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1、陈述句变一般疑问句的变法规则 用来叙述一件事或表明说话人的看法、态度等的句子称为陈述句。句末为句号,一般读作降调;用Yes 或No来回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。一般读作声调。小学阶段陈述句句型比较简单,只要记住变化规则,做起来就非常简单。下面浅谈一下陈述句变一般疑问句的变化规则。1句中有is、 are或can的句子,把is、are或can提到句首,若句子为过去时,则将相应的变为过去时(was,were could),句号变问号。例如:原句一般疑问句He is Tom.Is he Tom?This is a bird. Is this a bird?Tom is swimming.Is Tom s

2、wimming?Lulu can hop.Can Lulu hop?She can swim.Can she swim?They are playing basketball.Are they playing basketball?Father and mother are playing pingpong.Are father and mother playing pingpong?I was student 8 years ago.Were you student 8 years ago?2 以I am 和We are 开头的句子,把I am和We are 均变成 Are you? 句号变

3、问号,其他单词不变。例如:原句一般疑问句I am a teacher.Are you a teacher?We are playing basketball.Are you playing basketball?3.句中没有am、is、are和 can的句子.如果主语是第一人称、第二人称或第三人称复数的句子,句首加Do,“I 、We”变成“you”,句号变问号,其余单词不变。例如:原句一般疑问句I like music?Do you like music?We have some rulers.Do you have some rulers?They like watching TV.Do t

4、hey like watching TV?4.句中没有am、 is、 are 的句子,如果主语是第三人称单数时,句首加Does,动词变原型,句号变问号,其他单词不变。例如:原句一般疑问句Helikes football.Does he like football?Jim has a rulerDoes Jim have a ruler?Eve wants to watch football games.Does Eve want to watch football game? 5.当陈述句的时态为过去时,句子中没有be动词时,主语为一、二、三人称时,句首加“Did”,动词变原型,句号变问好,其他不变。原句一般疑问句He played football yesterday.Did he play football yesterday?Jim had a rulerDid Jim have a ruler?They planted trees last week.Did they plant trees last week.注:变后疑问句的第一个单词的第一个字母必须大写!- 1 -材料2


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