Unit 1 Happy birthday.2

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《Unit 1 Happy birthday.2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Happy birthday.2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研社小学英语三起三年级上册Module 6 Unit1 Happy birthday!教学设计寿光市洛城街道留吕小学 张彩云一:教学目标 (一)知识目标:1、能听懂、会认读单词:happy birthday here cake present 2、能听懂并认读句子: Happy birthday! Heres your present. Thank you. (二)能力目标:1、了解生日party的相关情况。 2、能用英语祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物时使用的语言,提高语言运用能力。 (三)情感目标:1、学生在祝贺他人生日快乐和交流的过程中增进友谊。 2、让学生意识到对父母以及家人生日的祝福。

2、二:教学重点和难点 (一)重点:用句型 Happy birthday! Heres your present.祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物。 (二)难点: Heres your 的理解和运用。 三、教学方法为了突破这堂课的重难点,根据小学生好奇、好动、模仿力强的特点,我主要采取了歌曲、游戏,情景模拟等多种方式并用的方法组织教学,让学生采用小组交流、合作、自主、探究的学习方式,促进语言实际运用能力的提高四、课前准备:课件、铅笔、钢笔、自制生日贺卡五:教学过程:1. Warming up (1) Greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?Ss: I

3、m fine, thank you. And how are you?T: Im very well, thank you. Sit down, please.(2)T:Lets sing a song together: “Ten little fingers” (先让学生全员参与,边唱歌边动动小手 活跃一下气氛)。2. Leading in T: Look at the picture, “how many candles”? (然后看图片复习上个模块的内容,通过数蜡烛导入这节课的主题)。S:Ten candlesT: Think about: when do we use the can

4、dles? (联想到过生日, 板书这节课的题目“happy birthday”,轻松引入活动一)。3. New lesson(1)Part1.T: Whose birthday today? Listen to the video carefully! (听活动一的对话,找出答案)。S: Jim, Tim, and Kim.T: Amy said :Happy birthday.(板书并教授新单词: happy, birthday, 强调th 的发音)。(2)Part2.T: Today is also Sams birthday; lets go to Sams house to see w

5、hat happened? (Flash 播放, 引入Sam 的生日,让我们去Sam的家里看看发生了什么吧?)1. T: They are having a birthday party. Listen and answer two questionsQ1: Who give Sam a present?Q2: What is the present? A. a pencil B. a penS1: Da ming S2:a pen (板书并学习present,pen,pencil三个单词,通过自己编的chant来帮助记忆单词pen and pencil,练习Heres your_.学习pre

6、sent时进行必要情感渗透。)T: when we get presents from our friends, we should say “Thank you”. 2. T: Listen again and answer Q3and Q4.Q1: Who also give Sam a present?Q2: What is the present? Its a cake. (板书并新授单词 cake。通过chant 来练习新单词cake 及句型Heres your_.)T: 温馨提示:Dont eat too much cake or your teeth will go!(保护牙齿,

7、少吃蛋糕)T: Do you know how old is Sam? S: He is nine.T: Who is nine in our class? (学生练习回答自己的年龄)。T:出示本节课所学单元课文的思维导图,让同学们理顺思路。3. T:listen and repeat(跟读)。(跟读录音,注意模仿语音语调。)4. T: Group reading and then role play. (学生四人一小组分角色读课文,并且show 一show)。4. Practise 1. T: Lets play a game. Guess time: Whats missing? (通过对

8、应图片的消失,让同学们说出物品的名字,练习句型Its a _.和相对应的单词pen, pencil, cake, cat, dog, cap.)2. T: Lets have a birthday party.今天也是我们班孙志远小朋友的生日,让我们为她戴上生日帽,全班同学齐唱生日歌,同学们为她送上祝福和礼物吧。(创设真实的情境,带领同学们进入情境练习happy birthday, heres your present, Thank you 等句型及所学新单词。)3. T: Sun zhiyuan feels the love from our friends and teacher, now

9、 lets enjoy some pictures to feel the love from our parents.(欣赏图片进行情感渗透,)T: Its love from our parents, we should learn to be grateful! (学会感恩!)4. T:What can we do for our parents?(感恩父母,我们可以为父母做什么?)S1, S2, S3.5. Summary:1. T: What have you learned in this class? (学生分享本节课自己的收获。)读一读黑板上的新单词,新句型。2. T: let

10、s chant together.Happy, happy, happy birthday.Thank you, thank you Heres, heres, heres your present.Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ,oh Whats, whats, whats this?Its a pen, its a pen.Thank you, thank you. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.6. Homework:1. Read the text and try to retell. (朗读课文并且尝试复述)2. Please remember your pa

11、rents birthday and try to give them a big surprise when its coming. (请记住父母生日,当父母生日来临时给他们一个大大的惊喜。)7. 评价:根据身上的sticker多少,奖励winner。六.板书设计 Module6 Unit1 Happy birthday! presentHeres your pen pencil cakeThank you.七.教学反思:本节课的主要任务是让学生能够用英语祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物时恰当的使用英语,提高语言运用能力。我在本节课的教学中注重了对学生“说”的锻炼,创设真实的语言情境,让学生在真实的情境中运用本节课所学的happy birthday,heres your present/cake/pen/pencil. Thank you !等句式和单词。极少数同学个别单词的发音不准确,还需要加强指导,大多数同学都能够准确地说出想要表达的英语。


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