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1、四年级英语上册单词拼写表人教新起点班级:_ 姓名:_1. 看图,写单词。2. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.Peter likes_.And Alice likes_.2.Can you play the_?No, I cant. I can play the_.3.Lets_together.4.He likes_.5.We can play_after school.3. 读一读,填上合适的单词完成句子。1. Im a cook. My father is a _ (医生). 2. Im not sad. I am _ (高兴的). 3. My coat is blue. My _(T恤) i

2、s green. 4. I cant swim. But I can _(画).4. 写出下列单词的相应形式。1.key(复数)_2.pen(复数)_3.are(否定形式)_4.have(三单)_5.chair(复数)_5. 写出与下列单词同类的单词。library bear warm shoes music room cool horse pants dress classroom rainy hen hot art room shorts1teachers office2sheep3windy4skirt6. 根据首字母补全单词。(1)I have a pair of yellow s_.

3、 (2)Kitty is my f_. She is t_. (3)The girl has a dress. Its r_and w_. (4)The boy is Peter. He can r_a bike.7. 选择正确的单词填空,完成每组对话,有的单词可用两次。(1)-_classareyouin?-IminClass5.(2)-_areyoufrom?-ImfromAmerica.(3)-_isthegirl?-SheisXiaoLi.(4)-_areyou?-Fine,Thankyou.(5)-_timeisit?-Its4:15.8. 补全下列单词并写出中文意思。9. 单词拼写

4、(词汇运用)。1. I dont have any_(桃子). 2. I can see some_(猴子)in the tree. 3._(不要)shout in class. 4. Look at_(我们的)books. 5. I have a_(猫). I like_(猫).10. 按要求写单词。1. she(物主代词)_ 2. he(物主代词)_3. ear(复数)_ 4. foot(复数)_5. drive(名词)_11. 看图读句子写单词。ImMissWhite.Ima.Ihavea.HisnameisMike.Helikesreadings.Hehasanorange.There

5、isa,aandthreesinit.Johnishisbest.12. 根据读音,完成下列句子,每空一词。13. 根据首字母补全单词。1. I usually go to school on f_.2. How do you u_go to school?3. She often goes to park by b_.4. I usually go to the cinema by s_.5. Do you usually go to school by s_bus?14. 根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。清早(1) _ (起床)后,高高兴兴上学。大家一起(2) _ (上课),遨游在知识

6、的海洋。课间(3) _ (做游戏),快乐身边围绕。中午(4) _ (吃午饭),米饭蔬菜营养多。晚上(5) _ (看电视),了解神奇世界。早早(6) _ (上床休息),养成良好习惯。15. 根据上下文和首字母的提示补全句子所缺单词。1.I like to r_books in the library.2.The teachers w_in the classroom and the teachers room.3.The children have m_lessons in the classroom.4.My sister and I like to p_g_in the garden.5.I want to t_a shower now.6.We w_TV in the living room.7.We g_some flowers behind our house.8.There is a window b_the two pictures.9.The dog is n_to the old man.页码 / 总页数



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