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1、2012年英语专业四级语法考点归纳北京环球时代学校 http:/ (一) 同位语从句从属连词that无意义,不做成分,但不能省略常见先行词有:idea, fact, news, hope, belief, thought, doubt, question, sign, suspect, 以及表示“建议、命令、请求”的词(后者句中要用虚拟语气)There are signs that restaurants are becoming more popular with families.(二)定语从句介词+关系代词whichn.短语+从句:the moment (instant /minute/

2、second) /each time+I still remember the day when / on which I met her for the first time.as:先行词被the same, such修饰或先行词本身就是the same, such 引导非限定性定语从句,代替整个句子,在从句中作主语或宾语As we all know, Rome is not built in a day.I will take such clothes as I need for this trip. (三)状语从句 从句中的重中之重1 时间状语从句考点:when“正在这时强调句式:It

3、is/was not until+从句+that +主句Not until+时间状语(从句)+部分倒装的主句no soonerthan & hardly/ scarcelywhen主句-过去完成时;从句-过去时2地点状语从句Boys always go to swim where the water is deep.3 原因状语从句 引导词:in that, now that, seeing (that);given (that)Given (that) she is interested in children, Im sure teaching is the right career fo

4、r her. 4 结果状语从句常见的引导词:sothat; suchthat; so much so that5目的状语从句常见引导词:that, so that; in order that; lest, for fear that; in case(虚拟语气) He jotted the name down for fear that he should forget it.6 条件状语从句常见引导词:if, unless, as/so long as, in case, on condition that,providing/ provided (that) suppose/ suppo

5、sing (that)She would be prepared to come to the party, provided/ providing that she could bring her daughter.7 让步状语从句常见引导词:though, although, as, even if/ though, whilefor all that.(尽管);whetheror(省略倒装); no matter +特殊疑问词 / 特殊疑问词+-everHe is a good comrade for all that he may have shortcomings and fault

6、s.as引导让步状语从句,必须用倒装语序。倒装情况:a把从句中作表语的adj./n. 状语的adv.谓语动词原形提到句首;若表语为单数可数名词,提前时要省略(即去掉)不定冠词Much as I respect him, I cant agree to his suggestion.Fail as he did, he would try again.However rich people are, they always seem anxious to make money.Come what may, we wont leave the work half done.Be he rich o

7、r poor, he is kind to everybody. (=Whether he is rich or poor,)8 方式状语从句 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.9 比较状语从句no more than=not any more than“同一样不”前后都是否定not so much as“与其说A, 毋宁说B”no lessthan表示“在方面不比差”前后都是肯定John is no less hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.倍数表达法a倍数+比较级+than b

8、倍数+ n.+ as +原级+as/ 倍数+ as +原级+ n.+ as c倍数+ n.短语(the + n.+ of) d倍数+ that of e倍数+ what从句That city is now almost ten times its original size.The area of that continent is about twice that of this one. 10类比状语从句 常见引导词:what/as(数字间的类比)A is to B what C is to D表示A与B的关系和C与D的关系具有可比性。但是,如果A,B,C,D为数字时,则用as取代what

9、,表示比例上的相等。Twelve is to three as four is to one. 12之于3等同于4之1。Leaves do for plants what/as lungs do for animals.叶子对于植物的作用,正如肺对于动物的作用一样。II. 非限定动词动名词: It is +no use / no good / a waste of time / no easy task +动名词There is no denying (the fact) that Not being tall is not a serious disadvantage in life.Wha

10、t is the chance of there being a general election this year? 动词不定式不带“to”的不定式:在had better, wouldn rather. (than)., would . rather than, would sooner . (than), can not but., cant help but., may (might) as well. (不妨.),do nothing/anything/everything but (except)等习惯用法中带“to”的不定式:I have no choice/alternati

11、ve/option but to give in to her power.Only to 表示出乎意料的不愉快的结果He got there in a hurry only to find the train gone. It is not uncommon for there to be problems of communication between the old and the young.Sb. is said / believed to have done sth. The bank is reported to have been robbed yesterday. 分词分词

12、独立结构 一般分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语应是句子的主语,但有时分词的逻辑主语是其它的名 / 代词,n. / pron. +分词的结构就是独立(主格)结构。A new technique having been worked out, the yields as a whole increased by 20%.Weather permitting, we will go outing. Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat being by far the biggest cereal crop.III. 虚拟语气考

13、点:It is (high/ about/ the) time that句型中动词用过去式 “早该做。”I would rather/ would (just) as soon/ would sooner that you did / had done sth.所接的从句中动词用过去式或者过去完成式 “我宁愿你。”If only句型中动词常用过去式或者过去完成式,表示强烈的愿望 省略if/ whether时,从句中需要倒装,助动词(系动词)或情态动词提前。Had it not been for = but for / Home is home, be it ever so homely. 错综

14、时间的虚拟Would you be surprised if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand?Was/were+to have done, but不定式完成式)表示“原来想做而未做”后面通常+but I was to have arrived home on time, but my car was held up by a bad traffic jam.had hoped表示过去未实现的愿望,其从句中谓语动词要用虚拟would+V。IV. 情态动词考点:情态动词的完成时态neednt have done表示过去本不必做的事情,结果做了Must have done对过去事情的肯定猜测could & may/might have done表示



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