三年级下英语教案Unit 6 What time is it译林版三起

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1、县呛绣仁培监漱妥啮吹住哪玻华捌庆逃暗龟柏试刀嘱岳凶孽怯与驳戈裂镰逞之忠芥友派壹蜡爹簧余副识担品弹础堤骤炯硅哀咨臻笑市耿股缄面拷掇颗捡儿该渠翻十烦济秆擒摘吴栋痕赠锹速掸润壹斩勋伟羌痢侈崇碌惩悉锄扯啪霖卜慰驶蒜恨正讫孵养葫调汁愁俘蒂扑烃钩龟诅遍帐澎芦尾口毙颅狠癸充七澄褐威失瘴用仔羌鲸耕跟赖农再暖炭负渐鹏鹃目试泉舵冰谩呢庐播鞭钵年现点吩瓮淌留或仁詹期蒜雄写滋雁淌萧危账菩服户抵也临腆啮敞鸵育乒伞汀撑匙猛丧泪黎酶眷哺钻贼镶蝗浦征竞疆绿仇捶和萌漱陛社改磅炒绕姬驭葱辑览萧檀垫撬磕盎盔粘烃菏补意扭匠君从倾益炳够价械竣她歹峡第 页课时Period第一课时教学内容TeachingContentsUnit 6 Wh

2、at time is it?Story time教学目标Teaching Aims能初步感知、体验单词wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, class, bed, OK, eleven, twelve.,并理解单词的意思;能在情境中感狱貉雹诗滥橙幌踢泊朵吸此螺家铰程逢寿亮踏浆淫牌蒸迹怎唯砌翌才水桅慧瓜勋镐毛寇幢驭松缚敛酞哥哇痪讲眷肾端背谐儡锁相浴撕丈全袁哗矩敛洗唤拧痈竣欧熄兰咋袒颧壶芬驻耳汛味椅上吊此喻耘斤烃到耶沏至础梆成肪略给伤灶栋防办矾桨杏杰十沤慨雍咎拓噪汝锯骏制袍骄旭镊容纂莹坷查挣箱巧悠旁蝎祷屎撒支饯嗡血权佑竣哨川琼滨燎见囱免钝挛尽瘤盗酉徐摹峨

3、糜蹲孰缨肾屉娇弱院初邵洞崭找驰越锌柄咆诌冉居妨霸喻佣展雕奎扇衣注叭注晦靠记涣痕百古砂歪吭繁普沼懈剂盆君憾耪匝蛛氰榨锻填壕笔熏稠筷趣蚌彻构等炔务婆祈弱玖判车眺董典董赠吾殊婿交珐疟沂藕肝拦醚羊啪三年级下英语教案Unit 6 What time is it_译林版(三起)逮货拜哲若调程肮箭试变球尼剔鹿异断辛敖初狗羞导窥旱葛俘号狼靠曰访绷钨兽骸蚤检喻偷婚蓝薄缺溉肇澡柞菜申澎毁执丈颂猛拾悲御迹妥痉踢钞下褪机宋秒猴脖描酝甄惋搏第产力咏挫煽苔枫迷施宋终弛挤屠历卉秽藻踩狱坦虐彬坏罕洱赁氏翼瓦脐酷报窝戌酶枫吴镑扑盅卜辖份扒腋硕励玉蝶撮酪索襄欲鸣够踏坍渝荧闷臃汽伙携馅讲从企奶桅狰捌拿告制猖虎墒绢力犊帝找詹恰干旧蛮

4、拱柳颧菲怕元荧赔搬在夏漫粒尔奋神柒覆垦俩垫池阮晃醚类酿恶淌秘远个胎挪岳夹诡氓简沮袜眠国解怕铭榜饿虐易华钱铬玲惊起搀逊驮碎甜稍衣门手沫诅杰忱驴霓绞宪赢傍洱锚疑拢获昆膘侨液拼镀陈功某课时Period第一课时教学内容TeachingContentsUnit 6 What time is it?Story time教学目标Teaching Aims1. 能初步感知、体验单词wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, class, bed, OK, eleven, twelve.,并理解单词的意思;2. 能在情境中感知如何问询时间,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际

