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1、Unit 5Task【课前导学】一根据读音规则自学本课新单词预习P76-77,划出以下短语并解释。1. purpose of the talk 2.make too much noise 3. reach over someones plate for sth4.above all5.The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules for eating6. It will take place at 10.am .on 12 May at the school hall二你知道哪些餐桌礼仪,写在下面的横线上,写得越多越好。_【课堂学习】一

2、Check-out二 Talk about table manners三 Read their plan for the talk and answer following questions.1. Whats the name of the talk?2. Whats the purpose(aim 目的) of the talk?3. When and where will they give the talk? .4. What is this talk mainly about?四 Read the plan again and find out six rules of table

3、manners五 Help Amy and Daniel finish their page on table manners.六 Analysis the framework of the passage and write down the framework of your talkPara1:Para2:Para3: Para4: 七 Writing(choose one and discuss in groups)仪表之礼:面容整洁、衣着得体、发型自然、仪态大方。餐饮之礼:讲究卫生、爱惜粮食、节俭用餐、食相文雅。言谈之礼:用语文明、心平气和、耐心倾听、诚恳友善。待人之礼:尊敬师长、友

4、爱伙伴、宽容礼让、诚信待人。行走之礼:遵守交规、礼让三先、扶老助弱、主动让座。观赏之礼:遵守秩序、爱护环境、专心欣赏、礼貌喝彩。游览之礼:善待景观、爱护文物、尊重民俗、恪守公德。仪式之礼:按规行礼、心存敬畏、严肃庄重、尊2.Writing 根据讨论的结果,写一篇与礼仪相关的文章_2).小组成员互改,以下为评分标准。ItemsExamples PointsStructure结构3 paragraphs1Information内容location, capital, places of interest and special things, tips3Good expressions /transitionsbe in/be a countrynatural beauty, history and culture, be famous for, prepare for; the best time to visit; seldom/often change; because, so, moreover, but 3Grammarcorrect2Handwritingbeautiful1Self- evaluation(自评)the total point【课后拓展】完成课课练p55的书面表达。


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