新目标初中英语九年级Unit 7 Reading Would you mind keeping your voice down教案

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1、Year Eight Unit 7 Section ReadingWould you mind keeping your voice down ?(教案) TopicWould you mind keeping your voice down ?FunctionTalk about rules of etiquette between different cultures and different situationsVocabularykeep down, voice*, term, etiquette, normal, behavior, at first, Asian*, Europe

2、, uncomfortable, impolite*, allow*, public*, take care, cough*, sneeze, break* the rule, politely, smoke*, put out, cigarette, criticize, careful*, drop*, litter*, pick*up, behave 其中带*的词是四会词(共12个)Structure1. If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the word “etiquette”.2

3、. Etiquette is not the same in every culture or every situation.3. If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may politely give them suggestions.4. Although rules of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world!Activity1. Find “topic sentences”2

4、. Role play3. Write a letter to someone to complain about the things that he /she annoys you often.Grammar1. Present tense2. Would you mind(not) +gerund?3. Could you please(not) + gerund?4. Modal verb “might”Teaching aidsA recorder, a multi-media, Teaching proceduresStep1Warming-upT: First, Im going

5、 to tell you something about myself. My last name is Yang, so you can call me Miss Yang. Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: How are you, S1 ?S1: Im fine, thanks. And you ?T: Im fine, too. How is it going, S2 ?S2: Its great / pretty good/not bad / terribleT: But things are not so fine with

6、 me. Last night, my next door neighbor had a birthday party, they played the music very loud until late at night and I couldnt sleep well last night. Now I am really tired. I get annoyed when my neighbor plays music loud late at night. Did you ever get annoyedSs: Yes, we did.T: When do you get annoy

7、ed, S1 ?S1: I get annoyed whenT: What will you say when that happens ?S1: When that happens, I will say, “Would you mind(not) doing?T: Good, youre polite. When do you get annoyed, S2 ?S2: I get annoyed whenT: What will you say when that happens ?S2: When that happens, I will say, “Could you please(n

8、ot) do?T: Thats polite enough.Step 2PresentationT: In our daily life, everyone may meet some annoying things. Here are some pictures about peoples behaviors.The teacher shows 8 pictures (spitting everywhere, talking loudly , smoking in , cutting in line, coughing loudly , sneezing loudly , dropping

9、litter ) on the screen. Are they good behaviors or bad behaviors ?Ss: Theyre bad behaviors.T: Yes, they are bad behaviors. These people break the rules of etiquette. What does “etiquette” mean ?It means “normal and polite social behavior”. Then the teacher teaches the words and expressions : spit(sp

10、itting), talk (talking) loudly, keeping your voice down , smoke (smoking), put(ting) out your cigarette ,cut(cutting) in line,waiting in line /joining the line cough(coughing), sneeze (sneezing), drop(dropping) litter, picking it up . Look at the picture, the person is talking loudly. What will you

11、say when someone is talking loudly ?S1: I will say, “Would you mind not talking loudly ?”T: Good, a polite suggestion. What else can you say ?S2; Would you mind keeping your voice down ?S3: Could you please not talk loudly ?S4: Could you please keep your voice down ?T: You did a very good job. When

12、we see someone breaking a rule of etiquette, we can give them suggestions politely. How can we make suggestions politely ? We can say “Would you mind (not ) doing? or Could you please (not ) do? Step 3Reading Comprehen-tionT: Today we are going to learn an article . Look at the title “Would you mind

13、 keeping your voice down ?” and the picture. Whats the article about ? Can you guess ? Here are four choices for you to choose.Ss: Maybe its about “etiquette”.1.Fast Reading Before reading the article, lets learn a very useful reading strategy “Find topic sentences”. Finding “topic sentences” is a v

14、ery useful reading strategy. As we read, we need to find “topic sentences”. These sentences usually give us a “summary” or overall meaning of each paragraph and help us understand what the paragraph is about. More detail and explanation come after the topic sentence. A topic sentence is usually at t

15、he beginning of a paragraph or the end of it. How many paragraphs does the article have ?Ss: FourT: Please skim(快速跳读) the article and find the topic sentences of each paragraph and underline them.T: Whats the topic sentence of Paragraph 1/paragraph2 /Paragraph3 / Paragraph 4?Ss: Paragraph 1: but it

16、can be very useful to understand.Paragraph 2: Etiquette is not the same in every culture or every situation.Paragraph 3: If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may politely give them suggestions. Paragraph 4: Although rules of etiquette can often be different, some rules are the same almost everywher



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