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1、2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷I )阅读选句 七选五 含答案文档说明:1. 本文档经过本人认真校对并排版,能力有限,难免有不良之处。欢迎指出。2. 文档板式:中文字体是宋体五号;英文是 Times New Roman小四。页眉有内容提要, 页脚有页码。3. 全国I卷适用地区:安徽、湖北、福建、湖南、山西、河北、江西、广东、河南、山东2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷 I)英语阅读选句七选五(含答案)第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。Is Fresh Air Really Go

2、od for You?We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air. 36 According to recent studies the answer is a big YES if the air quality in your camp ing area is good.37If the air you re breathi ng is clean which it would be if you re awayfrom the smog of cities then the air is

3、filled with life-giving , energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors your body will learn to breathe more deeply allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain.Recently, people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing (治愈).38 In these places p

4、atients can go to be near nature duringtheir recovery. It turns out that just looking at green growing things can reduce stress lower blood pressure and put people into a better moo(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patie nts Who see tree bran ches out their wi ndow are likely to recover at a fa

5、ster rate tha n patie nts who see build ings or sky in stead. 39 It gives us a great feeli ng of peace.40 While the suns rays can age and harm our skin, they also give us ben eficial Vitam in D. To make sure you get eno ugh Vitam in D but still protect your skin put on sun scree nright as you head o

6、utside. It takes sun scree nabout fiftee n minu tes to start working, and thats plenty of time for your skin to absorb a days worth of Vitamin D.A. Fresh air clea ns our lun gs.B. So what are you waiting for?C. Being in n ature refreshes us.D. Ano ther side ben efit of gett ing fresh air is sun light.E. But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?F. Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care.G. All across the coun try, recovery cen ters have beg un build ing Heali ng Garde ns.2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题参考答案36. E 37. A 38. G 39. C 40. D#


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