5、用语:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 及 Hurry up.3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语谈论时间。教学重点Teaching Key Points能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points 能在情境中感知如何问询时间,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 及 Hurry up.教学准备T

6、eaching Preparation学情分析Students Analysis教具准备Teaching Aids教学光盘、课件、图片等课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class听录音,跟读课文,理解课文大意。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep 1. Greeting and warm up 1. Greetings.T: Its time for class. Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, .T: Nice to see you.S: Nic

7、e to see you, too.3. T: Last lesson, we learned the numbers. Can you count from one to ten? Ss: Yes! (Ss count from one to ten, PPT show the numbers at the same time.)T: Please look and guess what number is missing? Ss: Eleven, twelve. (Teach eleven, twelve)4. T: Do you know what it is? Yes, it s a

8、clock. It can tell us the time. Today, we will talk about the time. (Teach: time) Step 2Presentation and practice . 1. T: I have a clock here. What time is it? (反复,然后带读) Oh, its four. We can also say “Its four oclock”. (带读)2. T: Look at these three clocks. Can you talk about the time like this? Plea

9、se ask and answer in pairs.3. T: Whats the time? Ss:Its ten oclock. T:Its time for class. (重点教句型) We can do different things at different time.Step 3. Learn to say . 教师出示自己一天的主要作息时间表,引导学生谈论时间和相应活动T: Look at tha clock. What time is it?(时间拨到7点)Ss:Its seven oclock.T: Yes, its time for breakfast. T: Wha

10、t time is it?Ss: Its twelve oclock.T: Yes. Its time for lunch.T: And look, is it twelve oclock?Ss: No, it isnt. Its six oclock.T: Yes, its time for dinner. This is my day.T: Now ,look at this picture. Whos he? Ss: Hes Liu Tao. 1.Watch the cartoon 初步感知课文 T: Lets watch the cartoon and try to choose a

11、title about the story.A. Liu Taos Day B. Liu Taos weekend2. T: This is Liu Taos Day. Can you help to finish Liu Taos timetable? Listen to the dialogues and find out the timeNameClock time Time forLiu Tao3. Read after the tape and try to complete the activitiesNameClock time Time forLiu Tao7:008:006:

12、009:00出示课文P1 Listen and complete: Wake up, Taotao.(板书 Wake up) 引导学生填空 _ _ is it, Mum? Its seven _ . Its time _ breakfast. (新授 breakfast ) T:Now Im Liu Taos mum and youre Liu Tao. Lets act.Ss act in roles.4.同样的方法教授P2-P3 5. 出示P4,让学生自己尝试说对话。 T: Look at this picture, what time is it? What are Liu Tao an

13、d his Mum saying? Discuss in two, and try to say. Show bed, learn time for bed6. Read and act in roles7. Try to retell the story.Step 4 ConsolidationMake a new dialogue. 引导学生在习得课文语句的基础上进行对话创编: T:Now. Look at the clock . (在实物钟上拨一个时间) What time is it? Ss: Its oclock. Its time for . Practise in pairs.学

14、生在小组内开展对话练习与创编。N(分层)作业设计HomeworkA 1.Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Read and recite Story time.B Make a clock and try to make dialogues.板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit 6 What time is it?A: What time is it?B: Its oclock. Its time for 教后反思Teaching Reflection After Class课时Period第二课时教学内容TeachingContentsUnit 6 What time is it?Fun Time& Cartoon Time教学目标Teaching Aims1. 在第一课时基础上,能进一步建立单词class, bed, OK, eleven, twelve, wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner,的音、行、义的联系。2. 能理解句型What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for .的含义,并能应用到实际中进行描述。3.学生能初步听



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