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1、贵州省遵义市小升初英语专题复习(语法专练):疑问词姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分) _ pen is this? A . WhoB . WhoseC . What2. (2分) _ is the Dragon Boat Festival? Its on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese calendar.A . WhenB . WhatC . Where3. (2分) do you like eating?I

2、 like eating salad.A . HowB . WhereC . What4. (2分) _do you go to school ?By bike.A . WhatB . WhenC . How5. (2分) (2020五上云浮期中) _ your maths teacher? Mr Zhao.A . WhatsB . WhosC . Wheres6. (2分) can I get there? A . WhereB . WhyC . How7. (2分) (2018三下盐田期末) Look at the cartoon.funny!A . What B . How8. (2分)

3、 _ club does his brother go to? A . HowB . WhatC . Where9. (2分) _ is it? Its a circle.A . What kindB . What colorC . What timeD . What shape10. (2分) are you late for school? Because I got up late.A . WhenB . WhatC . WhyD . Which11. (2分) _ teachers are there in your school? Sixty.A . How muchB . How

4、manyC . How12. (2分) _ this? Its a cat.A . WhatB . WhosC . WhatsD . What are13. (2分) (2018四下光明期末) the weather in Shenzhen July? A . Hows,inB . Whats,onC . Hows,on14. (2分) _milk do you want ? A . how manyB . How manyC . How much15. (2分) _ do you brush your teeth?I brush my teeth twice a day.A . HowB .

5、 How oftenC . What about16. (2分) _ is your cola?Its three dollars.A . How muchB . How manyC . How often17. (2分) _ your art teacher?Mr Liu.A . WhatsB . WhosC . Wheres18. (2分) _ is in your bag?A big eraser.A . WhatB . WhereC . How19. (2分) are you going? Im going to Xian.A . WhenB . WhereC . What20. (2

6、分) How _ is she? A . shortB . tallC . long21. (2分) _bread did he buy? A . WhoB . How muchC . How many22. (2分) _ have you got? A cat.A . WhatB . How manyC . Have23. (2分) does John feel? Hes sad. A . WhatB . HowC . Where24. (2分) _ your music teacher?Mr Jones.A . WhoB . WhosC . Whose25. (2分) _ are you?

7、Im five.A . HowB . How oldC . How many26. (2分) is it? Its ten yuan.A . How muchB . How oldC . How many27. (2分) _season do you like best? A . WhatB . WhichC . How28. (2分) _ is your name? Im Sam.A . HowB . WhereC . What29. (2分) _bread do you want? A . WhatB . How muchC . How many30. (2分) A:you havebal

8、ls?B: Yes,I do.A . Do;aB . Are;anyC . Do;any31. (2分) books do you have? A . How muchB . HowC . How many32. (2分) _ do you want?I want some rice.A . WhatB . HowC . When33. (2分) does he get up? At 6:30. A . WhenB . WhatC . How34. (2分) _is your favourite festival ?Its the Spring Festival .A . whatB . Wh

9、atC . Where35. (2分) _ are you going? This afternoon.A . WhereB . WhatC . When36. (2分) (2018四上浙江期中) _ English books do you have?A . HowB . How muchC . How many37. (2分) is the dinosaur?一I think its 1000 kilograms.A . How tallB . How oldC . How heavy38. (2分) _ do you like it? A . WhyB . WhatC . Where39

10、. (2分) _ is my pencil?Its here.A . WhatB . HowC . WhereD . When40. (2分) _ do you have on Sundays?I have PE and music.A . WhatB . WhoC . Where41. (2分) (2019六上吴忠期中) Howis Ningxia? A . longB . bigC . tallD . many42. (2分) _ that strong man?He is our maths teacher.A . WhatsB . WhosC . Hows43. (2分) _ your

11、 sisters job?She is a teacher.A . WhosB . WheresC . Whats44. (2分) A:_ are these bananas? B:They are $20.A . How manyB . WhatC . HowD . How much45. (2分) is your rubber?Its three yuan.A . How muchB . How manyC . How old46. (2分) (2020五上) can you do? I can cook.A . WhatsB . WhatC . Who47. (2分) are you so happy? Because today is my birthday.A . HowB . WhyC . What48. (2分) _ signs can you see in the park? A . How manyB . How muchC . How about49. (2分)



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