2021-2022年六年级英语第二学期 Lesson3 第四课时教案 外研版

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《2021-2022年六年级英语第二学期 Lesson3 第四课时教案 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022年六年级英语第二学期 Lesson3 第四课时教案 外研版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021-2022年六年级英语第二学期 Lesson3 第四课时教案 外研版主持人: 时间参加人员地点实验一小主备人关淑莉课题Lesson3教学目标1、知识与技能:单词drought Peru Australia dry lake full等词要求能听懂、认读、会拼写。2、过程与方法:让学生看关键词,听录音,来逐段理解课文大意。3、情感态度与价值观:通过了解El Nino 这一气学观象,来了解气候变化的原因,培养学习兴趣。重、难点即考点分析熟练复述Read内容,并牢记其中词组,句式。并能用来造句和交流。课时安排第三课时教具使用 录音机教 学 环 节 安 排 备 注Step 1 Warming

2、up1. Free talkLearn the words of lesson3 drought Peru Australia dry lake fullTeacher says Chinese. Ss say English.Step 2 Presentation1. Teacher introduces the story in Chinese. (师介绍“厄尔尼诺”现象)2. Students listen to the tape and translate the story.3. Teacher reads the story and writes the phrases on th

3、e blackboard: let students make sentences use the phrases.4. Students look at the phrases and listen to tape again.5. Teacher point out the keywords:some other places 一些其它的地方big floods 大洪水south China 中国南方e back回来heavy rain 大雨 用heavy 修饰rainheavy有“沉重”的意思 full of 充满,后跟名词。如:full of water bring 和take 区别

4、bring 拿来,take 拿走 the water of the sea 海洋里的水Step 3 Drills1. Students read the text after teacher.2. Students read the text together.3. Students read the text by themselves.4. Let Ss say the story use the keywords and phrases.5. Teacher ask Ss answer the questions:1) What place did droughts hit in 198

5、2?2) What place did big floods hit in 1982 .3) Is El Nino always bad? Please say something about it.Step4 Practice1、 师生共同复述故事。2、 分组复述故事。3、 小组之间复述故事。Step5 Consolidation 1. Teacher says Chinese. Students say English.2. Let students recite the phrases and teacher says Chinese the students say English.作

6、 置 利用关键词复述课文,作 听磁带20分钟,并读本课Read五遍,背会词组。业板 some other place big floods书 south China e back设 heavy rain full of计 the water of the sea 教学反思附送:2021-2022年六年级英语第二学期 Lesson4 第一课时教案 外研版主持人: 时间xx、1、10参加人员地点实验一小主备人关淑莉课题Lesson4教学目标1、知识与技能:学习Learn中的句型,并能灵活运用主题句型进行交际。2.过程与方法:复习热身-导入新课-操练-实践-巩固与拓展。3.情感态度与价值观:培养学生

7、自主生活的能力。重、难点即考点分析熟练掌握一般将来时态与“职业”相联系的话题。课时安排第一课时教具使用 录音机教 学 环 节 安 排 备 注Step 1 Warming up1. Free talk2. Review the words of lesson 4teach grow worker build student large song (师说汉语,生说英语)3. Review “Read” of lesson 3T: Let students say the Read in English.Step 2 Presentation A: Review the job: teacher n

8、urse doctor driver B:巩固一般将来时态的句式结构: What will you do when you grow up? Ill be a driverStep 3 DrillsTeacher shows the cards of phrases:a teacher a nurse a doctora worker a driverLets use the phrases to make sentences: What will you do when you grow up? Ill be a teacher Ill be a nurseIll be a doctor I

9、ll be a driverStep4 PracticeTeacher shows some phrases. Lets use the phrases to make sentences.Eve grow up a doctorTom grow up a driverStep5 Consolidation and extension 调查班上同学的理想,进行询问作答,小组练习。作 1、小组操作本课句型置 2、会读、会写本课单词作 3、做练习册第六题业重 翻译下列句子: 难 1、What will you do when you grow up?点 2、Ill be a doctor考 3、I

10、ll be a nurse点 分 .析 Lesson 4 What will you do when you grow up?板 书 Ill be 设 a doctor a worker a farmer a nurse a driver计xx xx学年第二学期六年级英语学科集体备课记录主持人: 时间xx、1、10参加人员地点实验一小主备人关淑莉课题Lesson4教学目标1、知识与技能:能运用talk句型进行交际,熟练掌握一般将来与“职业”相关的话题。2.过程与方法:在课堂中创设情景,用本课所学的一般将来时句型进行交际活动。3.情感态度与价值观:通过对话学习,教育学生要树立远大的理想。重、难点

11、即考点分析熟练掌握一般将来时态与“职业”相联系的用法。课时安排第二课时教具使用 录音机教 学 环 节 安 排 备 注Step 1 Warming up1、 Review the words of lesson4teach grow worker build student large song 2、 Review the dialogueStep 2 Presentation1、 师生对话,引入talk,并分析句子。T: Id like to ask you, What will you do when you grow up? S1: Ill be a teacher S2: Ill be

12、a solider/farmer/nurse 2、 Let students listen to the tape3、 Let students translate “lets talk”4、 讲解知识点: Ill=I will 我将 Id like=I would like What will you do when you grow up? 可分为两部分:What will you do? When you grow up?Step 3 Drills1、 Students read the dialogue in Pairs2、 Lets read it together. Girls w

13、ill be teacher. Boys will be (Dongdong) student.3、 Change .Boys will be student; Girls will be teacher4、 Let Ss read by themselves.Step4 Practice就本章节学习内容进行练习,师说汉语,生说英语。T:我想问你们,你们长大后想做什么?S: Id like to ask you, what will you do when you grow up?T:我将当名老师。S:Ill be a teacherT:我将当一名司机。S:Ill be a driverStep5:Consolidation and extension师创设一个情景。如:小明在路上(上学)遇到了老师,老师问他的理想:T: What will you do when you grow up?S: (XiaoMing) Ill be a policemanT: Oh, Its a good idea!S: Thank you.作 1、听本课对话,能背会主题句置 2、做练习册第四题作 业重 用动词的适当形式填空:难 1、I will be a (drive)点 2、He will (be) a singer考 3、Eve (have) two big eyes and a smal


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