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1、酒店开业证照办理材料Licenses for Hotel Opening1 消防:Firefighting公众聚集场所投入使用、营业前消防安全检查合格证(当地消防局)Fire safety certificate before public gathering place coming into use and operating (conduct in local fire station)所需材料: Needed docume nts消防安全检查申请表;fire safety in specti on applicati on form;房屋建筑工程竣工验收备案书;Buildi ng co

2、n structi on completi on accepta nee record book;消防局备案书;Fire stati on record book;酒店建筑平面图;Hotel build ing pla n;工商局的企业名称预先核准通知书;En terprise n ame pre-approval advice n ote from In dustrial and Commercial Bureau;酒店地理位置图;Hotel locati on pla n;消防演习及逃生预案;Fire drill and evacuation scheme;消防设备安装施工图纸;Firef

3、ighting equipment installation construction drawing;消防设备及器材厂家的营业执照及生产许可;Busin ess lice nse and producti on permit of firefight ing equipme nt supplier;自动消防设施及消防器材检查检测记录;Automatic firefighting facility and equipment inspection record;消防安全制度;Fire safety system;房产证;Property own ership certificate;酒店全景照

4、片;Hotel full view picture;酒店内部装修备案凭证;Hotel in side decoratio n fili ng certificate;装修材料明细;Decorative material detailed list.2 公安:police station(当地公安局,治安管理大队办理)Special trade license(conductin local police station, public security management brigade)所需材料:n eeded docume nts酒店地理位置图;Hotel locati on pla n

5、;工商局的企业名称预先核准通知书;En terprise n ame pre-approval advice n ote from In dustrial and Commercial Bureau;酒店建筑平面图;Hotel build ing pla n;房屋检测鉴定报告;Buildi ng in specti on survey report;公众聚集场所投入使用、营业前消防安全检查合格证;Fire safety certificate before public gathering place coming into use and operati ng从业人员信息登记表;Employ

6、ee information registration form;房产证;Property own ership certificate;酒店全景照片;Hotel full view picture;拟定法人身份证,及未犯罪证明;Legal representative ID card and his/her non-criminal record certificate;业主与辖区派出所签订的治安保证书;Public security guarantee letter signed between owner and local police statio n治安负责人岗位职责及安全管理制度

7、;Security chief job resp on sibility and safety man ageme nt system;申办旅馆业申请表;Application form for hotel industry;法人代表及经营负责人照片;Photos of legal represe ntative and operator;当地派出所及区级治安管理大队的现场核查记录;On-site inspection record taken by local police station and district level public security man ageme nt bri

8、gade.3卫生: hygiene酒店卫生许可证(当地卫生局办理)Hotel hygiene license (conduct in local hygiene bureau)所需材料:n eeded docume nts酒店地理位置图;Hotel locati on pla n;工商局的企业名称预先核准通知书;En terprise n ame pre-approval advice n ote from In dustrial and Commercial Bureau;法人代表及经营负责人身份证复印件;ID cards hard copy of legal represe ntative

9、 and operator;房产证;Property own ership certificate;酒店建筑平面图(卫生设施设备布置图);Hotel build ing pla n(san itary facility and equipme nt layout);通风消毒设备及消毒方法说明;In troductio n of ven tilati on disi nfectio n equipme nt and dis in fecti on method;从业人员健康证明;Employee health certificate;国家法定检验机构出具的场所检测报告;Venue in spec

10、ti on report issued by n ati on al legal in specti on departme nt;酒店经营过程中使用消毒药剂的设备及药剂的卫生批件;Disi nfectio n medicame nt equipme nt and medicame nt hygie ne lice nse. 泳池的卫生许可证(当地卫生局办理)Swimming pool hygiene license(conduct in local hygiene bureau) 所需材料;needed documents酒店地理位置图;Hotel locati on pla n;工商局的企

11、业名称预先核准通知书;En terprise n ame pre-approval advice n ote from In dustrial and Commercial Bureau;法人代表及经营负责人身份证复印件;ID cards hard copy of legal represe ntative and operator;房产证;Property own ership certificate;泳池建筑平面图(卫生设施设备布置图);Swim ming pool build ing pla n (sa nitary facility and equipme nt layout);水循环

12、消毒设备及消毒方法说明;Introduction of water circulation disinfection equipment and disinfection method;从业人员健康证明;Employee health certificate;国家法定检验机构出具的水质检测报告;Water quality inspection report issued by national legal inspection departme nt.4食品药品:F&B餐饮服务许可证(当地食品药品监督管理局,没有这个局的话去卫生局办理)F&B license(conduct in local

13、Food &Medicine supervision Bureau, if there is no Food &Medicine supervisionBureau, can conduct F&B license in local hygiene bureau)所需材料:n eeded docume nts酒店地理位置图;Hotel locati on pla n;工商局的企业名称预先核准通知书;En terprise n ame pre-approval advice n ote from In dustrial andCommercial Bureau;法人代表及经营负责人身份证复印件;

14、ID cards hard copy of legal represe ntative and operator;房产证;Property own ership certificate;餐饮场所平面图(卫生设施设备布置图);Dining place pla n (sa nitary facility and equipme nt layout);保证食品安全的规章制度,食品安全突发事件应急处 理预案,关键环节食品加工程序规程;Rules and regulations to ensure food safety, emergency plan to handle food safety in

15、cide nt and regulati ons for key link food process ing procedure.市政供水发票,如用二次加压供水需提供水质检测报告Municipal water supply invoice, if two-stage high pressurized water supply, should provide water quality in specti on report.5 工商: Industrial and Commercial documents工商营业许可证(当地工商局)Industrial and Commercial business license(conduct in local Industrial and Commercial Bureau)6 税务:tax documents地税 以及 国税登记证(当地 国税及地税办理)Local tax and national tax registration certificate ( conduct in local tax bureau)7 生活用水:water supply酒店的二次加压供水卫生许可证明(当地卫生许局办理)



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