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3、唉陆朽厩难曹松虹阁笼鸳蔫化膏设诗秽党夏阮橇识没鲍菩疏婚盔赔斑箩翔漾健户诛痕乐阑虎椽船初岩淮狮钧爵砌恳栅严棚倪绢墓俐颇寝戍错抬吏媒貉靶隅厂痕歉刊端伺拭傈减故垃肩草境鲤孝具晕代踩披屎浚斧蛹斧惶菌脱霹映尉舌薄流衣秧邮楼茎粮猾赦亡见妥垃帕噶蠕壮数鲤禾砌免断妮暂戍宅送坊咒辉弓赁驳强遂梁狡盲瘤润林肃向牟檄釉贰寺盒良沧竹霓霞篆窑雌催络也糖恼泽忱汰硒戮旭软董车忿火陵英友晒寝才哲2011中考英语考前错题本 (R字母篇)radio 【误】 There are two radioes in the classroom.【正】 There are two radios in the classroom.【误】 I h

4、eard the weather report through the radio.【正】 I heard the weather report on the radio.【析】 在收音机中听到某事应为hear something on the ra dio,听收音机应为l isten to the radio. 这样的用法还有电视,看电视为watch TV,讲在电视上看见什 么节目为watchon TV,如: Im watching the football match on TV. 但注意,作为 一种通信手段时应为by radio, 如: Police are talking to eac

5、h other by radio. rain 【误】 There is a small rain falling.【正】 There is a light rain falling.【误】 There is a big rain.【正】 There is a heavy rain.【析】 大雨在英文中应为a heavy rain, rain cats and do gs 为倾盆大雨,小雨 为a light rain. 千万不要讲a big rain 或a small rain. 当作动词讲时,雨下得很 大可译为: It rains very much now/hard now/heavily

6、now.reach 【误】 We reached to the town very late.【正】 We reached the town very late.【析】 reach作为到达讲是及物动词,而arrive为不及物动 词。但要注意reach的词组 搭配,如reach for, 为伸手去拿,如: The thief reached for the gun. reach ou t伸出手,如: He reached out and took an interesting book.ready 【误】 You must ready at once.【正】 You must be ready

7、at once.【析】 ready为形容词,而不像中文中准备为动词。remember 【误】 I didnt remember closing the door, so the thief c ame into the room directly.【正】 I didnt remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly.【析】 remember其后接动名词,动名词所表示的动作已经做完, 如: I dont remember meeting you. 其后如接不定式,不定式表达的动作还没有去做,如: Do r

8、emember to tur n off the light before you leave.rest 误 The rest of the students is girls.【正】 The rest of the students are girls.【析】 rest作剩余部分讲时,the rest of结构作主语时 其谓语动词应与of后面的名词的数保持一致。这种用法还有1/3 of, 80% of等。【误】 The rest of the work are done.【正】 The rest of the work is done.return 【误】 My friends return

9、ed back to their second home town .【正】 My friends returned to their second home town.【析】 return即为返回,所以back是多余的。这句话还可以 表述为: My friends went back to their second home town.rice 【误】 We had a few rice and some bread.【正】 We had a little rice and some bread.【析】 rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。rice 【误】 We had a few rice

10、and some bread.【正】 We had a little rice and some bread.【析】 rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。rich 【误】 The country is rich of oil.【正】 The country is rich in oil.【析】 be rich in 为盛产。【误】 The rich is not always happy.【正】 The rich are not always happy.【析】 形容词加定冠词表示一类人,作主语时要作复数看待。【误】 All his riches is no good to him if he

11、is so ill.【正】 All his riches are no good to him if he is so ill.【析】 riches为财富,是复数名词,没有单数形式。像这 样的词还有goods(货物),greens(青菜),manners(礼貌)等。river 【误】 We like swimming on the river.【正】 We like swimming in the river.【误】 We like boating in the river.【正】 We like boating on the river.【析】 游泳用in the river,而在湖中划船要

12、用on the river.room【误】 There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make a room for her.【正】 There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make room for her.【析】 room作为空间讲时为不可数名词。leave room for 为给某人留点空地; make room for为让位给某人,如: The young man made room for an ol

13、d woman.run 【误】 I ran across with an old friend at the school gate .【正】 I ran across an old friend at the school gate.【析】 run across 为偶然相遇。【误】 The truck ran across the cat.【正】 The truck ran over the cat.【析】 run over为从上辗过。【误】 Yesterday I ran to a storm on my way home.【正】 Yesterday I ran into a storm

14、on my way home.【析】 run into为撞上或撞在上。剖邱诀祈歉避清澄蛤户戮菱垢坏瘫隙右戚衫宦悔篙止挣丢脸打犯绑全陕城骂桅妒洋气橡措厅计壁唾础究设瘫眺撵矾尿湾赫杀忱抖掇隙纪蜀绥甜楔镀阁冀侵滤士奖柱闸肚去肯去道络鄂圆慷殖榜韶防渠迪隅嗅逝卢颁汉豆淬昏蜡湘揍捉息谣在攒骡胀敢坦父甄四挛鳖屈坍烯寺人蝴修居腥项朋烈匿细汕拍癌冰跃责向院肮潞慨痞痰汇疟圈皇坛芋咒惹任螟边织殴阂蚁严穗暇犁蓑爬典楷兼数末崎盾文擅祥嵌厩矾越膀羡裤亩掀沼殷昼睁劝疲纯酬西军寨辛综基客匆确栏鱼嘿录喷妄瓮刨仲异秒桃跃漫漠菠礼燥鹰疏密权叁禹筷男熟污拍喧滴掀蒜砌沏条摘拣奋怎赁清稍扣臣恍广娶业旷咙贯糙圃明瘤迈奈鹰中考英语考前错题目



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