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1、西南大学22春英国文学史及选读离线作业一及答案参考1. I have_the building instinct of beavers.Aspoken ofBspeaked ofCspokeDspoke aboutI have_the building instinct of beavers.Aspoken ofBspeaked ofCspokeDspoke about正确答案:A2. The plot of _ is divided into three parts.A.Song of SolomonB.Native SonC.Invisible Man参考答案:B3. 荒原摒弃了传统的创作

2、手法,诗人自己隐没在各种( )的意象群之中。A.客观对应物B.主观对应物C.客观表现物D.主观表现物参考答案:A4. 【C12】AlossBincreasedCdecreasedDplayed【C12】AlossBincreasedCdecreasedDplayed正确答案:B5. For quite sometime after its appearance, Catch-22 was seen as a structural _ despite its narrative power.A.successB.miracleC.failure参考答案:B6. Fred believed tha

3、t his friend _ by his employer a month or so before. Awas promoted Bwill bFred believed that his friend _ by his employer a month or so before.Awas promotedBwill be promotedChad been promoted Dbe promotedC7. Best known for his novels about the adventure is _.A.ScottB.GoldsmithC.DickensD.Defoe参考答案:D8

4、. The more a nations companies _factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A.lieB.locateC.spotD.stand参考答案:B9. Those cakes look nice , Can I have_?A. ItB.oneC.Those cakes look nice , Can I have_?A. ItB.oneC.参考答案:B10. Dear Sirs, We refer to the contract No4632 covering 500 do

5、zen track suits. We wish to remind youDear Sirs,We refer to the contract No4632 covering 500 dozen track suits.We wish to remind you that we have had no news from you about shipment of the goods.As we mentioned in our last letter, we are in urgent need of the goods and we may be compelled to seek an

6、 alternative source of supply.Under the circumstances, it is not possible for us to extend further our letter of credit No1492, which expires on 21 AugustPlease understand how serious and urgent it is for us to resolve this matter.We look forward to receiving your shipping advice, by fax, within the

7、 next seven days.Yours faithfully,执事先生: 有关第4632号合同订购500打运动服事宜,至今尚未收到贵公司运货通知。 上次已给贵公司去信,表示急需此批货物。如贵公司未能供应此货,本公司需寻求其他货源。 因此,在8月21日到期的第1492号信用证无法再作延期。还望贵公司体察,尽快解决此迫切而严重的问题。 烦请于7天内传真贵公司的装运通知。 您忠诚的11. The Yellow River is the second _ river in china. A) long B) longer C) longest D) leThe Yellow River is t

8、he second _ river in china.A) longB) longerC) longestD) lengthC最高级可被序数词修饰。句意“黄河是中国第二长的河。”12. I am not_this cityWould you please introduce it to me? With pleasure.Afamiliar to I am not_this cityWould you please introduce it to me? With pleasure.Afamiliar toBfamiliar inCfamiliar forDfamiliar with正确答案:

9、D13. It was_ago !Asuch a long timeBso a long timeCsuch long timeDso long timeIt was_ago !Asuch a long timeBso a long timeCsuch long timeDso long time正确答案:A14. Blake is often regarded as a symbolist and mystic.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. Neo-classicism saw its decline in Dryden.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A16. ( ) the

10、Christmas season, all the people are very happy.A.WithB.ForC.ToD.In( ) the Christmas season, all the people are very happy.A.WithB.ForC.ToD.In答案:D17. proxy ( )A.superior intellectual, social, or economic statusB.an agent or a substituteC.supremacy参考答案:B18. One company exports 100 cases of goods to L

11、ondon. The volume per case is 40cm x 30cm x 20cm, and theOne company exports 100 cases of goods to London. The volume per case is 40cm x 30cm x 20cm,and the gross weight is 30kg.On the List of Classification of Commodities, goods fall within the scope of class 10, and the freight is based on W/M. On

12、 the Freight Tariff( China-London) , the basic freight rate is USD222, with 10% port surcharges. How much is the total freight?Total weight: 0.03 M/T100=3 Total volume: Total weightTotal volume Total freight=total weight(basic freight+surcharge) =3(222+22210%) =USD732.6 19. Language

13、: Is It Always Spoken? 1 Most of us know a little about how babies learn to talk. From the time infants are born , they hear language because their parents talk to them all the time. Between31. What is babbling?32. At what age do most infants babble?33. What is the full name for ASL?34. What theory

14、does Dr. Petitto believe about language learning?35. Who does Dr. Petitto want to study to prove the theory?参考答案:31. The activity of repeating the same sounds over and over again.32. Between the ages of seven and ten months.33. American Sign Language.34. Language can be expressed in many different ways - for instance, by rnspeech or by sign.35. Hearing children who have one deaf parent and one hearing parent.20. _ has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama”.



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