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2、ne is to work with parents to analyze the causes of childrens Internet addiction. Second, parents are advised to respect their children and not to adopt the educational methods of scolding and scolding. Third, parents are advised to pay attention to communicating with their children, encouraging pra

3、ise more and blaming less. Fourth, parents are advised to create a warm and harmonious family relationship, so that children feel the warmth of home and the love of parents. Fifthly, parents should be advised to combine blocking, limit the time of children surfing the Internet, and guide children to

4、 browse healthy and beneficial content. Sixth, if the childs Internet access has become a more serious mental illness, it is recommended to use drugs or ask a psychiatrist to guide treatment.五十一、请你谈谈在当前多元化社会背景下,如何做好班主任工作。 要发自内心的热爱本职工作,具有奉献精神。 要有广博的学识,合理的知识结构和平和的心态。 要善于引导班级舆论,建设健康向上的班级文化。 要通权达变、会爱学生,

5、精心呵护每个学生的心灵。 要着力营造浓厚的学习氛围,注重学生自主学习能力的培养。 要掌握与家长沟通的技巧,把学校教育与家庭教育有机结合起来。First, we should love our work from the heart and have the spirit of dedication.Second, we should have broad knowledge, reasonable knowledge structure and a peaceful mind.Third, we should be good at guiding class public opinion an

6、d building a healthy and upward class culture.Fourthly, we should be flexible, love students and carefully care for each students soul.We should strive to create a strong learning atmosphere and pay attention to the cultivation of studentsautonomous learning ability. We should master the skills of c

7、ommunicating with parents and combine school education with family education.四十五、即将要走上讲台的你,自我感觉对教师这一职业,最大的优势和最大的不足分别是什么?(结合下一题回答)随着新课程改革的不断推进,教育需要新鲜血液的注入。新教师做为年轻人,易于接受新事物,容易与学生沟通,更快进入新课改的教师角色。 A.我个人来说,我是师范毕业,在心理上一致认为自己是一名准教师,不要小看这样的心理,这是非常重要的,我经常会看一些跟教育教学有关的书和文章,并有了写教育日志的习惯,不断补充着自己的教育细胞。 B.我一直有意提高自己

8、的教学能力,利用假期带家教,并进行了一个多月的教学实习,从事教育事业不会觉得陌生。 C.我积极向上,善良,正直,细心并且有耐心,最重要的是我真心的喜欢学生,喜欢跟他们在一起,教给他们知识,陪伴他们成长。当然,作为一名新人,我有很多的不足,缺乏经验,年轻气盛,面对突发问题,不如老教师考虑周全。但是,我相信,只要我努力,不久的将来我就能成为一名优秀的老师四十六、年轻教师有什么优势和劣势?优势:一是思维活泼,很容易和孩子打成一片。二是有正确的教育思想,热爱自己从事的事业,对待教学工作有强烈的责任感,爱自己的每个学生。三是能以发展的眼光要求自己,坚持继续教育。四是具备良好的思想道德素养和心理素质,有广

9、泛的兴趣、稳定的情绪、坚强的意识、活泼开朗的个性。五是谦虚、积极要求上进,能认真听取有经验的老师的指导与建议。六是能运用多媒体手段丰富课堂教学。劣势:一是缺乏经验。二是缺乏耐心,三是作为一个新教师,对于课堂教学,如何使教学效果最优化、最大化,这还是一个不断学习和摸索的过程。四是有时在处理人际关系上显得不够老练。五是有些理论与实际操作脱节。六是有反思但不深入,缺乏教学经验。Advantages:First, the thinking is lively and easy to integrate with children. Secondly, we should have correct ed

10、ucational thoughts, love our own career, have a strong sense of responsibility for teaching, and love every student of our own. Thirdly, we should insist on continuing education from the perspective of development. Fourth, they have good ideological, moral and psychological qualities, broad interest

11、s, stable emotions, strong consciousness and lively and cheerful personality. Fifth, be modest and positive, and be able to listen carefully to the guidance and suggestions of experienced teachers. Sixth, we can enrich classroom teaching by means of multimedia.Inferiority:One is lack of experience.

12、Second, lack of patience. Third, as a new teacher, how to optimize and maximize the effect of classroom teaching is still a process of continuous learning and exploration. Fourthly, sometimes they are not sophisticated enough in dealing with interpersonal relationships. Fifth, there are some disconn

13、ections between theory and practice. Sixth, there is reflection but not in-depth, lack of teaching experience.四十七、请你列举新课程改革倡导的学习方式,并就每一种学习方式加以简单说明。【答案要点】新课程改革倡导自主学习、合作学习和探究学习的学习方式。自主学习就是“学生自我导向、自我激励、自我监控”的高质量的学习。合作学习是指学生在小组或团队中为了完成共同的任务,有明确责任分工的互助性学习。探究学习是从学科领域或现实生活中选择和确定研究主题,在教学中创设一种类似于学术(或科学)研究的情境

14、,学生通过实验、操作、调查、信息搜集与处理、表达与交流等探索活动,自主地、独立地发现问题、获得知识、技能,发展情感与态度,特别是探索精神和创新能力。The new curriculum reform advocates independent learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning.Self-regulated learning is a kind of high-quality learning characterized by studentsself-orientation, self-motivation and self

15、-monitoring.Cooperative learning refers to the mutually-assisted learning in which students have clear responsibilities and division of labor in order to accomplish common tasks in groups or teams.Inquiry learning chooses and determines research topics from the field of disciplines or real life. It

16、creates a situation similar to academic (or scientific) research in teaching. Students discover problems independently and independently, acquire knowledge and skills, develop emotions and attitudes, especially exploratory spirit, through exploratory activities such as experiments, operations, surveys, information collection and processing, expression and communication. Ability to i



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