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1、Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town学习目标:1.能正确地使用名词所有格2.能正确使用形容词性物主代词3.能正确使用名词性物主代词学习重难点:1.words:postcard, key, ring, yours , ours ,hers2.Phrases:all over pencil case学习过程:Step1: Lead in Step2: Noun + s1.概念: 名词所有格用来表示人或物得所属关系2.构成: 在单数名词后加 eg: Lily 的书 在以s 结尾的复数名词后加 eg: 教师节 在不以-s结尾的复数名词后加 eg: 儿童节 表示两者共同拥有的人

2、或物,用 ; 表示两人各自拥有,用 Eg: The man is (Lily and Lucy) father They are (Lily and Lucy) bedrooms. Step3: Possessive adjectives and pronouns1.完成下列表格主 格 I you he she it wethey宾 格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词Step4:Exerciss 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1、-Who is the boy on the bike? -He is a friend of _ (I) 2、-Whose car is this? - Its on

3、e of my _ (friend) 3、Can you teach _ (we)how to drive a car? 4、Look! _ (we) classroom is bigger than _ (their) 5、The cards are for_ (they),they are not _ (your) 6、Please write down the _ (child) names on the paper. 7.Here is the (钥匙) to the door. 8. (没有什么) is difficult ,so we should work hard. 9.My

4、phone doesnt work. Would you please lend me (you)? 10.The toy isnt Kates . (she) is on the bed. 11.They are so excited (get) some information. 12.That room isnt (we). 13.They try (they) best to make me feel at home. 14. It is only _(10分钟)walk from my home to school .15 Never leave _(今天的工作) till tomo

5、rrow .二翻译短语 遍地都是 妇女节 谁的钥匙扣 我的明信片之一 三、完成句子 1. 那条裤子是谁的?是我的 .2. -你认识他吗? - 他是我父亲的一个老朋友。 .3. 这些毛衣是西蒙的吗? 不,是他们的。 .四、单项选择1. Its twenty _ walk from the hospital to the school. A. minutes B. minutes C. minutes D. minute2. The girl on the balcony is _. A. Tonys and Lucys classmate B. Tonys and Lucy classmate

6、C. Tony and Lucys classmate D. Tony and Lucy classmate3.The PLA man saved(救) three _ lives(生命) in the accident. A. child B. children C. childrens D. childs4.This is a photo _, he looks young and handsome in the photo. A. of her fathers B. of her fathers C. of her father D. of her fathers6. Its mothe

7、rs birthday tomorrow.Yes. Lets buy _ a nice present. A. him B. you C. her D. it7. All parents love children. A. us B. their C. them D. theirs8. Alice lost(丢失) _ phone card. Can she use _? A. hers; your B. hers; your C. her; yours D. she; yours9. Wow! What a nice computer!My parents buy it for my sister and me. Its _. A. ours B. hers C. mine D. theirs10.These arent my shoes, mine _ white. A. is B. are C. be D. am 作业次数_时间_ 等级_


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