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1、九年级英语Units 15句子汉译英练习1. 除非你的大脑有问题,否则你是不会放弃的。_something is wrong with your brain, you will _ _ _.2. 请注意对你所学的东西要产生兴趣。Please _ _ _ _ an interest in what you learn.3. 他怕犯语法错误吗?Is he afraid of _ _ _ _?4. 成功的学习者一般都有好的习惯。The successful learners have good _ _ _.5. 是否学得好依赖于你匠学习兴趣。 _ _ _ you can learn well _ _

2、 your _ _.6. 上课时,你应该认真记好英语笔记。During the class, you should _ _ of _ carefully.7. 你练习的越少,你犯的错就越多。_ _ you practice, _ _ _ you will make.8. 你有和你练对话的搭档吗?Do you have a _ _ _ conversations _?9. 小事一桩。 Its _ _ _ _.10. 知识源于提问。Knowledge _ from _.11. 你活该。It _ you _.12. 熟能生巧。13. 用之或弃之。14. 我读得很慢。15. 这得慢慢来。16. 结果,

3、他拒绝了和别人分享快乐。_ _ _, he refused _ _ _ with others.17. 有人会长生不老吗?Can anyone _ _?18. 中国人有赏月的传统。Chinese people have a _ of _ the moon.19. 无论谁来,我祝他成功。_ he is, I _ _ _.20. 我在意圣诞精神。I care _ the _ of _.21. 我在考虑现在而不是未来。Im _ _ the present _ _ the future.22. 比尔认为赛龙舟观看起来并没有那么有趣。Bill thinks that the races were not

4、 _ _ _ _.23. 它们把人们的祝愿传达给他们深爱和思念的亲人。They _ _ _ to the families they love and miss.24. 然而,大多数人认为嫦娥的故事是最感人的。However, most people think that the _ _ Change is the _ _.25. 我认为化装成卡通人物太好玩了。I think its fun to _ _ _ cartoon characters.26. 关于这个节日你最喜欢哪个部分。 _ do you like _ _ this festival?27. 圣诞颂歌是查尔斯狄更斯所写的著名短篇

5、小说。A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel _ _ Charles Dickens.28. 分享和给予我们身边的人爱和欢乐是重要的。Its _ _ share and give love and joy to people around us.29. 路过水上世界,然后左拐,你会看到二楼有个洗手间。 _ _ _ World, then _ _, you can see a restroom _ the second floor.30. 过来,我保证你不害怕。 _ _, I _ you _ be afraid.31. 你能找到一个方便的地方居住吗?C

6、an you find a _ place _ _?32. 除了汉语,我不会说任何其他语言。I cant speak _ _ _ _ Chinese.33. 他通过少用直接的请示学会有礼貌。He learns to be _ _ _ _ direct requests.34. 你能告诉我怎样到邮局吗?Can you tell me _ _ _ _ the post office?35. 他们使用的表达可能取决于他们说话的对象或他们彼此之间的熟悉程度。The expressions they use might depend on _ they are speaking _ or _ _ the

7、y know _ _.36. 似乎有礼貌地说比直接表达更难。It _ _ more difficult to speak _ than _.37. 有时我们甚至需要花时间导入请求。Sometimes we even need _ _ time _ _ _ a request.38. 英语说得好的人在不同的情况下改变他们说话的方式。Good speakers change _ _ _ _ in different situations.39. 我期待你的回信。Im _ _ _ your reply.40. 为了准时到校,你总上匆匆忙忙的。Youre always _ _ _ to get to

8、school _ _.41. 你能告诉我对于我来说去哪个地方是个好选择吗?Can you tell me which place would be a good _ for me _ _ _?42. 看看人们如何变化真有意思。Its interesting to see how people _ _.43. 她过去真的很害羞,开始唱歌是为了克服她的羞怯心理。She _ _ _ really shy and _ _ _ to deal with her shyness.44. 我必须对自己的言行都很谨慎。I have to _ very _ _ what I say or do.45. 只有一小

9、部分的人可以成功到达顶端。Only a very _ _ _ people make it to the top.46. 在过去的几年里,我的生活变化很大。My life _ _ _ _ in the last few years.47. 现在走到哪里我都会备受关注。I _ _ _ _ everywhere I go.48. 你过去害怕独处吗?_ you _ to be afraid of _ _?49. 那件女式衬衫是手工制作的。That blouse is _ _ _.50. 据我所知,茶叶种在山边。 _ _ _ I know, tea is planted _ _ _ _ mountai

10、ns.51. 他发现很有趣的是在当地商店里的许多产品都产自中国。He found _ _ that so _ products in the local shops _ made in China.52. 他意识到美国人几乎不能避免买中国制造的产品。He realized that Americans can _ _ _ products made in China.53. 他认为中国擅于制造这些日常用品是很棒的。He thinks its great that China is so _ _ _ these _ _.54. 那不是中国造的唯一产品。That is not _ _ produc

11、t _ in China.55. 事实上,日常用语每天要用。In fact, _ _ is used _ _56. 中国每个不同的地方有它自己独特的传统艺术形式。Each different part of China _ _ _ special forms of _ _.57. 他们被视为幸福和美好愿望的鲜明象征。They _ _ _ bright _ of happiness and good wishes.58. 这些小泥塑艺术品展示了所有中国人对生活和美的爱。These small _ of clay art _ the love that all Chinese people hav

12、e _ life and _.59. 如今,人们点燃灯笼看着他们带着自己的心愿升入空中。Today people _ the lanterns and _ them _ _ the sky _ their wishes.60. 为了造就中国的泥塑艺术,泥土用手工定型捏成物品。To make Chinese clay art, the clay _ _ by hand _ things.九年级英语Units 610 句子汉译英练习61. 想一想它在我们的日常生活中使用的频率。Think about _ _ its used in our _ lives.62. 据说世界上最受欢迎的饮品是被偶然发明的。 _


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