PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit 6 At a Farm》第一课时教学设计

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1、PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 6 At a Farm第一课时教学设计一、教学目标:1、知识目标(1)使学生能听、说、认、读sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen等单词。(2)会运用:“What are they? They are. 对的所学动物进行问答。2、能力目标: (1)能听懂Lets do中的指令:Shear a sheep,milk a cow, feed the hens, hold a lamb, ride a horse,并能做出相应的动作。 3、情感目标 :农场上的动物为我们提供食物,因此要教育学生们要怀一颗感恩之心,感谢动物为我们做出的贡献

2、。 二、教学重、难点教学重点:1、掌握农场上常见的牲畜的名称及其复数形式的表达。2、句型:What are they?They are.的问答 教学难点:所学单词复数形式的发音以及复数形式表达。三、教学课时:第一课时四、教学准备:课件,所学动物单词卡.图片等五、教学过程: Step 1. Warm-up一、 henT: 拿一个鸡蛋问T: Whats this? S: Its an egg. T:I can draw.在黑板上画好几个鸡蛋,T:What are they? S: They are eggs.加上几笔画成母鸡,然后再边说边画母鸡,T:A hen, two hens. What ar

3、e they? They are hens.(板书)利用pen教学(拿两个鸡蛋)T:What are they? S: They are eggs. T: Who give us eggs? S: The hens. T:Hens, stand up.(拿米喂鸡)T:Feed the hen. Feed the hen. Whats the meaning: S:喂鸡。(板书)Lets sing. They are hens they are hens, IEIEO, Feed the hens, feed the hens, feed, feed the hens.cow(手拿牛奶)T: W

4、hats this? S: Its a milk. T: Who gives us milk?S: cow .T: Yes, a cow.出示幻灯片 (板书,由how进入cow)继续幻灯片One cow two cows.(板书,cows)( 出示挤奶牛的图片) Look, she is milking a cow. Milk a cow 。(师生齐做动作)T:(拿头饰)Whats this? S: Its a cow.拿第二个头饰T:What are they? S:They are cows.(让学生一个传一个问)S1:What are they?S2:They are cows.最后传到

5、师手中,师再问一遍。Lets sing again.sheepT:(看幻灯片)Now look at the screen. What are they? S:They are hens. T: How many hens can you see? S: Two. T: What are they? S: They are cows. T: How many cows can you see? S: Two.T:I like hens ,I like cows, and I also like sheep.(板书,利用meet 学习sheep)T(戴上头饰)Glad to meet. S: G

6、lad to meet you sheep.(继续看幻灯片)T: Whats this? S: Its a sheep. T: If you say are they sheep, are they sheep, the sheep will come quickly, If you say are they sheep, are they sheep, the sheep will come slowly.(点幻灯片示范)T:How many sheep can you say? S: Six.(数羊)强调sheep的复数。T: Who is a sheep?(招一名同学到前面,做剪羊毛的动

7、作)Shear a sheep.(板书)4、goatT: The sheep has a brother. Guess He is goat.(板书,利用boat学习goat, goats on a boat. Whats the meaning?(看幻灯片)T:What are they? They are goats.同桌两人一问一答练习。拿草喂养,Feed the goats.5、lambT: Do you know his baby?baby, whats the meaning?T: Yes ,the lamb is small.(拿头饰)The lamb is small, Let

8、s hold the lamb.拿着头饰做动作。(那三个头饰)T:Whats this? S: Its a sheep.挨个问三种羊。(出示幻灯片)T:The sheep are fat. The goats are thin. The lambs are small.T:Lets make a dialogue.(幻灯片)四人小组练习问答A: What are they? B: They are sheep. And they are fat.C: How many sheep can you see? D:I can see 8 sheep.(师演示小组展示,you are A, you

9、are B, you are C, you are D.)5、horseT:I like hens, cows, sheep, goats, lambs.(看黑板)I like horse the best.(板书,利用for教授单词) 做骑马的动作。师生一齐练习。二、 Lets have a check1、Listen to the tape,出示幻灯片,看看哪种动物你没猜到。订正答案Your answer.指着幻灯片练习What are they? They are .2、Another check. Listen and number.(Lets do)3、 listen and fol

10、low.三、 拓展1、看幻灯片,Who gives us the food? Hen chicken Lamb meatCow beefGoat meatSheep meatPig porkSo we must say “Thank you to hens, lambs, cows, goats. we should say thank you to all the animals. And thank you for listening to me carefully. Class is over. 教后反思:很长时间以来,成浩老师都让我谈自己教育主张,是成老师帮助提炼自己的教育思想,定位“

11、快乐学习”,然后一直以来我从来不谈快乐教学,也不敢奢谈快乐学习,因为学习有快乐也有痛苦。我无从使每一个孩子每一天都快乐的学习,这是理想,不是现实。总结这么多年的教育,回头看一看自己的留下来的文字,上过的课例,忽然想到了一个字“趣”! 我用我的性格,用我独创的一些方法吸引学生,为什么能吸引学生呢?还是一个“趣”字。没有孩子不喜欢有趣的事,因为有趣才喜欢,教学中也常常用到“要引发学生的兴趣”,那么我可不可以定位自己为“趣味教学”呢?我有教学设计上不断有教学设计类文章,有的老师看了这些设计后跟我说“看到你的设计,似乎就能看到你嘣嘣跳跳,无拘无束,与孩子玩在一起的样子”“课堂上谁也看不出你的年龄”。再




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