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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 密封线PEP小学英语六年级上册期中精品试题一、读一读,找出划线部分读音不同的单词。(10分)( ) 1.A. right B. bike C. pig( ) 2.A. please B. tea C. bread( ) 3.A .evening B. every C. eleven( ) 4. A. bag B. apple C. path ( ) 5 .A. excuse B. must C. hungry二、选择填空。(20分)( ) 1. -A: is the ball? -B: Its under the desk.A. Where B. Who C.

2、How ( ) 2. - do you usually come to school? -On foot. A. What B. How C .When( ) 3.If you want to buy a pair of shoes, you cant go to the . A. shoe store B. supermarket C. pet shop( ) 4.You cant drive on the side of the road in England. A. right B. east C. north( ) 5. Go straight five minutes, then y

3、ou can see it. A. in B. for C. of ( ) 6_ ? I m going to the Xinhua bookstore. A. Where are you going? B. How do you get there? C. What you going to do this weekend?( ) 7. -Is there a cinema near here? - . A Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, it does.( ) 8. -I often go to school bike. A. in B. by

4、C. on ( ) 9.My father is a doctor.He works in a . A. School B. hospital C. bank ( ) 10.In China and US , drivers drive _side of the road. A. in the south B .on the right C. on the left三、Read and choose(阅读对话,根据上下文,选择正确的句子,把字母编号填在相应的横线上。)(10分)A. Where is it? B. How can I get there? C. Thank you very m

5、uch. D. What are you doing to do there? E. Is it far from here? A: Excuse me, Im new here. I want to go to the post office. B: Its near the bookstore.A: B: Yes , it is .A: B: You can go by the No.302 bus .Get off at the hospital ,and then turn left .You can see it. A: Im going to buy a post card , a

6、nd send it to my cousin. B: Youre welcome. 四、根据情景提示将对话补充完整。(10分)1. Im going to post a letter, I must go to the _.2. I buy some comic books in the Xinhua _. 3. There are some books in it, but you cant buy, you can read them. Where is it? _.4. If you are ill, you must go to the _ and see the doctor. 5

7、. Sarach lives east of the white building, so the white building is _of her home. 五、Ask and answer.(根据答句写问句。)(10分) 1. ?I usually go to school by bus. 2. ?I am going to play computer games this afternoon. 3. ?You can go to the library by the No. 15 bus. 4. ?Yes, the park is next to the post office. 5

8、._ ?The bookstore is east of the cinema.六、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Usually I _(go)to work by E-bike, she_(go) to work by car.2. Listen!Jolin is _(sing) a song .3. I _(buy) a dictionary tomorrow.4. I can_(cook) the meals.七、根据括号里的提示完成句子。(10分)1. A:Where are you going?(cinema)B:_.2. A:What are you going to

9、do this evening?(watch TV)B:_.3. A:How are you going to the zoo?(on foot)B:_.4. A:When are you going?(2 oclock)B:_.5. A:Where is the science museum?(next to the hospital)B:_.八、Read and choose.阅读短文,并根据短文选择恰当的答案。(10分)Tomorrow is Sunday. Wang Jie isnt going to school. He is going to get up early. In th

10、e morning, he is going to visit a science museum. Hes going there by subway. Hes going to have lunch in McDonalds. In the afternoon, he is going to play football with his friends.At about 3:30, he is going home to do homework. Then he is going to clean his bedroom. Hes going to cook the meals for hi

11、s father and mother in the evening.( ) 1.What day is it today? Today is .A. Sunday B. Saturday( ) 2. Whats Wang jie going to do on Sunday morning ? He is going to . A. visit a science museum B. visit his grandparents( ) 3. Wang Jie is going to the science museum by .A. train B. subway( ) 4.Wang Jie is going to have dinner .A. At home. B. In McDonalds( ) 5. Is Wang Jie a good child? .A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. 九、Look and write.(看图作文, 假如你是Chen jie,你打算这个周末去哪里?它在什么位置?你跟谁一起去?怎样去?在那里将会做什么?根据下面的图片,发挥想象,用英语至少写五句话。你可以选图表达,也可以发挥想象自由表达。10分)


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