Differences in Etiquette between the Eastern and Western Countries1

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《Differences in Etiquette between the Eastern and Western Countries1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Differences in Etiquette between the Eastern and Western Countries1(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中 西 方 礼 仪 差 异Differences in Etiquette between the Eastern and Western CountriesAbstract: With the advancement of economic globalization, the interactions between different cultures have been increasingly intensified people of different culture backgrounds, world views and values may inevitably encou

2、nter diverse problems and consequently misunderstanding and conflict may arise in cross-cultural communication. This calls for our research into different cultures so that we can find out problem-solving methods and strategies. Social etiquette is one of the problems that are worth our attention.It

3、is well known that different countries have different histories and cultures; there are a lot of differences in the habit of conducts and the ceremony, especially between China and the west. In the office, to understand each others customs will be conductive to the exchange between the countries. A

4、person who understands others rituals and folk customs can be seen as respecting for others and can be easier to make a good impression on the other side. So etiquette is the first step to personal intercourse; moreover either Chinese culture or western culture lays much stress on the significance o

5、f communication.China has been well known as “the land of etiquette”, and people are constantly observing some generally accepted codes of politeness. Confucianism, which has been influencing China for thousands of years, also stresses etiquettes, so Chinese codes of conduct are naturally under the

6、influence of the ancient culture. Despite the different culture and values, Western countries unexceptionally emphasize etiquette in interpersonal intercourse. Therefore, both cultures have something in common as well as different. While focusing on the commonalties, this thesis gives emphasis on di

7、fferences furthermore, explores the underlying factors behind these differences. After that, some solutions are produced: thinking globally and culturally; increasing cultural awareness; learning behavioral skills. In the end, the thesis concludes that in the context of cultural diversity we should

8、face the reality and overcome communicative obstacles to achieve fluent and effective intercultural communication.Key words: social etiquette; culture differences; intercultural communication 摘 要: 随着经济全球化的发展,不同文化间的交往也不断加强。不同文化背景、不同世界观价值观的人们在交往过程中不免会发生各种各样的问题,误解和冲突就会产生。这就要求我们对不同文化进行研究,从而找到解决问题的方法和策略。


10、响。西方国家虽然痛我们相比具有不同的价值观和文化观,但在人际交往中也不例外的强调礼貌待人。因此,在中西方文化中,社交礼仪既有一些共同之处,也有许多差异。本文在关注相同之处的同时,也强调了差异的重要性,并进一步探讨了差异背后的影响因素,同时侧面探讨了解决方法:要从全球及文化的角度思考问题,增强文化意识,学习交际行为技能。最后,在文化多样性的背景下,我们应当面对现实,克服交际障碍,实现畅通而有效的跨文化沟通。关键词:社交礼仪;文化差异;跨文化交ContentsI. Introduction.1II. The Importance of Etiquette and Etiquette Study2I

11、II. Differences in Factors Affecting Etiquette between the East and the West.3A. The Origins of Chinese Etiquette and the Western Etiquette.3B. Different Cultural Background of Etiquette between the East and the West.41. The Impact of Different Modes of Social Interaction on Etiquette.52. The Differ

12、ences between the Personal Philosophies of Etiquette53. The Impact of Different Social Customs on Etiquette.64. The Impact of Different Hierarchism of People Status on Etiquette.7C. Chinese Etiquette Education and the Western Etiquette Education81. Etiquette Education in the Western Countries82. Eti

13、quette Education in China10IV. Contrast of the Chinese Etiquette and the Western Etiquette.11A. Wedding Tradition.11B. Dining Tradition141. Differences in Tableware152. Differences in Table Setting.163. Differences in the Dining Atmosphere.174. Differences in Terms of Discourse.185. Differences in T

14、oasting.18V. Conclusion.19Work Cited.20I. IntroductionEtiquette is process and means to show respect to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures. The etiquette can be said to be a persons external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. Firstly, people can be raised their self-cultivation. Secondly, it will promote social interaction and improve peoples interpersonal relationship. It also can purify the society. Along with the constant development of Chinese culture and the Western culture, Chinese ritual and the western ritual a


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