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1、 5A Unit 4 Halloween 课案(Teaching & Studying Plan)课 题 ( Title)5A Unit 4Halloween课型( Style)New 课时( Period)The first period理论支持(Supporting theories)英语课程标准中强调“英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的学习兴趣。英语课在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都要读注意学生为主体的思想。倡导让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、事件、参与和合作等方式实现任务目标,感受成功。”游戏的引入能有效的发挥学生的自主性

2、,参与性,可以很好的体现课程标准中教育要面向每个同学的要求,旧式“一言堂”式的课堂几经不再适应时代的要求了。同时参与游戏能促进合作学习,游戏过程中学生们要与他人合作,并体会成功的喜悦,这样有利于合作教学的开展,同时可以使同学生得到成功的信心,这样能使他们保持对英语的兴趣。同时,在游戏过程中遇到问题同学们可以集体讨论、研究找到答案,在寻求答案的过程中又可以不断发现问题,从而促进其创新精神的发展。“施教之功,贵在导入”。英语课的设计应着眼于学生的兴趣,在教学的最初阶段就牢牢地把握住学生的兴趣点,创设情境使学生对下面的内容充满期待。 因此在本课的学习活动中,我设计了肢体活动、游戏活动、思维活动、竞赛

3、活动和任务活动,让学生在玩中学、学中玩,为课堂营造了一个轻松和谐快乐的学习氛围。 新课标倡导学生是学习和发展的主体,根据新课标精神,在教学设计时,我围绕着教学内容力求密集、快速地进行,充分提高英语的使用率,促使学生对已有的知识广泛联系、综合运用,既体现交际性,又能引发学生的求知欲,做到多而不乱、杂而有序、环环相扣。教学内容(Contents)5A Unit 4Halloween Part B and C教学目标(Aims and Demands)语言知识(Knowledge)a) Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the

4、new words, phrases and patterns correctly: a mask, a vase, a pumpkin, a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig.b) Enable the students to listen, speak and read: Do you like?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like 语言技能(Language skill)Enable the students to communicate with daily English: Do you like? Yes, I do./ No,

5、 I dont. I like 情感态度(Feeling)Encourage the students to take actively part, improve their interest in learning English and form the good habit of helping others by many kinds of means. 教学重、难点(Key points & Difficulties)1. Enable the students to understand like 后面加名词的复数形式。2. Enable the students to read

6、 Part B fluently.教学方法(Teaching Methods)1. Entirety method.2. Task method.课前准备(Aids)pictures, recorder and CAI 教 学 设 计课前延伸预习是学生在课前预先学习相关的资料,找出自己的疑问和困惑,初步了解学习内容的重难点及认识新旧知识之间的联系。它是课堂教学中的重要环节,能使学生针对性地听课,做到有的放矢,从而提高课堂效率。同时还能培养学生自主学习的能力,即靠自己的能力去发现和解决问题,从而获得新知识的能力。有了这些积累和铺垫,学生在英语学习中更加充满自信,并能在轻松愉快的学习氛围中轻松地完

7、成学习任务。因此我把预习作业设计成问题练习,并以表格的形式打印出来,发给学生作为课后作业,让他们提前完成,老师课前及早检查批改。1. Preview Part B& C, listen, read after the tape and write down the questions.2. Underline the useful words, phrases and the main drills.3. Fill in the preview form. Unit 4 HalloweenLets learn Part B and C Name Class Number 1. I have r

8、ead it for _ times.2. I can read these words:Animals: Things: 3. I know these sentences: 4. The difficulties: 我今天进步了吗?A. 进步大( ) B. 进步一般( ) C. 没进步( )您对孩子今天的表现:A. 满 意( ) B. 基本满意( ) C. 不满意( )家长签名 教师寄语: 课内探究教 师 活 动( Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、复习交流,新知导入T: Class begins.T: Good mo

9、rning, boys and girls.T: OK. Sit down, please.T: Nice to see you again.T: Do you like English?T: Do you like apples? /peaches? /swimming /fishing?T: Very good! Sit down, please.T: Lets sing a song We can sing and dance together.S: Stand up.S: Good morning, Miss Yan.S: Nice to see you, too.S: Yes, I

10、do.S: No, I dont.S: Thank you.S: Sing the song.Do you like? 这个句型在三年级已经学过,所以在新授之前复习这个知识,为新知识做了铺垫。唱歌能让学生心情愉悦,迅速进入英语学习状态。同时这首歌还复习了Unit3的内容。二、合作探究,自主学习1. Learn the new word “mask”.T: In Halloween, people like to put on masks. This is the most important sign for Halloween. Look, I have some masks. What m

11、asks are they? Lets play a guessing game. OK? (准备四个面具“rabbit, cat, pig ,tiger”让学生看面具反面)Look, here is a pig mask.(Teach : mask)板书mask 并领读T:I have some masks here. Are they nice? Do you like them? If you need them, come here. 2. Learn the new word “pig”.T: This is a mask. This is a pig mask. (Teach :

12、pig) do the action板书pig并领读3. Learn the new word “chicken, duck” and “Do you like? Yes, I do.”(课件呈现鸡叫声)T: What is it? Ss: 鸡、chickenT: Yes, its a chicken.(呈现) 教学:chicken T: chicken chickens I like chickens.(呈现一群鸡,板书复数。)T: , do you like chickens? S1: Yes, I do.板书 Do you like?T: , do you like chickens?

13、S2: Yes, I do.板书Yes, I do.T: I have a box. (师手拿一个小盒子) Whats in the box? Guess.T: Look, theres a duck in the box.(从盒子里拿出玩具鸭子) 教学:duck T: duck, duck,嘎,嘎,嘎 I like ducks.(板书ducks)T: , do you like ducks? S3: Yes, I do.S4: Miss Yan, do you like ducks? T: Yes, I do. Pair work: Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 4.Learn the new word “ horse” and What do you like?T: 画出horse的简笔画What is it?Ss: 马,horse T: Yes, its a horse. 教学:horseT: I like horses. ., do you like horses? S5: Yes, I do.T: ., do you like horses? S6: Yes, I do.(生问)Ss: Miss Yan , do you like horses?


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