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1、2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题It is believed that dictionaries are highest authority Ain matter of meaning and usage. BFew people ask Cby what authority the dictionaries say what they say. Now let us see how dictionaries are made. But what follows Dapplies only to those offices where first

2、hand, original research goes on.问题1选项A.in matter ofB.Few peopleC.by whatD.applies【答案】A【解析】考查名词用法。A选项中的matter做名词时是可数名词,它后面有meaning和usage两个名词,因此matter应改为matters。2. 单选题Platos Republic has been the source of great consternation, especially in literary circles, for its attack on the poets. Socrates in fa

3、ct asserts that they should have no place in the ideal state. Eric Havelock suggests that there are several misunderstandings in this regard, and in his Preface to Plato he identifies the issues, and explains the historical context.Havelock opens his discussion by suggesting that the very title of t

4、he Republic is the source of much confusion. The book is commonly understood to be a treatise on the ideal political entity, but even a casual analysis will show that only one-third of the text is concerned with statecraft. The other two-thirds cover a variety of subjects, but the thrust of Platos a

5、rgument amounts to an attack on the traditional Greek approach to education.The educational methods still in use in the 4th century BC had their origins in what has been called the Greek Dark Age beginning around 1200 BC when the Mycenaean era collapsed. Very little is known about the whys and where

6、fores of this collapse, but it wasnt until around 700 BC that the Phoenician alphabet began to be adopted and used in the Greek-speaking world. During the intervening centuries, all knowledge concerning Greek history, culture, mores and laws were orally transmitted down through the generations. The

7、most effective device in aid of memorizing vast amounts of information was rhyme. The epic form we see in Homers Iliad grew out of the need to preserve the Greek cultural memory. Havelock takes the reader through Book 1 of The Iliad and dissects it indetail to show how this cultural, historical and

8、ethical heritage was conveyed. The Iliad takes on new and significant meaning to the reader of this minute examination.The Iliad and presumably other poetic vehicles were taught to children from an early age. The whole of the Greek-speaking world was immersed in the project of memorizing, and out of

9、 the masses arose those individuals with superior memories and theatrical skills who became the next generation of minstrels and teachers. Education was thus comprised of memorization and rote learning, and the people enjoyed constant reminders through public readings and festivals.Platos focus in t

10、he Republic and elsewhere is on Homer and Hesiod and to some extent the dramatists which at the time were the centerpieces of the educational regime. Their works presented gods and heroes as fundamentally immoral and thus bad examples for youth. The overall result is that the Greek adolescent is con

11、tinually conditioned to an attitude which at bottom is cynical. It is more important to keep up appearances than to practice the reality. Decorum and decent behavior are not obviously violated,but the inner principle of morality is. Once the Republic is viewed as a critique of the educational regime

12、, Havelock says that the logic of its total organization becomes clear.What Plato was railing against was an “oral state of mind” which seems to have persisted even though the alphabet and written documentation had been in use for three centuries. Illiteracy was thus still a widespread problem in Pl

13、atos time, and the poetic state of mind was the main obstacle to scientific rationalism and analysis. This is why Plato regarded the poetic or oral state of mind as the arch-enemy. In his teachings he did the opposite. He asked his students to “think about what they were saying instead of just sayin

14、g it. The epic had become, in Platos view,not “an act of creation but an act of reminder and recall” and contributed to what Havelock terms “the Homeric state of mind. ” It was Socrates project (and by extension Platos) to reform Greek education to encourage thinking and analysis. Thus all the ranti

15、ng and railing about the “poets” in Platos Republic was limited basically to Homer and Hesiod because of what he viewed as a wholly inadequate approach to education of which these particular poets were an integral part.Unfortunately, Western culture has misconstrued what Plato and Socrates meant by

16、“the poets”. And because we view poetry as a highly creative and elevated form of expression, our critics have failed to recognize that Platos diatribe had a very specific and limited target which had nothing to do with high-minded creativity, of which there is plenty, by the way, in the proscribed poets. It wasnt really the poets who were the problem; it was the use of them that was deemed unacceptable.Post-Hav


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