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1、主要看气质!如何成为一个优雅的女人主要看气质!如何成为一个优雅的女人 来源:有道原创 英文学以致用,领略语言之美。有道词典,不只是查单词,还带你看天下。 In the olden days, it might be a norm to associate aristocratic women with class. This isnt true anymore in our present time, especially in an information-rich and meritocratic society that we live in right now. Its no long

2、er about the social status; anyone can become a woman of class these days. 在过去,或许人们总是习惯将贵族女性与优雅联系在一起。这在我们现在这个年代已经不再是真的了,尤其是在我们如今所处的这样一个资讯丰富,精英主导的社会。优雅不再与社会地位有关,如今任何人都可以成为一个优雅的女人。 What Im going to share are the new rules of how you can become a true woman of class. Even if a lady belongs to the upper

3、 echelons, she will be disqualified if she dont observe the following 7 rules: 我将要分享一些关于如何才能成为一个真正的优雅女人的新法则。一个女人即便是身居上流社会,如果她没能注意到以下7点,她将不会被视为合格的优雅女人。 Rule 1 :Good Mannerism 法则一:举止得体 A classy woman is always well-mannered. She greets people in a friendly manner; shes generous with her smiles and is

4、always ready to say sorry, please, thank-you and welcome at the appropriate time. Being loud and foul mouth are top taboos. 一个优雅的女人始终举止得体。她亲切地与人们问好;她笑容迷人,而且随时做好准备,在合适的时候说“对不起”,“请”,“谢谢你”还有“欢迎”。大嗓门和胡乱讲话都是大忌。 The moment where a woman utters expletives or talks like a public nuisance is where she is dec

5、laring to the whole world that she is a disaster. The key here is to avoid being rude and inconsiderate to others. 当一个女人爆粗口,或是讲话讨人嫌时,她正在向全世界宣布她就是一个灾难。这里最重要的是要避免粗鲁以及不考虑他人的感受。 Rule 2: Think Before Speaking 法则二:三思而后言 A classy woman is certainly not one who babbles non-stop and let loose her tongue with

6、out any self-restrain. Gossiping and bitching about others are something that she dont participate. 一个优雅的女人一定不是那个叽叽喳喳,毫不克制,胡言乱语的人。她们从不会参与散布谣言和讲别人闲话这种事。 I know we women like to whine and complain at times, but there is a difference between sharing our problems and frustrations with others vs. malicio

7、usly talking about people behind their backs. While the former can be a bonding activity between women, the latter is often an act of putting others down to indirectly make ourselves feel better. 我知道我们女人时不时地爱发发牢骚,抱怨两句,但是与他人分享我们的问题和烦恼与恶意地在背后说别人坏话是不同的。前者可以成为一种在女性之间建立亲密关系的举动,后者则常常是一种通过贬低他人而使自己间接地感觉好受些的

8、行为。 This applies to arguments too. While a classy woman has a right to have her own opinions and is free to express them, she also knows when to walk away from one if the argument turns heated. 这一点也适用于争论。一个优雅的女性拥有秉持她们自己的观点的权利,同时也也会自由得表达观点,她也知道当争论升温时,应当在何时避开对方。 She does not need to win an argument ju

9、st to prove her point. It doesnt mean she accepts defeat, she is simply a gracious lady by choosing to end the discussion instead of letting anger turn her into an ugly monster like her counterpart. 她不需要为了证明她的观点而辩赢对方。这并不意味着她甘拜下风,而只是因为她是个优雅的女性,从而选择了停止争吵,而不是向她的对手一样,让怒火把自己搞得面目狰狞。 Remember, a classy wom

10、an is mindful of what she speaks and never loses her cool in public. 请谨记,一个优雅的女性出言谨慎,而且她从不会在大庭广众之下做出有失风度之事。 Rule 3: Good Social Etiquette 法则三:良好的社交礼仪 Theres a reason why deportment classes are always in demand, and thats because women want to learn how to carry themselves well in public by the way t

11、hey walk, in their posture etc. 对于仪态培训班的欢迎是有原因的,这是因为女士们想要学习如何通过她们在公共场合走路的方式和身姿等来展现自己美好的一面。 There are many aspects to what constitute good social etiquette, but the basics always include sitting upright and not slouching, not propping your leg up on the other like a man, talking when theres still foo

12、d in your mouth, eating with mouth opened, yawning with mouth wide opened and uncovered. 良好的社交礼仪由许多方面构成,但最基本的往往包括坐姿端正而不是弯腰驼背,不要像个男人一样得翘着二郎腿,在嘴里有东西时讲话,张着嘴吃东西,以及打哈欠时大张着嘴而毫不遮掩。 When talking to people, always look straight into the persons eyes. Shifty eyes are a sign of disrespect. A woman of class is

13、also mindful of putting her mobile phone aside and not fiddling with it while in the middle of a conversation. She knows that attending to her phone while talking to someone shows that she is not respecting the other persons time. 当和他人交谈时,要始终看着他人的眼睛。目光游离闪烁是一种不尊重人的表现。一个有教养的女性总会贴心地把她的手机放在一旁,而不是在谈话时一直摆

14、弄它。她知道当和别人交谈时查看手机是对他人的时间的不尊重。 Good hygiene is also part of her lifestyle. This means no wiping of nose with her sleeves, no body odors, no burping out loud in public, or worst still, spitting and nose-digging in public (eeww!). If you have to do any of these, be sure to do it in private and save you

15、rself from the damage. 保持整洁也是她的一种生活方式。这就是说不拿她的袖子擦鼻子,没有体味,不在公共场合大声得打嗝,或者更糟的是,在公众场合吐痰和挖鼻孔。如果你不得不做这里面的任何一个,务必要在私下里做,以免自毁形象。 Rule 4:Modesty Is a Good Virtue 法则4:谦虚是一个美好的品质 Being modest is about being to down-to-earth and humble. This means we will not expect diva-like antics, boastfulness and haughtines

16、s coming from a classy lady. She accepts compliments with sincere gratitude, treats everyone with respect and sees no need to display power over anyone. 谦和就是要接地气而且谦逊。这也就意味着我们不期望一个优雅的女性会故作姿态,自吹自擂以及傲慢自大。她会真诚地感激并接受赞美,对所有人都以礼相待,并且她认为对任何人表现得盛气临人都是没有必要的。 This also applies to her dressing. She dresses not to impress, but to express. She knows her body well enough to dress in a way that enhances her beauty. Something that will


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