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1、七年级教学质量监测英语温馨提示:1. 本卷完卷时间为90分钟,满分为100分。2本卷分为听力部分与笔试部分,共10页。3.请将所有的试题答案涂(写)在答题卡上。 细心审题,谨慎答题,相信你能表现得最好!第一部分选择题(75分)n .选择填空。(20分)从下列各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其编号 填在答题卷上。(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)(选出与音标内容相符的正确句子。)16. /w?l ?d?: ni me?k a? Ia?vz ?bet0A. Will journey make our life bad?B. Will journey make

2、our lives better?C. Will jour neys make our light brighter?17. /a? ka:nt ?m?d?n ? w?:ld w?ea?t tri:z/A. I cantimitate a world without trees.B. I cantimagine a word without leavC. I cantimagine a world without trees.18. /?t ?z greit t? te?k ? tr?p ?n spr?/A. It is great to take a trip in spring.B. It

3、 is glad to take a trip in spri ng.C. It is good to take a trip in spri ng.19. /?pi:pl a: ?k?t? da?n ?f?:r?sts/A. People are cutt ing dow n forests.B. Pupils are cutt ing dow n trees.C. People are pla nti ng forests.20. /hu: h?z e? se?m ?h?bi ?z ,mi/A. Who gets the same n ame as me?B. Who has the sa

4、me hobby as me?C. Who is the same age as me?(选出可以解释或替代划线部分的最佳选项。)21. Jenny, you look cheerful. What happened?Well, I just got a letter from my e-frie nd.A. happyB. worriedC. angry22. You must have a conversation with your parents about it.But I don t think they will listen to me.A. talkB. tripC. bre

5、ak23. What are they going to do?I ve no idea. They wid iscuss it soon.A. look forB. talk aboutC. find out24. Did you tell all your friends your address?Yes, of course. I m sure they will come tomorrow.A. how you are B. why you go there C. where you live25. How was your mountain trip?Great! Although

6、it was hard for us, we got to the top finally.A. in the endB. in a wayC. at first26. What a nice room! How ofte n do you tidy it up?Well, I clea n it every day.C. make it dirtyt work.B. knows nothing aboutA. make it big B. make it clea n27. Can you help me? My computer does nSorry, I have no kno wle

7、dge of computers.A. knows everythi ng aboutC. knows someth ing about(选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)28. Ais a large round object i n space that moves around a star and receives light from it.A. moonB. satelliteC. pla net29. Andancer is a man or woma n who dances very well.A. excelle ntB. ordi naryC. unu sual30. To

8、is to have a differe nt opinion from somebody.A. disappearB. discoverC. disagree31. Oh, Mum! May took my favourite toy away!Don t be an gry! I think she only did it as a(n).A. jokeB. orderC. pity32. I did nothi ng wrong. Why should I?You are good friends and you don want tolos e her, right?A. en cou

9、rageB. retur nC. apologize33. Can we go dow n the stairs together?No. The stairs are too. Let s go one by one.A. highB. narrowC. deep34. Why do people pla nt so many trees along the road?Because they canharmful gases and help clea n the air.A. take inB. dry upC. throw away35. you have tur ned off al

10、l the lights in the house.Oh, I just forgot the light in the kitche n.A. Make sureB. Feel afraidC. Be careful川.完形填空。(10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将编号填在答题卷上。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)My school day begi ns at 8:45. The teachers meet the class and check who is here and isnhere at the

11、36 of the day. The lessons in the morning begin at 9:05. There are37ten minutes for break between two lessons. The lunch 38 is from 1 pm to 1:45 pm. Stude nts can have a short rest after lun ch. Less ons in the after noon begi n at 1:50 and the school day 39 at 4 pm.All students study and take 40 in

12、 Maths, scienee and English. In addition ( 除以夕卜), they choose one 41 from History, Geography, Art, Desig n and Tech no logy, French and Spanish. All students take PHSE (Personal Health and Safety Education) lessons 42stude nts dont take exams in them.After school sports practice and matches are on W

13、edn esday after noon and Saturday morning. Chess, music, la nguage and theatre clubs also have meeti ngs after school. Stude nts may join as 43 clubs as they like, but should 44 at least one.The school has a good record in 45. Last year we were champions (冠军)in footballand tennis, and some students

14、won prizes for swimming and gymnastics (体操).36.A. endB. begi nningC.middle37.A. withB. aboutC.without38.A.secondB. mi nuteC.break39.A. startsB. leavesC.fini shes40.A. sportsB. examsC.walks41.A. subjectB. prese ntC.advertiseme nt42.A. andB. orC.but43.A. manyB. muchC.more44.A. makeB. joi nC.buy45.A. s

15、portsB. read ingC. la nguageIV .阅读理解。(30分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项,并将其编号填在答题卷上。(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)AThe following is the timetable for some of the planes, trains and coaches ( 大巴)to Xiamen from Guan gzhou.LeaveArrivePrice动车D93719:3023:26 210D94319:3523:31 210快车K22920:4009:42 102K29720:4708:53 13011 丘In-南航CZ523814:4016:10


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