简单搞笑的英语小笑话 英语小笑话简单

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1、简单搞笑的英语小笑话 英语小笑话简单 笑话是以民间口头创作为主的一个文学形式,是现实生活中深受大家喜爱的文娱语体。下面是XX精心搜集的简单搞笑的英语小笑话,期望大家喜爱!简单搞笑的英语小笑话篇一肉食部My office is in a building remodeled from a former supermarket.我的办公室设在由超市改装过的一座大厦里。One day I overheard the receptionist gI、 ting directions over the phone. Remember the old grocery store?n she asked t

2、hecaller. Youfind us in the meat dopartment.“有一天,我听见前台秘书在电话里描述我们的位置。她说:“记得老杂货店吗?你能在肉食部找到我们。”简单搞笑的英语小笑话篇二给大提琴调音One of my friends,a musician,is always upboat. Nothing gets her down. But when she developed ringing in one sar, 1 was concerned it might overwhelm even her. When I asked if her condition wa

3、s especially annoying to a musician, she shook her head. Not really,”she said cheerfully. The ringing sound is in the key of B flat,so I use it to tune my Cello a hatf-tone lower.我的一个音乐家好友总是那么乐观,没有什么事能让她消沉。不过,当她的一只耳朵得了耳鸣以后,我担心这会让她受不了。我问她耳呜是不是使音乐家尤其恼火,她摇了摇头,快乐地说:“这个耳声恰好是在降B调上,所以我用它把大提琴调低半个音。简单搞笑的英语小笑

4、话篇三When I moved to California, I was a nervous wreck about earthquakes. MY friend Lisa, who was born and raised there, was completely blase. I remember once when we pulled up to a light, her Honda began to looked worried untill stammered,I think that we-re having anearth quake.”Thank goodrxss,Linda

5、thought something was wrong with my car.当我刚搬到加州住的时候,我对地震极为担心。而我那位在加州土生土长的好友丽莎却对此完全无动于衷.我记得有一次我们在等红灯的时候,她的本田车开始抖动起来。她看起来很担心,直到我结结巴巴地说:“我想我们是碰到地震了。“她马上松了一口气说道,“谢天谢地,我还认为是我的车出问题了。”简单搞笑的英语小笑话篇四MY musical director wasnt happy with the performance of one of our attempts to get the drummer to improve faile

6、d. Finally,in front of the orchostra, the director said in frustration, “When a musician lust cant handle his instrument,they take it away, give him two sticks and make him a drummerl “A whisper was heard from the percussion section:And if he cant handle that,they take away one of his sticks and mak

7、e him a conductor.我们的乐队指挥对一位打击乐手的表现很不满意。她想让鼓手有所改善的数次努力全部失败了。最终,指挥当着整个乐队的面生气地说:“当一个音乐家不能玩好自己的乐器的时候,她们就把她的乐器拿走,给她两根棍,让她当鼓手。”这时候,从打击乐器那边传来耳语声:“假如她还不能摆弄好它,就拿走一根棍,让她当指挥。”简单搞笑的英语小笑话篇五After eaming my degree in broadcast journalism,1 was fortunate to land a job as a disc jockey at a top-rated local radio st

8、ation. One day before work, I stopped by my parent house where my mother was chatting with some friends. She introduced me to everyone and proudly mentioned that I had my own radio show. How is it having a son whos a popular radio personality?” asked one friend. lts wonderfull Mom replied with glee. For the first time in his life, I can turn him off whenever I please.我在取得广播新闻学位以后,很幸运地在当地一家项级广播电台里谋得一份流行音乐节目主持人的工作。有一天,我在上班之前到父母家里去了下。我蚂正在和多个好友聊天。她把我介绍给每一个人,而且骄傲地提到我已经有了自己的广播节目。有一个好友问: “有一个在电台工作的儿子感觉怎么样?母亲快乐地说:”太好了!这还是在她人生中头一回,只要我愿意,我就能够把她关掉。


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