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1、新目标英语八年级下册第二单元What should I do? SectionA1a-2c词汇课教学设计 双山子初级中学 王艳艳(一)教材分析 本单元承接八年级上册Whats the matter?中有关情态动词课时,集中呈现了本单元的基本词汇和语言结构,因此,本课教学有着承上启下的重要作用。(二)学生分析1.八年级学生兴趣广泛,思维敏捷,爱表现,符合本课教学特点。2大部分学生已有了词汇学习的基础,具备了不少简单动词短语的词汇积累,再加上八年级上册Whats the matter?的学习,本节课在教师指导下能够完成学习任务。 (三)教学目标1知识目标: 学会使用情态动词could 、shoul

2、d,学会并能正确使用新单词keep out、play、argue、Whats the matter? out of style。 2能力目标:(1)利用本节词汇能够谈论自己的麻烦和问题。(2)能够为他人的问题找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议及能够从他人的建议中为自己的问题找到解决办法。(3)能把已学过的词汇或拓展新的词汇为本节课服务 .3情感目标: 通过共同探讨、解决各种烦恼和困惑,学会反思自己,体谅他人,树立合作精神,。培养学生乐于帮助别人的情感态度和价值观.(四)教学重点难点 重点: 情态动词should、could及keep out、play、argue、Whats wrong? ou

3、t of style的正确使用。 难点:本节课词汇的综合运用。能够运用所学内容,谈论问题和困难,选择或提出建议。(五)、教学过程Step 1. Lead- in: The teacher shows a picture about a man who has a headache,then ask, Whats the matter with him? The students give out the answer. Continue to ask:What should he do?” the Ss give out the answer with “ He should go to th

4、e dentist”设计意图:利用一个贴近生活的话题,复习旧知识,利用复习,导入话题提建议。把谈论问题和提建议两个目标语言作了分解,降低难度。为导入新课作铺垫。通过师生、生生间大量的语言交流,培养学生用英语交际的能力。通过谈话自然地引入本课的主题 What should I do ?Step 2. Presentation:1T: Now, in this unit, we are going to talk about problems,通过 Whats wrong? /Whats the matter?/ Whats wrong with you?询问某人遇到什么问题?和用should 或

5、者could (用于不太肯定的时候)来表达建议。如:I have a problem now, I need your help. Do you know what it is? Do you want to know? Please ask me. Gather the Ss answers on the Bb. Whats wrong?/ Whats the matter?/Whats wrong with you? Then set a situation and ask them for advice T: I want to play computer, but my mother

6、lets me do homework . What should I do?设计意图:设置情景,引入谈论的新问题,呈现所需要的语言知识。2. T: You know in our daily lives or your study. There are many problems. Lets look at these pictures. What problems do they have? What should they do? (利用ppt分别展示四幅图片,介绍本课重点词汇out of style, argue, play, loud, keep out ) T: Look at P

7、icture1. Whats he doing ? Is he happy ?Whats wrong with him? Can you guess? Are his clothes beautiful? Present the word “out of style” Then ask the question again,” Whats wrong with her?” (询问个别学困生,以检查他们对新单词的理解和运用。) After that, ask “ What should he do?” Then present “argue”, “play”, “loud”, “keep out

8、” in the same way.Then teach them to read till they can read by themselves.设计意图:利用所学的目标语言,结合课文真实情景,在讲中练,练中运用,为学生创设词不离句,句不离情景的英语情境。对新单词的教学不是仅停留在单词上,而是将单词融入句中,让学生整句理解。针对不同的单词采用不同的检测方法既能检测优秀学生的学习情况,又能帮助学困生再次学习,体现了分层教学的理念;帮助学生理解词义和句意,同时又渗透了德育教育。Step 3. Practice把学生分成四组,给学生提供No.1、2、3、4四个选题,每组选派代表抽取其中一个选题,

9、完成相应的任务活动,这4个选题分别是: No.1 My clothes are out of style .What should I do? No.2 I argued with my best friend。What should I do?No.3 My mother argues with ma father ,my mother doesnt let him in, What should he do?No.4 My brother plays his CDS too loud. I cant sleep. What should I do? 当学生们抽到自己的题目时,先大声读出来,

10、如有错误,老师帮助纠正,以此来解决在朗读方面有障碍的同学。之后马上展开小组讨论,运用情态动词should、 could写下本组建议,准备在班上交流。在交流的过程中,老师进一步引导学生们对每条建议加以评价。如:Thats a good idea! I dont think so.设计意图:让学生将刚学过的词汇和句型进行模仿运用,既帮助学生掌握了关键词语和信息,为之后是灵活运用作好了准备充分调动学生的参与热情,体验知识的实用性,培养学生的合作精神和说的能力。Step4. Brain storming T: OK, just now, we talked about your lives, but

11、I know, in your study, you still have some problems. For example, some of you think English is difficult. But I know all of you want to learn English well. What should you do? Please work in groups. Try to find some ideas and advice. Maybe its good for your study. Then give a report .See which group

12、 has more ideas, they will be winners. (每组发一张纸,共同探讨,并做好记录,然后各组选一人做汇报。)设计意图:倡导合作、探究式学习方式。培养学生用英语做事情的基本技能,让学生体验使用英语的成功感,启发不断学习的内在动力。此环节是本课是重点。在这个环节中,为学生搭建小组合作学习的平台。学生在小组学习的过程中生生互助,合作学习,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,又通过互帮互助提高了学习的效率,给学生留出了很大的运用语言的空间。Step 5: Summary Task 1.Sum up what we learned today. (talk about problem

13、s and give advice). 设计意图:培养学生分析、归纳、综合等能力。 T:(播放爱的奉献) In our lives, we will meet all kinds of problems. We should learn to ask for help, and we also should learn to help others. If we learn to help each other. Our world will be more friendly and beautiful. Do you agree? 设计意图:播放歌曲爱的奉献,让学生明白赠人玫瑰,手留余香不要

14、需要之时方知友,以此来对学生进行德育教育。Step6 PracticeStep7 HomeworkWrite down your problems and lets solve them together.For example: Subjects: I am not good at English.Lives: I had a fight with my best friend.Step 8板书设计 Unit 2 What should I do? Whats wrong? =Whats the matter? Problems Adviceargue with sb. You should / could . out of style play CDs too loud keep out


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