Email Etiquette写英文电子邮件的礼节

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《Email Etiquette写英文电子邮件的礼节》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Email Etiquette写英文电子邮件的礼节(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Email Etiquette写英文电子邮件的礼节Email Etiquette 写电邮的礼节 1. Be concise and to the point. 言简意赅 Do not make an e-mail longer than it needs to be. Remember that reading an e-mail is harder than reading printed communications and a long e-mail can be very discouraging to read. 回信时,用语要简练。不要超过理应的长度。因为过有间毕竟没有阅读打印出来

2、的材料方便。 2. Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions. 回复所有的邮件,并预先提出潜在的问题。 An email reply must answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions If you do not answer all the questions in the original email, you will receive further e-mails regarding the unanswered questions, which will n

3、ot only waste your time and your customers time but also cause considerable frustration. Moreover, if you are able to pre-empt relevant questions, your customer will be grateful and impressed with your efficient and thoughtful customer service. Imagine for instance that a customer sends you an email

4、 asking which credit cards you accept. Instead of just listing the credit card types, you can guess that their next question will be about how they can order, so you also include some order information and a URL to your order page. Customers will definitely appreciate this. 在回复邮件时,要做到回答信中提到的所有问题,从而节

5、省多次来往邮件的时间。其次要预先提出潜在的问题,这样一方面可以节省回复邮件的时间,另一方面可以给客户树立我们高效和细致入微的客服水平形象。 3. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. 正确的拼写,语法和标点 This is not only important because improper spelling, grammar and punctuation give a bad impression of your company, it is also important for conveying the message properl

6、y. E-mails with no full stops or commas are difficult to read and can sometimes even change the meaning of the text. And, if your program has a spell checking option, why not use it? 正确的拼写,语法和标点不仅关系着信息的正确表达,还关系着公司的形象。没有标点符号的邮件不仅读起来晦涩,有时候还会让人曲解意思。如果我们的电脑程序中有拼写的检查,为什麽不充分利用呢? 4. Use templates for frequ

7、ently used responses. 利用固定的模板 Some questions you get over and over again, such as directions to your office or how to subscribe to your newsletter. Save these texts as response templates and paste these into your message when you need them. You can save your templates in a Word document, or use pre-

8、formatted emails. 很多情况需要我们重复用到一些格式,不如保存这些格式在自己的邮件中,或事前设定一个模板,这样回信时就方便多了。 5. Answer swiftly. 回信要及时 Customers send an e-mail because they wish to receive a quick response. If they did not want a quick response they would send a letter or a fax. Therefore, each e-mail should be replied to within at lea

9、st 24 hours, and preferably within the same working day. If the email is complicated, just send an email back saying that you have received it and that you will get back to them. This will put the customers mind at rest and usually customers will then be very patient! 客户发邮件时,都希望能够得到最迅速的回复。所以,每封邮件要在2

10、4小时之内回复,最好是在收信当天回复。如果邮件的信息量比较大,不能当时或在24小时之内回复的邮件,也要在收到邮件时告诉客户我们会尽快回复。这种做法通常会让客户有足够的耐心等待。 6. Do not attach unnecessary files. 不要附加不必要的文件 By sending large attachments you can annoy customers and even bring down their e-mail system. Wherever possible try to compress attachments and only send attachment

11、s when they are productive. Moreover, you need to have a good virus scanner in place since your customers will not be very happy if you send them documents full of viruses! 不必要的附件不仅会使我们的客户不开心,有时,还会影响我们邮箱地反应速度。所以,只发对客户有用的附件,并且,要随时检查邮件是否带病毒。可以想象当客户受到我们发给他们满是病毒的邮件会有什麽反应。 7. Use proper structure & layou

12、t. 采用适合的结构和版面 Since reading from a screen is more difficult than reading from paper, the structure and lay out is very important for e-mail messages. Use short paragraphs and blank lines between each paragraph. When making points, number them or mark each point as separate to keep the overview. 基于在屏

13、幕中阅读远南过于阅读打印出来的材料,所以要合理的排版,并在重要的地方强调。这样才便于阅读。 8. Do not overuse the high priority option. 发送邮件时不要经常标注惊叹号 We all know the story of the boy who cried wolf. If you overuse the high priority option, it will lose its function when you really need it. Moreover, even if a mail has high priority, your messa

14、ge will come across as slightly aggressive if you flag it as high priority. “狼来了”的故事我们都听说过,同理,为了使我们真正重要的邮件能得到别人的重视。不要把提示别人注意的提示符用滥。 9. Do not write in CAPITALS. 不要使用大写 IF YOU WRITE IN CAPITALS IT SEEMS AS IF YOU ARE SHOUTING. This can be highly annoying and might trigger an unwanted response in the

15、form of a flame mail. Therefore, try not to send any email text in capitals. 大写让人感觉我们在叫喊,为了避免歧义,还是少用为妙。 10. Dont leave out the message thread. 不要漏掉任何线索 When you reply to an email, you must include the original mail in your reply, in other words click Reply, instead of New Mail. Some people say that

16、you must remove the previous message since this has already been sent and is therefore unnecessary. However, I could not agree less. If you receive many emails you obviously cannot remember each individual email. This means that a threadless email will not provide enough information and you will have to spend a frustratingly long time to find out the context of the email in order to deal with it. Leaving


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