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1、THE ACADEMIC WORD LIST (A - D)abandon v. go away from (a person or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desertabstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existenceacademy n. school for special trainingaccess n. means of approaching or entering

2、(a place); way inaccommodate v. provide lodging or room foraccompany v. walk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper; escortaccumulate v. gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of get (sth) in this wayaccurate adj. free from errorachieve v. gain or reach (sth), usu by

3、 effort, skill, courage, etcacknowledge v. accept the truth of admit (sth)acquire v. gain (sth) by ones own ability, efforts or behavioradapt v. sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sthadequate adj. satisfactory in quantity or quality; sufficientadjacent having a com

4、mon endpoint or border also immediately preceding or followingadjust v. put (sth) into the correct order or position; arrangeadministrate v. to administeradult adj. grown to full size or strengthadvocate v. speak publicly in favor of (sth); recommend; supportaffect v. have an influence on (sb/sth);

5、produce an effect onaggregate v. sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amountaid n. helpalbeit conj althoughallocate v. sth allot or assign sth (to sb/sth) for a special purposealter v. become different; change in character, position, size, shape, etcalternative adj. available i

6、n place of sth else; otherambiguous adj. having more than one possible meaningamend v. correct an error in (sth); make minor improvements in; change slightlyanalogy n. partial similarity between two things that are comparedanalyze v. separate into its parts in order to study its nature or structurea

7、nnual adj. happening every yearanticipate v. expectapparent adj. clearly seen or understood; obviousappend v. sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in writing)appreciate v. understand and enjoy (sth); value highlyapproach v. come near or nearer to in space or timeappropriate adj. suitable; right and pro

8、perapproximate adj. almost correct or exact but not completely soarbitrary adj. based on personal opinion or impulse, not on reasonarea n. extent or measurement of a surfaceaspect n. particular part or feature of sth being consideredassemble v. come together; collectassess v. sth decide or fix the a

9、mount of sthassign v. sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be usedassist v. in/with sth; (sb) in doing sth (fml ) helpassume v. accept as true before there is proofassure v. tell (sb) positively or confidentlyattach v. sth fasten or join sth (to sth)attain v. succee

10、d in getting (sth); achieveattitude n. way of thinking or behavingattribute v. sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/sthauthor n. writer of a book, play, etcauthority n. power to give orders and make others obeyautomate v. cause to operate by automationavailable adj.

11、that can be used or obtainedaware adj. of sb/sth; that. having knowledge or realization of sb/sthbehalf n. on behalf of sb/on sbs behalf; US in behalf of sb/in sbs behalf as the representative of or spokesman for sb; in the interest of sbbenefit n. profit; gain; future good (used esp with the vs and

12、 preps shown)bias n. opinion or feeling that strongly favors one side in an argument or one item in a group or series; predisposition; prejudicebond n. written agreement or promise that has legal force; covenantbrief adj. lasting only a short time; shortbulk n. size, quantity or volume, esp when gre

13、atcapable adj. having ability; able; competentcapacity n. ability to hold or contain sthcategory n. class or group of things in a complete system of groupingcease v. come or bring (sth) to an end; stopchallenge n. (to do sth) invitation or call (to sb) to take part in a game, contest, fight etc to prove who is better, stronger, more able, etcchannel n. sunken bed of a river, stream or canalchapter n. (usu numbered) division of a bookchart n. detailed map used to help navigation at se


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