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1、ContentsAbstract (in English)IAbstract (in Chinese)II1. Introduction12. Obstacles of Subtitle Translation2.1 Language Differences2.2 Cultural Differences2.3 Limitation of Time and Space44783. Application of CT and ST to Translation of The Vampire Diaries 103.1 Translation of Lexical Level103.2 Trans

2、lation of Rhetorical Level3.3 Translation of Cultural Level13154. ConclusionAcknowledgements17Works cited1. IntroductionThe theory of communicative translation (CT for short) and semantic translation (ST for short) was put forward against the background that the majority of scholars have argued for

3、a long time whether to translate literally or freely. Whereas a well-known British translator and translation theorist, Peter Newmark criticized that the argument was theoretical without taking other important facets of translation: translators purpose, the nature of readership and text typology int

4、o consideration. So he advanced the theory of CT and ST which represents his main contribution to general translation theory. Peter Newmark discussed, in details, the theory of CT and ST in his book Approaches to Translation,“I have proposed only two methods of translation that are appropriate to an

5、y text: (a) communicative translation, where the translator attempts to produce the same effect on the target language (TL for short) readers as was produced by the original on the source language(SL for short ) readers. And (b) semantic translation, where the translator attempts, within the bare sy

6、ntactic and semantic constraints on the TL, to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author”.As the definition indicates, CT emphasizes the readers of the TL while ST focuses on semantic content of the SL texts and the context meaning of the author. As two methods of translation, communica

7、tive translation and semantic translation have something in common: Firstly, both these translation methods are based on cognitive translation. During the course of translating SL to TL, it is essential that translators should convey the thinking of the original text by reducing figurative elements

8、to plain and literal expressions and be in compliance with grammatical structure of TL and some written features.Secondly, there is no dividing line between CT and ST. It is quite difficult to decide to what extent CT instead of ST should be applied, and vice versa. On the contrary, they are coopera

9、tive and complementary in dealing with some specific problems in translationThirdly, it is essential to give priority to the literal translation in both CT and ST, as long as the original meaning is not impaired and the equivalent-effect is reached. Because literal translation is conducive to preser

10、ve not only the original meaning and form, and the original figures of speech, but also the local colors. Despite the fact that they have some similarities, there also exist notable differences between them.Communicative translation, as defined by Newmark, “attempts to provide on its readers an effe

11、ct as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original”, while semantic translation, “attempts to render, as closely as semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allows, the exact contextual meaning of the original”. The main differences between them can be explained

12、in the following table:CTSTReader-centeredAuthor-centeredUnit of translating: tends to sentences and paragraphUnit of translating: tends to words, and clausesServe the TL and TR to an utmost extentBe subjected to SL culture and authorAdjustment or decoration can be usedGrammatical rules of SL texts

13、should be remainedFrom the table above, we can clearly see that CT focused essentially upon the comprehension and response of the readers while ST focuses primarily on the semantic content of the source text. The author displays the differences by the following examples:Example 1: Wet floor! Version

14、 A:湿地面! Version B:小心地滑!Version A which is rendered by semantic translation focuses on the contextual meaning of the author within the syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL. It is translated word by word and there are no explanatory words given to help the TL readers understand the original. W

15、hile version B is communicative translation, attaches great importance to producing the original effect and makes it more acceptable for TL readers. To sum up, both CT and ST are so closely connected with each other that they can not be applied separately in translation. Instead, it is advisable to

16、combine both of them in translation practice since they overlap each other, yet quite vary in some areas to a considerable extent.2. Obstacles of Subtitle Translation2.1 Language Differences As we all know, Chinese and English are affiliated to different linguistic groups. The former belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language group,



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