PEP小学英语五年级下册第三单元 5 Unit 3 My Birthday教案

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1、Grade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第一课时Main scene Lets start Lets chant A. Lets learn Group work C. Lets sing二、教学目标:1能够听、说、认读12个月份的名称并能书写其缩写形式。2能够就12个月份进行四季划分。3能够使用句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in调查班级或小组内同学的生日。4能听懂、会唱歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”三、教学重、难点1重点是12个月份的听、说、认读及其缩写形式

2、的书写,以及句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in的运用。2难点是January , February 的发音和正确书写12个月份的简写形式。四、课前准备1教师准备录音机及磁带。2教师准备12个月份的单词卡片。五、教学步骤1热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)Daily talk: Whats your favorite season? Whats your favorite month? 出示12个月的卡片并板书month。 比较month和mouth的发音。(2)Lets start. 请学生翻到课文第26页独立做题,并校对

3、。2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)单词呈现a教师指着12个月份的单词卡片,对学生说:There are 12 months in a year. Which months are warm? Who knows?b教师继续说:March is warm, which season is it in? Spring, summer, fall or winter? 引导学生一起回答:Its in spring. 将march 的卡片贴在黑板上“春季”的方框里。同理教学April and May .c教师指着“夏季”方框,画一轮艳阳,表情夸张地说:Oh, summe

4、r is after spring. And its very, very hot. Which months are in summer? 根据学生的回答教学June, July, August.d师生一起做“Before and After”游戏。教师面向学生,宣布游戏规则:在March 和August 六个单词中,教师随机给出一个单词,并举左手或右手。举左手,学生说出该单词前的一个月份,举右手,则说出后一个月份。eT: Summer is too hot for me. Guess, which season do I like best?S: You likeT: I like fal

5、l best. Because my birthday is in fall.通过让学生猜老师的生日具体在秋季的哪个月份,新授单词September, October, November。f教师在“冬季”方框中画上雪花,做出“冷”的样子说:Now we have the last season-winter . How cold it is! It snows! These three months are in winter. One of them is my favourite month. What is it? 学生会问:Is it December ? 教学单词December,

6、January, February。g巩固读与写(a)听录音跟读。(b)找出12个月单词的共同点(首字母大写)。(c)总结缩写方法。(2)教学句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is inaT: Do you remember when my birthday is?S: Your birthday is inbT: When is your birthday?S: My birthday is in师生、生生问答。教师板书:When is your birthday? My birthday is incMake a survey (Group wor

7、k). 学生用英语采访三位同学的生日,记录并汇报“s birthday is in”(3) Lets chant and Lets sing.a教学Lets chant。(a)听,指读。(b)教师说月份,学生跟说并做相应动作。(c)男女生分句说chant,边做动作。b教学歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”。3巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)完成课堂作业本A部分Lets learn的练习。(2)熟读单词并准备好默写十二个月份的缩写词。(3)同学之间做“Before and After”游戏。课堂练习:一写出下午单词的缩写形式或完整形式。

8、1.August- 2. September- 3.Jan.-4.March- 5.December- 6.Oct.-7.November- 8.February- 9.Apr.-二把下列月份写到相应的季节中。1.Spring:_2.Summer:_3.Fall:_4.Winter:_February June November AprilOctober August May DecemberJanuary March July September 六、板书设计:Unit3 My Birthday黑板上贴有十二个月份的单词卡片;文字板书为month,按季节归类的月份的缩写词以及句型:When

9、is your birthday?My birthday is inGrade 5 Unit 3 My Birthday复备人:一、教学内容:Unit 3 My Birthday第二课时A. Lets try Lets talk Lets find out二、教学目标:1、能够听懂并填写Lets try 部分Amy 一家人的生日。2、能够听、说、认读句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in3、了解西方主要节日所在的月

10、份及父母同伴的生日。三、教学重、难点1、本课时的教学重点是强化第一课时的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in 并听、说、认读新句型:Is your birthday in too?2、难点是学生要根据实际情况使用多样化的表达方式,如:When is your birthday? Is your birthday in February, too? How many birthdays are there in January以及When is Childrens Day?避免机械性地重复同一个句型。四、课前准备1、教师准备录音机及磁带。2、教师

11、准备标有12个月份的大转盘。3、教师准备一些人物头饰。4、教师准备节日图片。五、教学步骤1、热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(1)教师出示标有12个月份的大转盘,在转动指针前提问:Which month is it? 让学生猜测,如:Its January/ February.等。(2)Lets chant. (P.26)(3)Free talk:T: Hello, A. When is your birthday?SA: Its in January.T: What about you, B? Is your birthday in January, too?SB: No,

12、its in March .等。学生模仿以上对话进行“连锁问答”。2、呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)学习新句型:Is your birthday in too?a由Free talk引出新句型:Is your birthday in too?b带读句型:Is your birthday in too?c趣味操练(Play a guessing game)(a)教师出示准备好的写有生日月份的卡通人物图片和本课人物图片,并向学生提问:When are their birthdays? 引导学生做猜一猜的游戏。(b)教师戴上其中一个头饰问:When is my bir

13、thday? Guess!引导学生猜:Hello, Tutu. Is your birthday in January?当学生猜对后,教师出示正确月份,并回答:Yes, my birthday is in同时给猜对的小组加一分。(c)教师让猜对的同学选择自己喜欢的卡通人物头饰继续游戏,并引导学生使用句型:S1: When is my birthday? S2: Is your birthday in January?游戏的最后出现本课人物图片。(2)Lets talka教师出示Mike , Amy , Zhang Peng 的头饰,提问:When is Mikes birthday? What

14、 about Amy? What abut Zhang Peng? Lets listen and find out.教师放Lets talk部分的录音,学生听两遍后回答以上问题。然后看对话跟读录音。b学生三人一组练习该对话,并将自己与同伴的实际姓名和生日替换对话中的相应部分。(3) Lets find outa教师出示国庆节的图片并说:Chinas birthday, we call it“National Day”,板书National Day,学生跟读,然后师生问答:T: When is National Day?S: Its in October.b教师出示Tree-planting Day, Childrens Day, Army Day等节日的图片,帮助学生理解意思并带读。c同桌之间进行问答练习。如:When is Tree-planting Day? Its in March. 学生完成连线练习,师生问答进行校对。3、巩固和延伸(Consolidation a



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