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1、Teaching Plan-PEP 7B Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ? Period 1南漳县峡口中学 杨艳一、教学内容分析: Unit 3 的主要内容是谈论喜欢的动物并表达理由。本课是Unit 3 的第一课时,涉及到的内容有两项:一是学习动物名称和描述动物特征的形容词;二是用英语谈论自己喜欢的动物并说明原因。可以说本课时囊括了本单元的主要词汇和句型。因此,上好本课是非常关键的,它直接影响到后面的对话教学和阅读教学。二、学生情况分析: 多姿多彩的动物世界是学生们感兴趣的话题之一。灵活运用多媒体,学生们在教室里走进了动物王国,有效地激发了学生们的求知欲。在新旧知

2、识的衔接上,同学们在小学的时候已经接触过一部分动物名称及“Why”、“Because”句型,因此学习起来难度不是很大。但由于本课的词汇较多,有些学生可能在口语表达上存在一些障碍,如penguin,koala,dolphin,lion等单词的发音。不过,只要多加训练,他们是能够准确把握的。三、多媒体资源的选择与运用: 随着现代教育技术的快速发展,多媒体技术进入课堂辅助教学日益普遍,并被称之为“现代教育的一道靓丽风景线”。在本节课中,多媒体资源的选择与运用主要体现如下:1、 开课时先利用多媒体播放长约两分钟的动物电影,刺激学生们的视听感官,从而活跃课堂气氛,调动他们的学习积极性,培养学生们学习英语

3、的兴趣。2、 复习导入时,在多媒体上以卡通图片形式引导学生们复习一些已知的动物名称,如cat,dog ,rabbit,pig,monkey等,以便呈现新词汇,达到“温故而知新”的目的,并为后面的口语交际积累词汇。3、 操练新单词时,通过多媒体播放动物的叫声,然后让学生们做一个根据声音辨别动物的游戏,充分调动学生们的思维,同时增强学生们对动物名称的辨析和记忆。4、 教学Why do you like pandas/tigers/.? Because they are cute/smart/.句型时,利用多媒体图文并茂的优势进行句型练习,同时模仿电视中常见的“过关斩将”游戏,实现人机对话,以便学生

4、们能正确读认新单词、新句型,并为提高学生们的口语交际能力做好语言铺垫。5、 检测学习效果时,让学生们通过投影仪展示学习成果。这样可以更快、更好地发现问题,从而有效地点拨、纠正、提高。6、 小结时在多媒体上把单词、句型再一次呈现出来,以突出重点,达到画龙点睛之功效。四、教学目标:1、知识与技能:(1)知识目标:单词:koala ,tiger,elephant,dolphin,panda,lion,penguin,giraffe,zoo,cute ,smart, beautiful,friendly,clever句型:Why do you like koalas ? Because they ar

5、e cute.(2)技能目标:让学生掌握动物名称和描写动物特征的形容词。用英语谈论你所喜爱的动物及其原因。提高学生们的听力技能。2、过程与方法:(1)使用多媒体来展示动物图片,以便呈现新单词和新句型。然后操练这些单词和句型。(2)Pairwork. 两人小组练习对话并编写、表演新对话。(3)Group work. 分组做调查,在小组内汇报,然后再在班上汇报。(4)听力训练和朗读训练。3、情感态度和价值观:(1)通过用英语来谈论喜欢的动物及叙述理由,培养学生们热爱自然、保护动物的情感。(2)通过小组合作交流来培养学生们的协作精神、创新精神。 五、教学重难点:1、教学重点: 掌握动物名称和描述动物

6、特征的形容词。2、教学难点:(1)学会用“Why”提问原因,用“Because”表达理由。(2)让学生们熟练地描述他们喜欢的动物并谈论原因。六、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-up1. Greetings:T:Good morning,boys and girls!Ss:Good morning,Miss Yang!T:Nice to meet you!Ss:Nice to meet you,too!2. Say:“Today,we will learn Unit 3. We will learn a lot of animals. Do you like animals?First

7、lets see a short movie about animals.”Then get students to see a short movie on the Internet.(教师通过多媒体播放长约两分钟的动物电影,从而活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生们学习英语的兴趣。)3. Ask: What animals do you know?Call some students to answer.Then show some pictures on the Internet and review some names of animals:pig,dog,cat,duck,

8、rabbit. cat dog pig mouse monkey rabbit (在多媒体上以卡通图片形式引导学生们复习一些已知的动物名称,以便呈现新的动物名称,同时为后面的口语交际积累词汇。)Step 2 Present the new words1.Show a picture of a dolphin on the Internet and present like this:T:Look at this picture. Whats this in Chinese ?Ss:“海豚”T: Whats this in English ? Its a dolphin. Read after

9、me. D-O-L-P-H-I-N,dolphin.Ss:D-O-L-P-H-I-N,dolphin.Then call several students to read in class.2.Present the other words in the same way. penguin panda koala giraffe tiger elephant lion dolphin3.Play a game.Say:“Lets play a game. Ill play some sounds of animals.Please tell me what animals they are .

10、”Then play the tape on the Internet and ask students to listen to the sounds of some animals and guess. They can say the names of animals in Chinese. And then show the English words and practice reading again.(通过多媒体播放动物的叫声,然后让学生们做一个根据声音辨别动物的游戏,其目的在于充分调动学生们的思维,同时增强对动物名称的辨析和记忆。)Step 3 Practice the new

11、 words1. Get students to match the words with animals in 1a.2. Check the answers with students.3. Read the words in groups one by one and find out the best group.Step 4 Listening practice1. Play the tape of 1b on the Internet. Get students to check the words that they hear in 1a.2. Play the tape aga

12、in and check answers.Step 5 Present the new sentences1. Say“I like pandas . Because they are fun. I like dolphins,too. Because they are cute . Cute means 可爱的,漂亮的. Are you clear ?”Then teach cute .2. In the same way ,present smart/interesting/beautiful/friendly/clever by using pictures on the Interne

13、t. Then practice reading.3. Game: I can read.Divide students into two groups(boys and girls) to have a contest. Show some new words on the Internet and students read and translate. If someone is right, he/she can get a happy face. If someone is wrong, he/she will get a sad face.(模仿“开心辞典”来开展单词大比拼活动,一

14、方面能检测学生的学习效果,另一方面又能通过男女生PK来培养学生们的团队精神。同时,通过画笑脸、哭脸及时对学生们的学习进行表扬与鼓励,从而使课堂气氛达到一个高潮。)4. Present new sentences using some information on the Internet like this:koalascute T: Lets see the koalas. Do you like koalas ? Ss: Yes. T: Why do you like koalas ?dolphinssmart Ss: Because they are cute . T: Why do you want to see dolphins ? Ss: Because they are smart .5.Look at the pictures on the Internet and practice asking and answering. pandas,friendly koalas,cute penguins,smart dolphins,clever (利用多媒体图文并茂的特点进行句型练习,以便学生们能正确读认新单词、新句型,并为提高学生们的口语交际能力做好语言铺垫。)6.Game: I can



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