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1、 smoothly textured 质感柔滑的identification code 计标识码nuclear disarmament 裁减核武器make off 逃走,离开sing high praise of 高度赞扬,大加赞赏place a great deal of emphasis on 非常重视working dinner 工作餐one-to-one 一对一的like the back of ones hand 对了如指掌tropical depression 热带低压,热带气旋wind velocityvlsti 力速率,速度evacuation route 安全疏散路线gues

2、t team 客队spread out 展开,铺开jet lag 时差感be stuck 长期和某人在一起domestic violence/abuse 家庭暴力per decade of age 每十年wear down 使厌倦take control of 控制far-reaching effect 深远的影响make a mess 制造混乱benefits package 福利套餐Its a labor of labor then rather than a labor of love.quality-oriented education 素质教育face-to-face interac

3、tion 面对面交谈stretch the truth 言过其实,夸张work assessment 工作评价与考核disposable goods 一次性用品 chief executive officer 首席执行官;总裁sb. be of the opinion 持有的看法in advance of 在的前面,超过 electronic data banks 电子数据库federal holiday/national holiday 国家法定节日nonviolent activismktvz()m 非暴力行动主义civil rights movement 民权运动racial discr

4、imination 种族歧视Labor Union (美)工会contract negotiation 合同谈判well-functioning 完善的sexual maturity性成熟in captivitykptvt 关押,囚禁 on behalf of 代表,为了at a loss for words 不知说什么好gold-plated watch 镀金手表make a legal claim against 采取法律行动in full view of 完全在的视野里amateur computer enthusiastnjuzst 业余计算机迷spectacularspektkjl

5、cases of computer espionageespn 令人惊讶的计算机间谍案jump into action 立即行动comprehensive know-how 完善的专业技巧the treasures is limitless and inexhaustiblengzstb()l 资源是“取之不尽”,“用之不竭”的soil destruction dstrk()n 土壤破坏long-term climate cycles 长期的气候循环water table in the ground 地下水位cubic volume 立体空间long-standing (medical axi

6、omksm etc.) 长期存在的(医学公理)cellular adj.seljl regrowth 细胞重生 carry-on baggage 随身携带的行李log into 进入interfere with 妨碍,干扰toxictksk agent 有毒物质chronic exposure 慢性暴露,核持续辐照coronarykr()n()r heart disease 冠心病There is growing evidence that 越来越多的证据表明smoke-free environment 无烟环境swing set 成套秋千slag pile 炉渣ceiling fan 吊式风

7、扇Environment Protection Agency 环境保护局the bonddecades-old questions 长达十几年之久的问题 kidney failure肾衰竭;泌尿 肾功能衰竭speak out 畅所欲言,大胆的说electrically-powered cars 电力发动的汽车power car 发电车,动力车out of the way 偏僻的;不同寻常的;不挡道,不碍事be in the position to do sth. 有能力/有资格做pay ones way 负担有关费用block out 遮挡,封闭catch fire 着火hand brake

8、手刹车Shouldnt sb. be doing sth.? 某人难道不是应该做某事吗?Gulf War 海湾战争spur on 鼓舞 step down 下台care-taker 照顾者care-giver 提供照顾者after-class activity 课外活动cut a class 旷课graduate student/postgraduate student 研究生undergraduate student 本科生cultural insight 文化视角,文化洞察力literature and art 文艺,文学与艺术two-edge sword/weapon 双刃剑as fit

9、 as a fiddle 身体非常好give a prescription 开药方slimming drug 减肥药urban renewal 城市更新 reside in 住在,存在traditional farming practice 传统的耕种方法as they are practiced today 照目前这样做cutting-edge technology 尖端技术scale up 扩大规模horizontal farming 传统的耕作in shock 休克,处于极度震惊状态hold down 抑制,压制,保有coral system 珊瑚系统Worldwide Fund for

10、 Nature 世界自然保护基金会 comfort zone 舒适带Under the worst-case scenariosnr 按照最坏预测coral bleaching episode 珊瑚退色事件coincide with 符合,与一致backward group 落后群体cast a new light upon+n. 进一步提供消息(事实)There is little to no evidence that 目前没有丝毫证据表明Great Barrier Beef 大堡礁 map out 详细制定,筹划back up 支持,证实verbal commitment 口头承诺dos

11、e-response pattern 药理反应模式be doomed to 注定a self-fulfilling prophecy 一条自己就能实现的预言go out of business 倒闭logging business 木材公司It remains to be seen( whether it will work). 是否有效还有待观察genetic prescreening 基因提筛选技术a fertilityftlt clinic 妇产诊所gene therapy 基因疗法weed out 清除,根除cosmetic surgery 整形(容)手术live up to 实践,做

12、到genetic engineering 基因工程material wealth 经物质财富be excused from 得以免除run up against 遭遇a report card 报告单juveniledu:vnil delinquents 少年犯haloheilu effect 光环效应get away with 逃脱处罚law enforcement officials 执法官员attach to 加入non-infectious disease 非传染性疾病 go on crash diets 饮食混乱the over-commercialization of(a holy

13、 holiday,ect.) 过度商业化的a corresponding deficiency 相应的不足the National Child Development Study 国家儿童发展研究会As it stands now 当前的事实表明religious ritesraits 宗教礼仪superstitious ritualsritjul 迷信仪式the original intention is to 初衷是because of the portrayalp:treil of life in America 美国生活的宣扬pathological fatigue 病理性疲劳psyc

14、hological fatigue 心理性疲劳standardized tests 标准化测试make a thoroughr, :ru difference 将有很大的改观 jet airplane 喷气式飞机give rise to 引起,导致periodic call 不定期电话nonsalaried job 非固定薪酬制的工作collective-bargaining rights 劳资谈判权利multiple clients 众多的委托人full-time salaried workers 全职薪酬雇员sb. is/are generalist(s)denrlist in ones fields 是各自工作领域通才public sector 公立部门in a serious bind 处于困境a tremendous draindrein on sth. 在方面有巨大的消耗per capital 每人


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