Holy Roman Empire1

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1、Holy Romn EmpeTe Holy man mpir wa a Grman mir that eisero 962 to 1806 iCetra Ere wa rue b he oly Romn Emperr. Its charte chaneddurig the Midle Agsand h Early Modern period, when thepwer of te epeo grdualyeaend n avou ofheprnce。 n its las cnturie, its characbcae quite cos to auio o teritories.The epr

2、s teritor asceered on he Kingdom of German, and included nehboring territoes,whch its pek nclude thKigdm of Itay d the Kigdm o Burgunyb:ndin勃艮第(法国东南部地方的地名)。 Frmuc oft hiory, the re conisted ohndreds of aller ub-uits, iipalities公国,侯国,uches公爵的领地, outis郡,Free Imerial iti adoherdomainsdum。版图,领土I92 Oto I

3、 was rwnedHolyRoman Epeor, athugh heman impril ilewa first restored t Charlemagne查理曼大帝 n 800. Otoas thefirsteperor t realm elmn。王国, 国度who w not a memberof the rlier arolingian rlindnadj.王朝的dnasy.The ls Hoymamperorwas FraisI,ho abdcad退位 addolved结束 the Emire in 1806 dring the aoleoncnpulinikad.(像)拿破仑一

4、世的 Wars。n a dre olling te 1 iet(an asblof tvaious eatesf te real) of Colgekn科隆(德意志联邦共和国城市), the ame as officiay hanged to oly Rman Empir o the Germ to The terrtories an omnio othe Hoy RoanEmpire n ters ofresentday stte compiederman (excet thrnclesw什列斯威), Ausri (ecep Burgenand布尔根兰), the Czech epulic捷

5、克共和国,Switelad an echtnstein(中欧国家)列支敦士登的, Netheads荷兰, elgium比利时, uxemour卢森堡公国 ad Sovna斯洛文尼亚 (exceptPrekuje普雷克穆尔基位于斯洛文尼亚最东北部的一个地区), esidessignificat partsof aster Franc (mainly tois阿图瓦, Alsae阿尔萨斯, France-Cmt弗朗什孔泰,FechFlas佛兰德斯,Savoy萨伏依 nd Lorane洛林), orthr taly (aily Loardy, Piedmont皮德蒙特高原, Emiliaomaga,

6、 usny托斯卡纳区,Treto nd Suth Trol蒂罗尔), adwesrn Pla(mainlySilesia西里西亚, Poerana波美拉尼亚a ear诺伊马克).arolingian orerunnersThe Holy RmanEmpi ookdo Chrmn, Kn the Frn,asit foun,who ad en crowne Empeor o th Rman on hrsmas dy n80 by Pope Lo III利奥三世.T Weste oman Emire s thus reive (Latin:renovao Romnrum meri) by ranf

7、rig tto th rankih king。Tis tnsatoimperiiremnd tebass fo th olRoma mpie,at lest in eor,untlts demisedz.终止in 186。eColinin mprial rown ainitiallydisputdamog th Carolinginrulers f Weern ranci (Frne) nd stern rncia (German), wit first th wester king (Chrle th ald) adtenthe eastn (Chles eFat)ataiin the pr

8、ize Hvr,afrthdethof Chl he Ft in 888, heCaroinin mpire broeasnersndav。分开地, neer tob stored. Accrdng t Regino of Prm, ec pa o te ream lctd a knlet kilitn.懦弱的国王roits own bwels。 After tedethof Cares theFt, ose oe peror bytePope controlle onl teres in ly. The latsEmerwaerengaI贝伦加尔一世oftaly hodied n 924.F

9、rmtonAound 90, ast Francia saw the remrce再度出现 autoomous自治的seduchis(Francnia, Baaria, wba, Saxony ad Loharini). Afer he aroigi king oui te Child did ithu ise in 1, Est Fancd o tur to h Carlingin ruleo estFria t taeover the alm ut elected oneof e dus, Cor of rncoa, RerancorOintalum。 On is eted,Cnra ye

10、lde thcrn to hi ain riv, Hnrof Sxony (r. 1936), ws electedig tthe DiefFlain 919. Henyreaced a truewithhe aidig Mgyars and in 933 wo a irst victorgainst the in theBate iadeHny diedin 3bt i deednt,e iuofing (orOtta)yasty,woud ontnutoule he astern kindomfo rugly a cntuy。nrys dsignted succesor,tto, wasl

11、ected ing i Aahenin 96。He oercame serie f revoltsboth froan eder brohe andfr seeralu Ate that, thekigmnage tocontrolte appontmet f due adoften asoepyedbiops dministrtieafrs.TheKindm had noemnnt pital cit n th kings traveld roreience tosiee (called spfaz) to diharge affais Howevr, each kig prfedcerta

12、inplces, in Otos cse,theity of Mgdug。 igsi ninuedto b transrredb electio, b Kis ot hadthrsons eected drgtei ietime, nablig hetoeep the crow or theirfies。This only change afterthe df th alian dynastyin the 12th etuy。In95, Ot won decisie vtry overthe Mgyar in h atte of Lechfeld. n91, Ot came to aid of Aelade, the wdowed uen of tay, deeatinher enemies He thenmariede and took conrol over Ialy。 I 962,Otto asrownedEmperor b tee。 rom hen on, theaffairs of the ea igdo


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