幼儿园英语教案I can……英语

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《幼儿园英语教案I can……英语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《幼儿园英语教案I can……英语(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、幼儿园英语教案I can-英语- I can Teaching aims:活动目标l 通过看看、听听、动动、说说、理解并学习句型“I canl 激励幼儿尝试用英语进行交住。Teaching aids:活动准备l 请大班四名幼儿扮演动物。l 头饰、背景图天空、草地、小河、跑道Teaching proce :活动过程l Greeting:T:Hello!S:Hi!T:Goodming,boys and girls!S:Googming,teacher!l Warm upT:Now!Lets warm up. stand up!Lets sing a song ?Googmoringtogether

2、!okT and S:sing ?GoogmoringT:you are Very Good!S:Thank you!T:Sit down!next,lets play a game!?Follw me、?My faceT and S lets play a game!l Review:T:lets have a review!look!whats thisbirdWhat am I doingflyWhats on the cardfish/tiger/ra itl Presen tation:T:“Whos comingAinmal:Im a bird/a fish/a tiger/a ra it.I can fly/swim/run/jump.Ill go to the animal orts.l Practice:Song:?I canGame:?送小动物回家T:who wants to tryl closure.


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