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1、2022年考博英语-电子科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题We( )managed to have people accept our theory after a long, hard struggle.问题1选项A.momentarilyB.suddenlyC.graciouslyD.gradually【答案】D【解析】句意:经过长期的艰苦努力之后,我们逐渐让他们接了受我们的理论。考查副词辨析。momentarily 顷刻之间,马上;suddenly意外地,忽然地;graciously优雅地,慈样地;gradually逐步地,渐渐地。 根据后文的after a long

2、, hard struggle (长期的艰苦努力之后)可知D正确。2. 单选题I usually let my children make their own decisions, now that they have grown up, I wouldnt( )to interfere.问题1选项A.assumeB.consumeC.resumeD.presume【答案】D【解析】句意:我经常让孩子们自己拿主意,既然他们已经长大,那么我就不会擅自进行干涉。考查动词辨析。assume 采取,承担,假设,想当然;consume 消耗,消费;resume重新开始,继续;presume假定,推测,擅

3、自。因此D符合句意。3. 单选题Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly( ).问题1选项A.imaginingB.imaginativeC.imaginableD.imaginary【答案】D【解析】句意:尽管这部小说中的主要人物如此贴近生活,但是他们确实是虚构的。考查形容词辨析。imagining (imagine的现在分词)猜想,臆断; imaginative 虚构的,富于想象的,有创造力的;imaginable 可能的,可想象的;imaginary 虚构的,想象

4、的。根据句意“尽管这部小说中的主要人物如此贴近生活”可知D符合句意。4. 单选题Many people nowadays save money to( ).问题1选项A.caterB.supplyC.provideD.equip【答案】C【解析】句意:如今很多人攒钱为自己的老年做准备。考查动词辨析。cater for 迎合,供应伙食;为提供所需; supply for为提供;provide for 供给,规定,为做准备;equip for 为装备,提供。因此C符合句意。5. 单选题The statistics( )that living standards in the area have i

5、mproved drastically in recent times.问题1选项A.provesB.is provingC.are provingD.prove【答案】D【解析】句意:这些统计数据表明这个地方的生活标准在最近已经彻底地改善。语法题。考查时态。主语为statistics (数据(复数),句意为“数据表明”,因此此处应该用一般现在时。故选D。6. 单选题A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United State as settlement spread ever far

6、ther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, affective stopping system. Once these were sol

7、ved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines.The high point in railroad building came w

8、ith the construction of the first transcontinental system. In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. T

9、he Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, starting from California, used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish laborers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each

10、trying to cover a greater distance than the other. In 1869 they met at aplace called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achi

11、evement.The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. In linking towns and people to one another, it helped unify the United States.1. The major problems

12、with Americas railroad system in the middle I9lh century lay in( ).2. The building of the first transcontinental system( ).3. The best title for this passage would be( ).4. The construction of the transcontinental railroad took( ).5. What most likely made people think about a transcontinental railro

13、ad?问题1选项A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systemsB.lack of financial support for developmentC.limited railroad linesD.lack of a transcontinental railroad问题2选项A.brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the westB.attracted many visitors to the construction sitesC.attracted la

14、borers from EuropeD.encouraged people to travel all over the country问题3选项A.Settlements Spread WestwardB.The Coast-to-Coast Railroad: A Vital LinkC.American Railroad HistoryD.The Importance of Trains in the American Economy问题4选项A.9 yearsB.7 yearsC.4 yearsD.3 years问题5选项A.The possibility of government

15、support for such a task.B.The need to explore Utah.C.The need to connect the east coast with the west.D.The need to develop the railroad industry in the west.【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。第一段指出: The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, affective stopping system (最严重的问题是建设能承重的铁轨和开发安全、有效的(火车)制动系统),由此可知A项“质量差的铁轨和不可靠的制动


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