外研社初中英语初二上册Module 5测评课设计

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《外研社初中英语初二上册Module 5测评课设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社初中英语初二上册Module 5测评课设计(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研社初中英语初二上册Module 5 测评课设计教学目标:1.听力过关2.口语过关3.阅读过关4.写作过关一、 课前预习:1. 播放视频:蓝色多瑙河2. 课前读词:blues 布鲁斯 classical 经典的;古典的 jazz 爵士乐opera 歌剧pop 流行音乐rock 摇滚乐techno 电子音乐 fast 快的fun 乐趣的lively 活泼的,轻快的modern 现代的serious 严肃的;严重的slow 慢的traditional 传统的3、每日播报:(一名学生给蓝色多瑙河配音,然后提问其他学生问题,课前营造英语氛围,提前进入英语情境)1. What s the capita

2、l of Austria?2. Who wrote The Blue Danube?二、课上探究:1. Part Listening (听力过关) 1) 听录音写单词。techno /rock/pop/jazz2)听录音,写形容词。modern/fun/lively/fast 口语输出,核对答案,达到听力人人过关3) Work in pairs. (小组两人对话) A: Techno is modern, isnt it?B: Yes, it is.练习反意疑问句,为口语过关做准备。2. Part Speaking (口语过关)1) Complete the tag questions(完成反

3、意疑问句). 1)You like classical music, _ _? 2)Liu Xiang won the match , _ _? 3)Dont go to the public places, _ _? 4)Its a good idea to keep the air fresh. _ _? 5)They have been to Disneyland, _ _? 个人探究,小组合作核对答案,总结规律。小组互查达到人人过关的目的。2 )Fill in the blanks. A: You like English very much, dont you? B: Yes, I

4、do. A: How to learn English? B: You should _ (speak) English in class. C: How about _ (listen) to the radio? D: Why not_ (read) English every day? E: Its a good idea _ (have) a pen friend. F: Try not _ (translate) every word. G: Why dont you _ (write) down your mistakes? H: Dont forget _ (check) you

5、r notebook.学生个人探究, 小组合作核对答案,错题归因。播放视频:如何预防甲型H1N1?引导学生灵活运用易错点,把易错点活学活用,通过看视频,联系生活实际,自编对话,要求用上易错句型:should doHow about doingDont forget to do sth.Try not to doIts a good idea to do sth. 变式训练,能力提升A: How to be away from(远离)H1N1 Flu?B: We should . Why not. Its a good idea to. How about .? Try not to.3. Pa

6、rt Reading (阅读过关) 1)教师点拨阅读技巧: Reading skill(阅Fast reading(泛读).Try to find the key words (关键词).For example: If you spend some time in an English-speakingcountry, you might hear the term “etiquette”. Itmeans normal and polite social behavior. Question: Whats the meaning of “etiquette”? 2)My name is Le

7、o. Im from Australia and Ive taught in China for two years. I teach in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province. This is really an interesting city with a very colorful history.Since I came to China, Ive learned a lot about my family history. Although Im Australian, my family is Jewish. So it wa

8、s a good idea _ (learn) Chinese history. My parents were so surprised when I told them about this in China.1. Where is Leo from? 2. How long has Leo taught in China? 3.请将文中划线句子译成汉语。 4.文中划线处用动词适当形式填空。5.请将斜体句子变反意疑问句。 This is really an interesting city with a very colorful history, ?小组挑战,达到全体成员过关。4. Pa

9、rt Writing (写作过关) 1)播放视频:北京欢迎你 2)问学生:What can you see? Who can you see? 3)小组合作,一人一句共同完成作文My favourite city. 4) 小组展示. 5) 学生在测评卷上完成作文的写作. 6) 小组内互批作文. 7) 展台展示作文. 8) 教师精讲点拨.三、课后延伸 Homework:1. 整理笔记,巩固知识点。(必做)2. Write a passage about HK.(选做)3. 预习Module 6 单词,能根据音标读出并理解汉语意思。反思:通过听说读写四大能力模块的过关达标,让学生在自测、自评互评、归因、达标的过程中,落实知识与能力目标的达成。同时,在测试题目的选择上关注情感态度价值观的目标落实,让学生在学习过程中,感受体验做人的道理。



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