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1、 经典小说英语读后感经典小说英语读后感 读后感是指读了一本书,一篇文章,一段话,几句名言,一段音乐,或者一段视频后,把详细感受和得到的启示写成的文章,下面就是我整理的经典小说英语读后感,一起来看一下吧。 双城记英语读后感(一) quot;A tal two citieqt; i oe ofDckens'smosimportant reentaive works.he vel profounly xpoedh socieycontracti before herench Reolution,intensely attks the aristorti clasis dissolt and

2、cruel,anscelysympatzes ithth depresed classesThenvel lsescried y agnfientsceesike h elt eope ttaked Bstiea o on,wic iplyed peope sGEt stregthThe novelhs portraye nydiferentpple Dotor Mate hnest and kindb suffrs te prscton atually,Lucie s eauiful an ntl,haresis raeful ndnole,Lory is htan honest ,y

3、dneyisembla o niffeen, innermst feling ofam,uncovetnal but also slfess andlofty,Mss Prss isstihtforward ad loyal,Evrmonde roter areruel ad inster.Th olx atre is hardto solve, the crue revege s made more hatrs, loves rbrhn th hell edge,bu ak telfe as tpice. Aa outstandng writr, ickens work,the an

4、guag il is essential.Each kid of rheric thniqe,i analo,the exggeato,the cntast,e umrous, thea areanded illfully,and the atstryof he wrk islsdeliverd t peak."A tale of w ti&quo;has tsdferene ith te eneralhistoril noel, its harer te mi plot ae al fictionalies.ith he broa rlbackgroun of th FrncReo

5、lution,h ahortake th fctinalcharctr ocor nette s expinc as the min lue,inreaves the unjut charge, love and revenge threideenenes but alsoncide cross-corrlato stores toter,th pl is cissssd,nd h ue icomlx.he aor use narates,orehadowing,hosry and man ecniqus,caussthetucte interity andsictness,hplot

6、winding anxiousnd rich ofthatica natur,it dispaye teremrkabl artistc sillth le"tale two tes"is slenityand melachy,flls indignanto,butacks he umoof theeal work. 小王子英语读后感(二) Ive been wondrngwre ons hilli urity hasgoe when he orsherows up.ofnd th anser, Iread Th Lttle rinc, whch s a faryaefor

7、 adult ad fabl bot lif, wrten b Antie eSaint Exury. Te str TheLittle Prieisaout a pincrom a astrod naed -2, whih s a farsall , withthree volcanoe anarose onit The prince sptis days cag fr his &qut;plat", sweepig thevlcaoes nd pulgot t baoa testhtou ke h litl planettun odustif they were ntremve.

8、Hwever, he lnly.Hac te sunet everyme ewas ow He haeen the sne frty-tree times in a day, for enesslonlin andnesilled p is heart. Fortunl, a beautfl rose enriched his fe.She loved theditressd pe,whilte pince lod her sinerly as wel. Uncily, he senstive princ oncouedau ove due tthe rosesager,an he lf hi

9、s rosea wel asspane ttart his lonely ourey. Aftr viting sxothrasteros, cme to eart. H met a ox n tamed it. Iws the fo who taughtthe prie tht s rsews in clas hself. The prince ben talizdthat he wastamdby his ose, h resonsiblefo hr. As a rslt, he wseae to see his ose agai, but e found melf ubl lav the

10、ear. inal,e prine chose t go back t hi aso wth he snks ite, thuh hfelt afrad pans.Eveytime I read Te ittl Pric, Iam ovd by he prceattituetowar theword. Iti his attude at brins sierityaninocee ak. Becaus of the so of the lttl princ,I hae learnt to live apaceful lfe ih ope,gentleness, ucing, and rsons

11、iblty botamnesin my hea 贝奥武甫英文读后感(三) Beoulf is he oest oem in te Elsh lagage an he motimortantspecimen of Anglo-Sx iterau.The main stois rebas o te folk legends of he primite othern trbs. eowul s h nhew oking othe Geats ho ivs in Deark. He defeed he onser, wic ai e hall built by the kng of the Daes.

12、Lateron, eowlfbemesking oftheats. e last diesaheroic ath. tisa pgan e,hcrsents us n ll-roun picture ofh ibl ocety.贝奥武甫是中世纪欧洲第一篇民族史诗,英国文学的开山之作。其主要内容是讲解并描述高特王子贝奥武甫带领十二勇士来到丹麦王国,除去恶魔葛婪代及其母亲,为丹麦解除祸害赢得和平,得到荣誉和重赏后回到故土;后来贝奥武甫做了高特国王,没想到在五十年后,一条火龙扰乱了王国的安静,贝奥武甫虽然已经英雄暮年,但仍壮志不已,独战火龙,最终壮烈牺牲。 贝奥武甫的人格结构具有丰富的人性化内涵。他的童年经验对其心理结构的形成影响深刻,在他的身上,超我与本我不断碰撞与冲突。贝奥武甫以自己的死亡成就了英雄的完备,直到生命的最终,他最终找到了作为英雄的人格结构的和谐。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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