work out the maths problem.Can you tell us?A.how to do B.what to do itC.how to do it D.what

9、 should to do)22.Cotton making clothes and many other things.A.used to B.is used for C.is used as D.is used to)23.-How long have Mr and Mrs Gr een?-For more than twenty years.A.married B.had married C.got married D.been married.)24.If you dont work enough,I dont think your dream will c o me.A.hardly

10、;truly B.hardly;trueC.hard;true D.hard;truly)25.-We are all here Lily.Wheres she?-She has gone to the library.A.beside B.besides C.except D of)26.Nowadays of business letters are written in English.A.two third B.two thirds C.two three D.second three)27.1 like a lot,and my mother usually cooks it in

11、different ways.A.fish B.butter C.potatoes D.noodles)28.-I hope you dont mind my opening the windows.-.Its much hot in here.A.Certainly B.Of course notC.All right D.Never mind)29.Its a good habit to all your things in correct places.A.put away B.put up C.put out D.put off()30.My brother is three year

12、s than I.A.elder;elder B.older;oldestC.elder;older D.older;elder二完型填空When Roy was four years old,his father 1 in an accident,leaving his mother andhim.After Roy left high school,he wan ted 2 to a good college in his hometown.But hismother would pay 3 money for his college education.Ill try to do som

13、ething fbr you as soon as you pass the entrance exam,“said hismother.Roy took the exam.As a result,he could enter the college 4 he didnt get very highscores.His mother was veiy excited,but she knew quite a lot of money would be needed.The nextday,she sold her car and asked her boss 5 another four ho

14、urs5 work cveiy day.She evenhad two jobs,one during the day and 6 at night.She had to walk to work and worktwelve hours a day,seven days a week,but she didnt 7.She thought her sonseducation was worth(值)so much.A term passed.Roy took his first exam after entering the college.When the results were tol

15、d,Roy ran home to 8 his mother the news.“Mum J he said.Ive got my exam results.You must be very 9“You mean youve passed?”she asked happily.“No,I havent.You can get your car back and stop 10 like that from now on.Oranges were known in China about four thousand years ago.There are two kinds of orange

16、trees,the sweet and the sour(酸的).At first,people inEurope only had sour oranges.They started to grow them around the ninth century.From theeleventh century,sour oranges were widely grown in southern Europe.()1.A.fellB.diedC.was hurtD.was hit()2.A.to goB.to comeC.goingD.coming()3.A.someB.noC.muchD.little()4.A.andB.soC.althoughD.because()5.A.toB.forC.withD.of()6.A.the othersB.othersC.anotherD.the other()7.A.complainB.refuseC.quarrelD.laugh()8.A.talkB.speakC.sayD.tell()9.A.woiTiedB.shyC.pleasedD.fr



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