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1、英语“减负增效”复习课引路及研讨活动记实红旗小学英语组复习研讨活动记实教学设计:专题:Revision备课组:二年级英语主讲人:王慧敏2012/6。 Such a topic is related to the childrens daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their language abilities. I will put more emphasis on using thenII.The analy

2、sis of the studentsThe students are in Grade Two. They have great interests in learning English. They like playing and acting. So it is necessary to supply them with the real circumstances to learn and use the knowledge.III.The teaching aim:1. Knowledge aim:Learn and grasp the tense: be doing2.Abili

3、ty aim: Can use the knowledge to talk about what more than one person is doing.3.Emotion aim: Train the students abilities of listening and speaking. And arouse the students to cooperate and help each other.IV.The teaching process一、Preparation1.Greeting : Good morning .2.Sing an English song .3.Free

4、 talk : What day is today ? Whats the weather like ?What are you doing ?二、 Presentation :1.Look, havingWhat is it? (the present partisiple) Its form : verb + ingHow many ways ? (1) Direct add ing (2)Rid e add ing (3) Double the last letters add ing2.Lets say with them.What are you doing ? What is he

5、 / she doing ?They are / He / She is playing hide and seek / playing clapping games / playing catch / eating / drinking 、?三、Practice :1.Games: Today is Sunday . In the morning, what are they doing ?Lily / Daming / Tom / Ann2.On Childrens Day, what are they doing ?3.Childrens Day is coming, what are

6、you doing ?4.Look, this is Dongdong and this is Lanlan. Today is weekend, Dongdong and Lanlan dont go to school.Now ,Dongdong is phoning? Do you want to know , what are they talking ? Now, Im Dong dong ,who wants to play Lanlan?Now, you are Dongdong and Lanlan, you are calling. Youre talking about i

7、t in your groups.四、Production :1.Read and look, choose the correct words.2.Look at these pictures, put in the missing words.五、 HomeworkPhone me or your friends to tell us : What are doing on Teachers Day / MotherDay / Tathers Day / The Dragonoat Festifal ?Review moduleModule3 to module 4王丽红【课标解读】课程标

8、准总目标要求指出:通过英语学习是学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。【教材分析】第八册教材主要包括祈使句、进行时、将来时、过去式。语言是文化的重要载体,第三、四模块是本册书中较有特色的一课,本课是用过去式将故事的形式展现给了学生,通过文化的渗透帮助学生更好地理解语言。【学情分析】四年级学生具备了一定的知识基础,并且对英语学习保持着浓厚的兴趣。【单元目标】第三、四模块以过去式为主,在教学中,教师坚持以学生为本,面向全体学生,关注个体差异,提高教学效率。【复习目标(Revision Aims)】1.Review the past words and drills()Re

9、view and try to understand and read the words :shouted ran said () Review sentences:she went into a shop .Dad played the erhu.( 3 ) Try to describe buildings and cities. At the same time, raise the students language abilities.2.Process and Methods AimUse Task-based review past tents.3. Emotion AimEn

10、hance the patriotic feelings ,cooperate well and help with each other.【复习重难点(Revision key and difficult points)】1.Key pointsExplain to the students that many verbs in English are “regular、irregular”。2.DifficultiesGrasp all verbs.【教学准备(Teaching Aids)】Courseware,pictures,class communication【复习过程(Revis

11、ion Steps)】(一)Preparation1. Greetings: Hello, boys and girls!How are you?2. Lets sing an English song :I saw the music man.3Read the dialogue【通过白板资源库里一首优美的歌曲来创设情境,潜移默化地进入了今天的学习语境。这样不仅激发了学生的学习热情,为本课的复习学习做了一个很好的准备。】(三) Practice1.After listening,answer these questions.2.Read and practice .3.look and pl

12、ay games .(boys and girls)4.Do a lot of examples .Cooked talked helped played said ran was were5.The students work in pairs and read .they have to say if the sentences are “ture” or “false “。【通过学生自主学习,给学生质疑问难的机会,然后教师作为教学活动的引导者,帮助学生梳理问题,同时教会孩子自主解决问题,同时又通过男女生的比赛激发孩子学习的积极性,这样做不仅增强了学生的自信心,也激发了学生们的求知欲。同时

13、在真实语境中运用所学会进行交际,体现了语用功能,达到了“学以致用”的目的。】2.Read and do exercises.1) Read and write .2) Look at the pictures and write the sentences in thecorrect order.Play/sam/yesterday /football .Evening /lingling /TV/last/watched .3)Write what you did last week .【通过前面基本训练之后,学生足够的思考空间,让学生自主完成一些练习,扩大了知识面,同时,也使课堂教学充满了

14、生气。】(四) Production1. Listen and repeat.2. Work in groups.Our friends sheep are coming.They are talking now.Lets act!3.Sing an English song .(oh baby.)【通过本课对过去是的练习,创设有利于学生是用各种学习策略的语言实践活动,同时培养学生的跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力。教学任务应和孩子们的生活密切相关,学生们的积极性很高,复习效果很好。这一过程有效地培养了学生的语言表达能力。】(五) Summary and homeworkWrite what

15、 you did last week .组内教师诊断:范慧敏:“减负”,已经成为现阶段的热门话题,学校、家庭、社会都在谈减负,甚至有些人粗浅的理解减负就是没有作业,其实不然,我认为减负不等于不布置作业,而是尽量布置有效的作业,减少无谓的作业量,向课堂40分钟要质量,能在课堂解决的,绝不留到课后。那么,为了提高课堂效率,减轻学生的负担,在复习阶段,教师应该做到:一、 精心备课。教师的备课首先应该做到的是胸有成竹、心中有数,要了解本课的目的和任务是什么,通过本课的复习学生应该掌握哪些知识、达到什么程度,教师心中都要有预设。其次,为了完成既定的目标,课堂上可以采取哪些有效地手段,教师都要有所考虑,同时要兼顾学生的学习兴趣。如,我们可以采取游戏、比赛的方式将本课要掌握的单词和句型融入其中,让孩子在玩一玩、乐一乐当中自然地掌握了知识。然后,复习课与新授课不同之处在于复习课在复习巩固学过的知识的同时,还承载着准备考试的任务,因此教师还应该了解每一课的考点在哪,可以有针对的做一些练习,做到精选精练,避免题海战术,这样也就减轻了学生的负担。二、抓住重点学生。所谓抓住重点学生,在复习阶段重点是抓后面那些学生,这些学生往往是听课状态不好,那么,我的做法就是随时把他们叫起来,只要是应该掌握、能答上来的,我都让他们来


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