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1、英美文学史期末作业Psychological Analysis of Hamlets Delaying of Revenge哈姆雷特延迟复仇的心理分析姓 名: 学 号: 系 别: 专 业: 年 级: 2009-6-17Psychological Analysis of Hamlets Delaying of Revenge哈姆雷特延迟复仇的心理分析Abstract: Hamlet is one of the most significant tragedies in Shakespeares life. He successfully portrays the tragic hero thro

2、ugh psychological contradiction and revenge. The psychology of human, closely contacted with ones behavior, is the reflection of ones character. The most obvious tensions within Hamlets mind are those between the attitude of optimism and pessimism, on which much of the process of his tragedy depends

3、. And also, in his psychological state, it is the moral sensitivity, profound melancholy and the tendency of fatalism.,which result in his unconscious postponing revenge and will be analysed in this article.中文摘要:哈姆雷特是莎士比亚最伟大的悲剧之一,他通过矛盾的复仇心理成功的塑造了一个悲剧性人物。人类心理同行为紧密相连,反映了人的性格。在哈姆雷特的心理中,最明显的莫过于他从乐观心态到悲观

4、心理的转变,这是其悲剧形成的原因之一。而且,他的心理状态呈现出几大特征,即极度的道德敏感、深深的忧郁和明显的宿命论倾向,导致他在无意识之间推迟了复仇。本文将从以上几点进行分析。Key Words: Hamlet psychological analysis delaying of revenge关键词:哈姆雷特 心理分析 延迟复仇Shakespeare is one of the greatest poets and playwrights. Hamlet is one of the most significant tragedies in his life. He successfully

5、 portrays the tragic hero through Hamlets psychological contradiction and revenge. Surely,we can say Hamlet is the eternal start in the world literature.Ones mentaliy is influenced by certain trends of the time,especially at the historical turning point and it often reveals its complication.The stat

6、es of human mind differ during different periods of time. And the social environment also deeply affects and potentially restrains the development of human psychology. The tragedy, in many aspects, describes Hamlets psychology by the special forms of drama -monologues and dialogues.In a sense, the s

7、tudy of ones character and behavior might be study of human psychology. That is to say: the psychology of human, closely contacted with ones behavior, is the reflection of ones character. The most obvious tensions within Hamlets mind are those between the attitude of optimism and pessimism, on which

8、 much of the process of his tragedy depends.And also, in his psychological state, it is the moral sensitivity, profound melancholy and the tendency of fatalism, which result in his unconscious postponing revenge and will be analysed in this article. Turning to PessimismIn the early period of time,Ha

9、mlet has an enthusiastic spirit and positive attitude towards life. The prince, who is affected by the trend of humanism, is quite optimistic to every thing and people in the world and believes that everything is vigorous and in harmony. With his ambitious ideal and the strong desire of progress, he

10、 cannot sense the contradiction between the ideal and reality at all.However, the situation changes because of his fathers death, his mothers remarriage, his uncles usurpation and his frends and his girl friends betrayal. Hence, his dream of bright future is broken into pieces by the strong contrast

11、 between the ideal and reality.He comes to be aware that the time is out of joint. Therefore, the sudden change of the situation sinks him into the constant contradiction of psychology. He encourages himself and decides to Set it right because of his sense of responsibility and justice, but it is im

12、possible for him to break away from the limitation of class and history. Hence, placed in such a tragic situation, it is not difficult to understand his hesitation and indecision, the sudden occurring action and the complicated contradiction within his inner mind.With such situation, his attitude tu

13、rns optimism to pessimism.Then he addicts into To be or not to bequestion. The famous monologue is the real portrayal of Hamlets innert mentality. He distresses himself clear-headedly and suffers from the contradiction in psychology. The Moral SensitivityHamlet is extremely sensitive in morality, wh

14、ich might be affected by the humanism ideal and code of conduct and the religious restraint. As a humanist,he should believe in man rather than ghost. So he is always suspicious about the ghosts words and hesitates to take actionBesides,revenge seems to be bestial in the eyes of a humanistA humanist

15、 should behave like a human being not a beastJust like this, Hamlet is really sensitive to his inner opinion on morality. The moral problems are the beginning and ending of his thoughts and behavior on which all his judgment depends.Thus, cause his delaying of revenge. The Profound Melancholy During

16、 the process of his revenge, Hamlet always sinks himself into melancholy inner thought and tries to find the best solution of his puzzlement. He is lost in the maze of thoughts and many misgivings weaken the power of his conduct . He is such melancholy that he does not have much interest in other thing



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