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1、接纳和爱:霍格先生的爆米花给我的温暖和力量_英语学习47 Mr. Hoags Popcorn霍格先生的爆米花I crept up to the door and knocked.我轻手轻脚地爬上门前的台阶,敲了敲门。A gruff voice bellowed (just another part of the routine), Who is it?一个粗哑的声音吼道(这是惯例里的另一个部分):谁?;Quietly, I whispered, Its Nancy, Mr. Hoag.我平静地轻声说:霍格先生,我是南茜。;What do you want? he yelled (as if h

2、e doesnt already know). Then a tall old man appeared from the back door, with a warm, smiling face. I am instantly reassured and feel weled. In a matter of seconds, I lead my gang of four or five neighborhood kids and two brothers through the house to the living room.你想要什么?;他大叫道(就好似他还不知道似的)。接着一个高大的老

3、人从后门走了出来,脸上洋溢着温暖的笑意。我悬着的心立即放了下来,感觉自己受到了欢送。不一会儿,我就领着我的一伙邻居四五个小伙伴和我的两个弟弟穿过房间走进了起居室。There it wasthe plete setup. Two chairs, with a table between them, stood facing each other. In the center of the table sat a huge, yellow enamel basin filled to the rim with fresh hot popcorn.它就在那里已经完全摆好了。隔着桌子正对放着两把椅子。

4、桌子正中央那么放着一个大黄瓷釉盆,里面装了满满一盆新颖出炉的、热气腾腾的爆米花。Mr. Hoag knew the way to my heart was through my nose!霍格先生知道通过我的鼻子抓住我的心!I was the most dedicated popcorn lover of the whole group of kids living on the hill. The aroma filled the air and caused a magnetic attraction. kids and snacks, a natural bination. There

5、was no better smell on earth than Mr. Hoags home-grown, fluffy, white popcorn.我是住在这个山坡上的所有孩子中最喜欢吃爆米花的一个。爆米花的香味弥漫在空气中,产生了一股磁铁般的吸引力孩子们和零食是一种自然的组合。世上再也没有比霍格先生自家产的、蓬松的、白花花的爆米花更好闻的味道了。One by one, we took our turn sitting on the chair opposite this grand man, chatting with him while he fills our bag.我们轮流坐

6、到这个令人愉快的老人对面的椅子上,在他给我们装爆米花的时候和他聊几句。He listened to each one of us with great interest. Whether we told him our troubles or victories, he listened intently . He never made fun of us or what we told him. He said few words but we knew we were valued and worthy of this mans attention. After all, he took

7、the time to make us popcorn and to listen.他饶有兴致地听着我们每个人说话。不管我们告诉他的是我们的困难还是成功,他都非常专注地听着。不管我们告诉他什么,他都不会取笑我们。他话不多,但我们知道,我们得到了重视,是值得这位老人关注的。毕竟,他花时间为我们做爆米花,也花时间听我们说话。We each gave him a heartfelt Thank you and a warm hug, even the boys did! Well, except for John and Joey. They were the older ones and Mr.H

8、oag acknowledged their big-boy status with a handshake. We confidently ran off, treats in hand.我们每个人都衷心地向他道谢,并给他一个热情的拥抱,就连男孩子们也是如此!唔,除了约翰和乔伊。他们俩比我们大一些,霍格先生和他们握手,范文,表示认可他们是大男孩;。我们手里拿着零食,信心十足地跑开了。Im not sure what we loved more . the popcorn, or Mr. Hoag! I do know that my family were poor and I was a

9、scapegoat for my peers at school, with their childish and often painful pranks. My parents loved me and suffered when I came home crying from school. They encouraged me as best they could. But, typical of a child, I thought they had to say all that! They were my Mom and Dad and had to love me.我不能确定我

10、们更爱哪一个是爆米花还是霍格先生!我只知道我家很穷,我在学校是同龄人的替罪羊;,他们会用幼稚并且常常令人痛苦的恶作剧来捉弄我。我的父母爱我,当我哭着从学校回家的时候,他们都很难受。他们竭尽所能地鼓励我。但是,作为一个孩 子,我认为他们必须那么说!他们是我的爸爸妈妈,他们不得不爱我。So, heavenly backup was provided and my self-esteem was restored nightly, by a 75-year-old, ordinary man who knew the power of popcorn. He used that delicious

11、treat to show how he cared for not only me, but for all the neighborhood kids.因此,由于有霍格先生这位深知爆米花威力的75岁普通老人为我提供强大的支持,我的自尊心日渐恢复了。通过美味的零食,他对我还有我们邻区所有的孩子表示了他的关心。I am so thankful that this wonderful man took the time and effort to make a difference in our lives.我非常感谢这位仁慈的老人花时间和精力让我们的生活有了意义。Showing interest, acceptance, and love took so little time. But the effects will be with us for a lifetime.



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