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1、有关candle的习语(1) burn the candle at both ends 蜡烛两头烧 (比喻过分消耗体力、金钱等)。(2) cannot hold a candle to 比不上;不能与媲美。(3) not worth the candle 不值蜡烛的价钱 (比喻不值得,徒劳)。有关 dog 的习语:狗虽被视为人类忠实善良的朋友,但由于联想到野狗,在谚语或比喻中也常含贬义。例如:(1) A barking dog seldom bites. 会叫的狗不咬人。(2) Let sleeping dogs lie. 不要惹事生非。(3) Every dog has his day. 困

2、龙也有上天日 (凡人皆有得意之日)。(4) Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。(5) a dogs chance 极有限的一点机会 (用于否定句)(6) a dogs life 悲惨的生活(7) die a dogs death 惨死(8) dog in the manger 占着茅坑不拉屎(9) in the doghouse 失宠(10) sick as a dog 生病有关 elephant 的习语:(1) memory of an elephant 好记性(2) see the elephant 见世面, 开眼界(3) white elephant 白象(喻累赘的珍

3、品)有关 flea 的习语跳蚤是细小而惹人讨厌的动物, 与它相关的用语多和它这个形象相关。例如:(1) a fleabag 脏而惹人讨厌之物(2) a fleabite 轻微的痛痒(3) a flea in ones ear 刺耳的话批评有关 goose 的谚语与习语(1) All his geese are swans. 他的鹅都是天鹅 (敝帚自珍)。(2) kill the goose that laid the golden eggs 杀了会生金蛋的鹅 (杀鸡取卵)(3) cook sb.s goose 把某人的鹅煮了 (破坏他人的计划、希望或机会)(4) silly goose 呆头鹅

4、(5) gooseflesh, goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩(6) wild-goose chase 无望的追逐有关 grave 的习语(1) dig ones own grave 自掘坟墓; 自寻死路(2) from the cradle to the grave 从生到死,一生之间(3) have one foot in the grave 一只脚踏进棺材;风烛残年(4) turn in ones grave (死人) 在坟墓里翻身;死不瞑目有关 hair 的习语(1) get in sb.s hair 触怒某人;使某人烦恼(2) keep ones hair on 努力保持镇静(3)

5、 let ones hair down 不拘礼节;举止随便(4) lose ones hair 发怒(5) make sb.s hair stand on end 使某人毛骨悚然(6) not harm a hair on sb.s head 不伤某人毫发;温柔相待(7) not turn a hair 神情自若(8) split hairs 作极细微的分析;吹毛求疵(9) tear ones hair out (因悲伤、愤怒而) 扯头发;动作狂野有关 hare 的谚语与习语(1) If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 逐二兔,

6、两头空。(2) (as) mad as a March hare (如三月发情期的野兔一般) 发狂的,任性的(3) (as) timid as a hare 害羞的,胆怯的(4) hare and tortoise 龟兔赛跑 (不因才能低坚持到底终于获胜的游戏、工作)在口语中,hit 常和一些具体名词连用,形成有趣的表达。例如:hit the headlines 成名 (成为头条新闻)hit the jackpot 大为成功 (中大奖)hit the ceiling roof 勃然大怒hit the road 上路 (出发)有关 horn 的习语(1) be on the horns of a

7、 dilemma 进退两难(2) blow ones own horn 自夸,自吹自擂(3) draw pull in ones horns 节制,自制,退缩(4) show ones horns 露出本性(5) take the bull by the horns 不畏艰难;勇往直前有关 horse 的谚语与习语(1) You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink. 你可牵马到水边,却不能强迫它喝水。(喻师父引进门,修行在个人)(2) put the cart before the horse 把马车置于马之前 (喻本末倒

8、置)(3) lock the barn door after the horse has been stolen 马被偷之后才把谷仓门上锁 (喻亡羊补牢)(4) back the wrong horse 赌错马 (喻判断错误)(5) beat a dead horse 打死马 (喻白费力气)(6) eat like a horse 吃得像马一样 (喻大吃大喝)(7) hold ones horse 停住马 (喻稍安毋躁)(8) work like a horse 像马一般工作 (喻埋头苦干)有关 Jack 的谚语与习语:Jack 是英美非常普通的男子名, 常被用来代表一般男人; Jill 则是

