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1、英语新闻报道作文,海啸奇迹 篇一:有关海啸英语作文有关海啸英语作文有关海啸Tsunami is usually caused by strong earthquakes that happen in oceans.Great sea waves will be pushed towards the shores with great speed.If the people along the shores dont know tsunami is coming,they will suffer great damage.For example,the tusnami,which happene

2、d in the Indian Ocean on December 26,2021,killed more than 150,000 people in Indonesia,Sir Lanka,India,Thailand and other countries.Millions of people were injured and became homeless.Tsunami is a natural disaster.We should set up more advanced warning systems along the shores,on the islands and in

3、man-made staellites.Besides,we should protect our oceans further instead of destroying them.篇二:英语新闻播报稿,作文Graffiti13土本一班13111507048 周兵Good morning everyone, today is November 25, 2021, and welcome to the campus radio. Urban construction department held the sixth session of the graffiti contest ended

4、yesterday, The graffiti contest theme is no print, no gain.Graffiti meaning is arbitrary painting their own small world, it is not subject to the constraints of the gee and style. The use of color lines, from the shape and color on the thinking, enjoy the fun doodling, to understand the form and mea

5、ning of modern graffiti. Finally, thank you for your support and cooperation of this graffiti Welcome to learn together.篇三:高三英语专题写作学案第14讲 新闻报道广州卓越教育机构一对一高三专题写作学案第14讲新闻报道诊查(一 基础篇:第 1 页 共 13 页(二 提升篇:1) 多亏教授立即赶到,她们的难题随即便得到了处理。 in no time_2) 它的目标在于对该工作的各个方面提供一个根本的培训。 aim to do )_3) 这个记者被派去报道一个受贿官员的相关新闻。

6、 cover_4) 只有这么我们才能构建一个友好社会。 Only + 状语_5) 对于我们来说,每分钟全部很有价值。 be + of + n_6) 她也指出造成近视 short-sightedness 的原因是如此的复杂,到现在为止没有哪一个药品能治愈近视。 (so . that . )_7) 同时,教授的另外一个提议是这个问题写作时怎样握笔相关。( It is suggested that . / be related to )_8) 在我看来,这些父母所做的已经对她们的发展造成了坏的影响。 ( make an effect on_9) 教授提出的计划得到了政府的认可。 put forwar

7、d_ _10) 更这说明了抢救知识的能够发挥主要的作用。( first aid / make a difference )第 2 页 共 13 页导学技巧点拨1. 新闻通讯的第一句往往为全文的中心句(topic sentence), 所以这个句子中常包含四大元素what(事件), when(时间), where(地点)和who(人物), 而在下文则要补充事件的过程和细节, 往往包含why(目标或原因)和how(详细过程)等。2. 注意新闻类型题材的部分常见语, 如It is reported that., As is reported., According to the report.等。3

8、. 新闻通讯报道在于平实客观的语言, 考生无须追求过分花哨的词汇和过于复杂的句型。 经典例题(2021年佛山一模)上周, 一批英国学生抵达佛山华文中学进行访问交流。假设你是该校通讯员, 请依据以下内容给当地一家报社写一篇英文报道。写作内容例题导写 1:1. 认真审题。新闻报道也是记叙文的一个, 不过和日志类型的经历感受又不完全一样。 日志类型的文章考生不仅把自己的所见所闻描绘出来, 还要注意情感的表示, 而新闻报道类型的文章需要客观的报道, 所以语言方面能够相对平实一点。2. 词汇整理 翻译或完成下列短语。句2:(1) 感受校园生活:_ 句3:(2) 参观著名景点:_(3) 体验当地文化:_

9、句4:(4) 洁净的市容, 友善的学生, 美味的食品:_ _ 句5:(5) 回访:_第 3 页 共 13 页3. 难句翻译 请用高级结构或优美的句式翻译下列句子。句4:洁净的市容、友善的学生、美味的食品给学生留下了深刻的印象。 delicious food. / the clean city, friendly students and delicious food. / The clean city, friendly students and delicious food the British students句5:华文中学38名学生应邀明年三月访问英国。 March. / a British school, 38 students in Huawen Middle 4.连句成篇_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _例题导写2:假设为了让青少年更了解诗歌, 上个周末广州市教育局在你校举行了一场诗歌大赛。假设你是学校报社的通讯员, 为这个


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