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1、专题强化练十五组合练(二).阅读理解It was just one word in one email,but it caused huge financial losses for a multinational company.The message,written in English,was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English was a second language.Unsure of the word,the receiver found two contradictory meanings in hi

2、s dictionary.He acted on the wrong one.Months later,senior management investigated why the project had failed,costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.When such misunderstandings happen,its usually the native speakers who are to blame.Ironically,they are worse at delivering their message than people

3、 who speak English as a second or third language.A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the worlds global language.They dont feel the need to accommodate or adapt to others.They often talk too fast for others to follow,and use jokes,slang,short forms and references specific to th

4、eir own culture.“The first time I worked in an international institution,somebody saidETA 16:53and I thoughtWhat on earth is ETA?”says Michael Blattrer,an executive in an international company.And then theres cultural style.When a British reacts to a proposal by saying“Thats interesting”,a fellow Br

5、itish might recognize this as“Thats rubbish.”But other nationalities would take the word“interesting”on face value.Also,lots of the information is not fully understood because of the complex language native speakers use.Too many nonnative speakers,especially the Asians and the French,are too concern

6、ed about not“losing face”and nod approvingly while not getting the message at all,because of which,the native speakers continue delivering information that makes little sense to them.The information gap is unnoticed and keeps widening.Native speakers should communicate efficiently with simple langua

7、ge.When trying to communicate in English with a group of people with different levels of fluency,its important for native speakers to make the same point in a couple of different ways and ask for some acknowledgement,reaction and action,to know whether theyve been understood or not.【语篇解读】当母语是英语的人和母语

8、是非英语的人交流时,由于前者的表达习惯,比如用一些俚语、简略语等,而后者又碍于面子不懂装懂,因此产生的信息沟越来越大。本文建议母语是英语的人在与母语不是英语的人交流时使用简单的语言、采取互动等方法以使后者更好地理解。1The first paragraph of the passage is written to_Atell readers an interesting storyBintroduce the topic of the passageCstate the importance of EnglishDshow an example of communication解析:推理判断题

9、。第一段给出了一个由于信息理解错误而造成了严重经济损失的例子。阅读下文可知,本文解释了产生这种情况的原因并给出了建议,所以该例子是为了引出文章中心话题。答案:B2What can we learn about Michael?AHe thinks British people talk too fast.BHe feels no need to adapt to others.CHes not a native English speakers.DHe finds British culture hard to understand.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段第三句话可知,母语为英语的人们说

10、话太快,并习惯用一些笑话、俚语或简略形式,这样让人很难理解;紧接着举例迈克尔不理解简略表达“ETA”的意思,由此可以推断出迈克尔的母语不是英语。答案:C3What might cause the Asians and the French to“lose face”according to the passage?ABeing unable to use complex language.BBeing nonnative English speakers.CFailing to understand native speakers.DNodding approvingly while list

11、ening.解析:细节理解题。第五段第二句提到,母语是非英语的人由于担心丢面子,经常在没有听懂的情况下点头表示赞同,由此可以推断出,听不懂别人的话会让他们感觉丢人。答案:C4Native speakers are advised to ask for listeners acknowledgement in order to_Atalk to a group of people at the same timeBlearn about listeners levels of fluencyCget suggestions from listenersDcheck listeners under

12、standing解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句中的动词不定式短语“to know whether theyve been understood or not”可知,说母语的人这么做的目的是为了弄清楚自己说的话是否被正确地理解了。答案:D.完形填空I was once in an unusual sociology (社会学) class at Brandeis.Each week we studied the_1_we interacted with one another,and how we_2_to anger,envy,attention.We were human lab r

13、ats.More often,someone_3_crying.I referred to it as the“touchyfeely”course.Mr.Brown said I should be more_4_One day,Mr.Brown said he had an_5_for us to try.We were to stand,facing away from our classmates and_6_backward,relying on another student to_7_us.Most of us were_8_with this,and we couldnt le

14、t go for more than a few inches_9_stopping ourselves.We laughed in_10_Finally,a thin,quiet girl,whom I noticed almost always wear the same clothes,crossed her arms over her chest,_11_her eyes and leaned back,just like one of those Lipton tea ads_12_the model dived into the pool.For a moment,I was_13

15、_she was going to fall on the floor.At the_14_moment,her partner held her head and_15_and pulled her up.“Whoa!”several students yelled.Some_16_Mr.Brown finally smiled.“You see,”he said to the girl,“you closed your eyes.That was the_17_Sometimes you cannot believe what you see,you have to believe what you_18_And if youre ever going to have other people_19_you,you must feel that you can trust them,_20_,even where youre in the dark,even when youre falling.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了Brown老师通过一堂练习课让作者及其同学体会到了信任的力量的故事。核心词汇interact互动;交流,交往refer to.as.把称为touchyfeely过分多愁善感的let go放手,放开lean bac


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