9、非常普通的女子名, 也被用来代表一般女子,因而有了以下的说法。例如:(1) Jack and Jill 年轻男女(2) Every Jack has his Jill. 人各有偶。(3) Jack of all trades, and master of none. 门门皆知, 样样稀松。(4) before you can say Jack Robinson 立刻; 一眨眼工夫有关 jelly 的习语由于果冻看起来柔弱不堪一击, 因此人们常用 jelly 来表示虚弱的状态。例如:My legs felt like jelly before the interview. 面谈前我的双腿发软。H

10、e had beaten his victim to a jelly. 他痛打他的受害人。有关 lark 的谚语与习语据说云雀总是在一边飞入云霄之际, 一边欢唱, 因而有以下的习语:(1) happy as a lark 十分快乐(2) sing like a lark 唱得美妙动听(3) rise be up with the lark 早起(4) If the sky fall, we shall catch larks. 天塌下来可以捉云雀 (不必杞人忧天)。有关 lion 的谚语与习语由于狮子是力量、勇敢、凶猛的象征, 因此我们也用 lion 来指“勇者”、“名人”等, 另外还有以下的

11、习语:(1) as brave as a lion 如狮子一样勇敢(2) lionhearted 勇猛的(3) a lions den 狮穴, 危险之地(4) the lions share 最好 大 的一份 (出自伊索寓言)(5) put ones head into the lions mouth 身入险地, 冒大险。(6) twist the lions tail 向英国挑衅 (lion 是英国国徽)(7) beard the lion in his den 入虎穴取虎子; 奋勇斗敌有关 milk 的谚语与习语:(1) a land of milk and honey 富饶之邦 (出自圣

12、经)(2) milk and water 掺水的牛奶 (比喻乏味的谈话或夸张的感伤)(3) the milk of human kindness 天生的慈悲心肠 (出自莎士比亚的麦克白)(4) Its no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收,悔恨无益。有关 money 的谚语与习语(1) Money talks. 金钱万能。(2) Money makes the mare (to) go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。(3) Money doesnt grow on trees. 金钱得来不易。(4) Money is time. 时间就是金钱。(5) money for

13、jam old rope 很好赚的钱有关 monkey 的习语(1) funny as a barrel of monkeys 热闹有趣(2) monkey business/(3) monkey tricks顽皮的行为,恶作剧(4) monkey suit 制服,男用礼服 (好像街头卖艺的猴子所穿的衣服)有关 moon 的习语(1) bark at the moon 对月吠叫 (白费力气)(2) cry for the moon 哭着要月亮 (奢望不可能的事)(3) once in a blue moon 极罕见的 (blue moon 很难见到,因此指很长的时间)(4) over the

14、moon 非常快乐(5) promise sb. the moon 承诺给某人月亮 (承诺无法实现的事)有关 mouth 的谚语与习语(1) (have) a big mouth 大嘴巴,口风不紧(2) (be) all mouth 形容光说不练的人(3) (be) down in the mouth 气馁的,垂头丧气的(4) (live) from hand to mouth 生活仅够糊口的,没有余裕的 (5) put ones foot in ones mouth 说错了话 (因而陷入难堪)(6) Out of the mouth comes evil. 祸从口出。有关 nail 的习语(

15、1) (as) hard tough as nails 身体健壮的;心地冷酷的(2) drive hammer a nail into sb.s coffin 缩短某人的寿命(3) hit the nail on the head 一针见血,一语道破(4) on the nail 立即有关nose的习语(1) look down ones nose at. 瞧不起(2) turn ones nose up at sth. 不屑,看不起(3) keep ones nose clean 避开 (麻烦、丑闻等)(4) poke stick, put, thrust ones nose into sth. 干涉(5) keep ones nose out of sth. 不干涉(6) lead sb. by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子走(7) follow ones nose 往前直走 (常用于指点道路的方向)有关oil的


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