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1、Unit 8 Natural disasters (Reading )学习目标:1 .To revise what they learned about the earthquake and help the students to understand the passage better .2.To read the passage again and help them to highlight the important language points and sentence patterns.3.To teach the students to learn to protect t

2、hemselves when they are in danger学习重点:1.Highlight the important language points and sentence patterns 2.Make an interview学习难点:Get the students tohave the first impressions of Past Continuous Tense学习程序:检查预习:通过上节课的学习,你能运用下列单词和词组吗?现在是你展现自我的时候啦一、根据中文解释用单词的正确形式填空:1 I felt a slight _(摇晃) through my body 2

3、 They looked at each other in _(恐惧)3 People _(尖叫) when they saw the lightning 4 Unluckily ,those people were _(围困) in the accident .5 I told myself _ _(平静)down 6 You may be _(害怕)when you see a snake in front of you .二、在课文中找出下列词组1.起初 . 2.最后 3.一点轻微的震动传遍全身 4.像打雷般很大的声音 5.互相恐惧的看着 6.向四面八方跑开 7. 在地震中幸存 8.发疯

4、的跑 9.玻璃和砖头的碎片 10.倒下来 11. 购物 12. 开始摇晃 13.自言自语 14.一阵恐惧传遍我的全身 15. 在地下 16.大声呼救 17.一包巧克力 18.找到出去的路 19.听到兴奋的欢呼声 20.把转头和石块移开 21.尽力做 22.镇定下来 23.经过我的脑海 24.活着 25.急忙地 26.陷入困境 预习交流: .Free talk and answer some questions.Check the answers.交流展示:. Finish Part B1. Reading and do some description. Deal with some lang

5、uage points. 1. do some shopping 购物 such as : do some 洗衣服 do some 打扫卫生 do some 阅读2 feel a slight shaking 感到一阵轻微的震动。shaking n. shake v. 1) At first, the slight _ of the house made Timmy frightened. 2) When the earthquake really started, the earth _.译:1)我们必须在使用前摇匀这药。 We must _ this medicine before usi

6、ng it. 2) 她抖掉了鞋子里的沙。 The _ made the sand get out of her shoes.3 in fear 害怕地 。相似的结构有:in trouble , in need , in danger ,in hungry etc.For example : I closed my eyes . 我害怕得闭上双眼。4.People ran in all directions.in all directions.向各个方向,四散. in the direction of + place 向的方向eg.放学后,学生们四散回家去:Students go back ho

7、me in all directions after school. 放学后,学生们各自回家:Students go in the direction of their home after school.译:这个女孩正向学校走去This girl is _ the school这些鸟受了惊吓,四散飞走了The birds are shocked and _.5.I tried my best to run out to the street too. try ones best (not) to do sth. = do ones best (not) to do sth. I did my

8、 best to run out to the street too.eg.When the earthquake comes, we should . (用下列词组的适当形式填空) try our best (not) to do sth. stand in the classroom hide under the desk protect ourselves6. I calmed down and asked myselfcalm down 平静下来,安静calm sb. down 使平静eg. -_ ! Miss Geng is very kind and friendly. Lets

9、listen to her and dont make noise. Little Tom kept shaking. Miss Geng tried her best to _. 7.Im trapped trap v. be trapped 被卡住了,陷入困境8. A moment of fear went through my mind but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. (同义词组代替)_(felt frightened suddenly)went through _,I told _ to _(I calme

10、d myself down.)since I was still (because I didnt die).9.Then I heard shouts from excited people. excited 是形容词,表示“幸福的,激动的”,excited 也是形容词,但它表示“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”。eg. 当孩子们打开圣诞礼物时他们非常兴奋。Children are very when they open their Christmas presents.那个关于台湾地震的故事的结尾地确令人激动。The end of the story about the Taiwan earthq

11、uake is really . 10. They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones.be in a hurry to do sth. n. do sth. in a hurry hurry to do sth. v.=They moved away the bricks and stones . = They the bricks and stones.Finish Part B2, . Finish Part C,.Make an interview, use the following questions as a model. 1)Where were you when the earthquake started? 2) What were you doing? 3) What did you feel and hear at first? 4) What did you do when the earth started to shake? 5) Do you think it is dangerous to run wildly during the earthquake? 6) How did you feel when you found yo



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