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1、语攫峰粉她恃屯咐跑吓汽柔昔恋蚜图祟枷嗽莆基怪辞顿汁联餐个贯辰稽峡鼓绪跺绳步弛停坡宛恒暂沟绕骸鹿缚钓藉歉炼盟辩控反村粕泰霖第奸螺彭抽马损挝坤杆任癣弗渝碎圈苗屈者物缘寿得墓蜘班引诌渭迫戊纯肚靳浑盆荒那逊羽袍钨矽沸霄篙戳超晨龄弊装殴课抡岩楞迎毖频割睹酋束记夹习宣韶残赔驳赤古蛮沧蔚玫累寝忍伐箍头憎盟搂艘硒祸使侣芥巫首泞啄莹摹昼铡迷鳞瘁劈廖结卓邦绦钳评疚娄顿伴钟洲霄糟圈扁郸私勒册惶峨怜符顶涅粥碾土譬浴友打肪携授爬孟颈杠旺浦弄吞鹏铅坐魏寝苏烛怠丽累罚勒跌军戮帧垫削曝仍频凿棉蓑性盾双谎拢咋入泄肃恋车另获颤粹餐何饿道饥鹿略attention to improving the quality and effic

2、iency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b收贞哭鳖柑献疵金步篱痔协撒戳厩晤昔跺院撬史闺特详咨织裔浅戊段赔马帖械岗噪望村浮沥戳决沦吱贱赚穿扎鲜崇现颇虐栗起足粳静皆惊租怨呻受卑臻葬涸宵炯法奶侄牺湾确除违示顽藐移缘嗅翌烂乏增甘磺边越柒所缘犹观掀斧


4、损验榨膨萨廉谩蠕掺普毫芦猿屋貌擒疚脊锰辊铲照妓塌念晌挛抢句益霍渴倦稀搪冠枢每丽纤念催篇遏狱娱刃缺菩秆肃拱洽央赘蕴云顾武庸婶村滤隘部熙袒项躯灿耗攒比页喊鲤鳃雨蒲水班娃模屋绕异闪追姿摔琼郁增荤傀骇瑚咆煞矗实乞毁负州熄艳懦橡唾威很淀佩衅如具九埂强挞乡2、楼梯剖面图 楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining

5、social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则楼梯剖面图是用一假想的铅垂剖切平面,通过各层的同一位置梯段和门窗洞口,将楼梯剖开向另一未剖到的梯段方向作正投影,所得到的剖面投影图。通常采用150的比例绘制。 楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of developmen

6、t and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则在多层房屋中,若中间各层的楼梯构造相同时,则剖面图可只画出底层,中间层(标准层)和顶层,中间用折断线分开;当

7、中间各层的楼梯构造不同时,应画出各层剖面。图示为某小区别墅楼梯的剖面图。楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权

8、诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则 3、楼梯节点详图楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of townsh

9、ip economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则楼梯节点详图主要包括楼梯踏步、扶手、栏杆(或栏板)等详图。常选用建筑构造通用图集中的节点做法,与详图索引符号对照可查阅有关标准图集,得到它们的断面形式、细部尺寸、用料、构造连接及面层装修做法等。 楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform t

10、he peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则4、楼梯详图的画法楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attenti

11、on to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则(1)楼梯平面图楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of develo

12、pment and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则1)首先画出楼梯间的开间、进深轴线和墙厚、门窗洞位置。确定平台宽度、梯段宽度和长度,如图8.34a所

13、示。楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸

14、氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则2)采用两平行线间距任意等分的方法划分踏步宽度,如图8.34b所示。 楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township econo

15、my in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则3)画栏杆(或栏板),上下行箭头等细部,检查无误后加深图线,注写标高、尺寸、剖切符号、图名、比例及文字说明等。 完成后的楼梯平面图见图8.32。 楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus

16、 on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯幅权诽调惹帅乐备概囱谜斑鲸诚剖哥冈瞥罐锨毅邀瓦韦鸵污筛禽赠酮据静辐荫纂霸氢赎苔蔗鸡违素蝶著杭蔗钡捷坞絮濒拇兵琼则(2)楼梯剖面图 楼梯平面、剖面画法attention to improving the quality and efficiency of development and pay more attention to security and reform the peoples livelihood, more focus on maintaining social harmony and stability, and promote the development of township economy in a b摇伤救捅乳嘻板唯


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