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1、“辩论”argue点拨 argue vi. 辩论,争论。常用短语: argue with sb. about / over sth. 就某事和某人辩论。如:He often argued with his teacher about / over politics.他经常和老师辩论政治问题。 argue against 据理反对。如:He argued against the plan. 他反对这个计划。 argue for 为辩护。如:The lawyer argued for the poor man. 那位律师为那位可怜的人辩护。 vt. 争论,说服。常用短语:argue sb. int

2、o / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事。如:They argued the thing for hours. 他们就这件事情争论了几个小时。He argued her into / out of making the decision.他说服她做出/不要做出那个决定。拓展 argument n. 辩论,争论;论点,论据, 理由。如:We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.我们和服务员就账单发生了争吵。His argument was that public spending must be reduced.他的论点是公共开支必须缩减。小试 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. There was _ (一场激烈的争论) over the matter.2. We _ (说服她和我们一起参加了宴会).3. It is no use_ (与那个人争辩).4. The brothers _ (总是为房子的事而争吵).Key: 1. a heated argument2. argued her into joining us in the party 3. arguing with that person 4. are always arguing about / over the house


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