Reading 1 School life1

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1、初中英语教材分析和教学建议(7A Unit 4 Reading)Analyses of the teaching Materials(教材分析)背景知识对于学生来说,学校生活永远是他们感兴趣的话题之一,特别是学校的新生,大多喜欢与人谈论自己学校的学习生活的情况,同时也渴望了解同类其他学校的生活情况,因为学校的课程设置,时间安排似乎直接影响到学生在学校的幸福指数。而且,学生也喜欢把自己学校的情况与其他学校比较。有意思的是这似乎很有可比性。就很小的江阴市,不同学校之间的时间安排,甚至课程设置方面也有很大的差异。放眼到全省,全国就更大,在放眼到国外就更别说了,所以如果把这个话题展开还是很有意思的,可


3、可以考虑对前面所学知识和技能的整体或者综合呈现,以巩固前面所学内容,同时也是对学生掌握情况的一次测评。General Objectives(综合目标)知识目标1. 认识并理解相关的词汇。2. 能用恰当的词来表达自己的烦恼。能力目标让学生掌握阅读的各种技巧,如通过扫读了解主要信息、通过略读找出关键信息、通过细读掌握词汇、短语和句子结构等。情感目标1. 学会表达自己的烦恼和情感。2. 学会向别人寻求建议。3. 学会给别人提供解决烦恼的方法。重点1. 词汇:deal, choice, but, awake, hardly, imagine, doubt, worth, suggestion, cau

4、se, strict, schoolwork, valuable, friendship, list2. 词组:deal with, stay up late, stay awake, have spare time for my hobbies, be worth doing sth, offer me some suggestions, the cause of, get into trouble, be strict with sb, develop our hobbies, stay out, valuable advice, make a list of, work out, acc

5、ording to3. 句型:I dont know how I should deal with it. I have no choice but to do it. I cant imagine my life without hobbies. I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on homework. I dont understand why they are so strict with me. I wonder how I can achieve a balance between my schoolwo

6、rk and my hobbies. I hope you think my advice is worth taking.难点To identify specific information about Teenage Problems and learn how to talk about problems and express feelingsTeaching Advice(教学建议)Types of Lessons(阅读课、语法课、综合技能课、任务课)阅读课Step 1 Warming upLook at some pictures and say something about t

7、hem.e.g. She doesnt get enough sleep. She feels tired in class.He doesnt have close friends. Sometimes, he feels lonely.He / SheStep 2 Pre-readingWhat do you like to do during your free time?Do you have enough time for your hobbies?Do you like your school life in Grade 9? How do you feel? Step 3 Whi

8、le-reading1.Today, well have two Grade 9 students, Millie and Simon, to talk with us about their study and life.Skim their letters and answer the two questions. 1)What are Millies problems? 2)What problems does Simon have? Finish the exercise in Part B22.Here are some sentences in the two letters. A

9、nd there are some new words in them. Can you read the new words? Read them again and try to understand the new words. Do the exercise in Part B1.3. Listen to Millies letter and tell true or false. 4. Read Millies letter and fill in the blanks.NameMillieGrade Hobbies Problems_ and hardly _Feeling oft

10、en doubt whether _Wish_ so that she can _5.Have a debate. Millie knows its important to do her homework. However, she hardly has any time for her hobbies. What should she focus on? Choose one and have a debate. From your debate, we can see Millie should achieve a balance between her schoolwork and h

11、er hobbies. 6.Read Simons letter and find the sentences for the following. NameSimonGrade Hobbies football, _ football and _ football. ProblemsOften _. However, his parents _Feeling Feels _ from time to time, because he cant understand _7.Mr. Friend is replying to Millies and Simons letters. Help hi

12、m complete the sentences with the words in the box. Finish the exercises in part B3.Step 4 Post-readingFrom the letters we can see, Millie and Simon are feeling bad because of their problems. Do you want to help them? How will you help them to solve their problems? Please discuss it in groups of four.Share our problems with our friends or parents.To be confident is the first step to success.Nothing is impossible if we try our best.Step 5 Homework1.Learn the new words and the text by heart.2.Finish the exercises in the workbook.


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